Title: World Trends In The Newspaper Industry: An Update
1World Trends In The Newspaper IndustryAn Update
- Timothy BaldingChief Executive OfficerWorld
Association of Newspapers
2The World of Newspapers
- Countries
- included in WPT
- 2003 - 74 countries
- 2004 - 208
- 2005 215
- 2006 - 216
- Total number of countries/territories in the
world 260 - Total number of countries where newspapers are
published 216 - (83 of all countries)
- Total number of countries where dailies are
published 186 - 29 countries publish only non daily titles
World Press Trends includes data on all
countries where newspapers are published
3World Headlines
- Global circulations increase
- Developing markets soar ahead
- Free daily market share surges
- Best advertising performance in four years
- Resurgence in newspaper classified advertising
- Newspaper web traffic continues high growth
4Overview 2001 - 2005
- World circulation trends
- 1 year 0.56
- 5 year 6
5Overview - Paid Circulation
Global paid newspaper circulation increased year
on year 2004/05 0.56
Over the five year period 2001- 2005 circulation
increased by 6
6Overview - Circulation Paid Free
Global newspaper circulation including free
dailies 2004/05 1.21
Over the five year period 2001- 2005 circulation
increased by 7.8
7Overview - Circulation
- 2005
- Paid newspaper circulations up in 35 of the
countries surveyed - 5 year trend
- Paid newspaper circulations up in 28 of
countries surveyed
8Overview - Titles
World paid daily titles 1 year -0.3 5 years
9Overview - Paid Titles
Global daily titles decreased year on year
2004/05 - 0.3
Over the five year period 2001- 2005 daily
titles increased by 8.1
10Overview - Titles
World paid free daily titles 1 year
0.06 5 years 8.9
11Overview Titles Paid Free
Daily titles increased 2004/05 0.06
Over the five year period 2001- 2005 daily
titles increased by 8.89
12Circulation Trends
13Top 100 titles
14Top 100 titles
15Daily Paid Circulations
6.0 over 5 years
16Paid Daily Circulation Combined Paid/Free
17Paid Free - Major Free Markets
18World Daily Newspaper Paid Circulation
1 year
N. America
S. America
Australia Oceania
19World Paid Daily Newspaper Titles
1year -0,3
5 year 8.1
20World Paid Daily Newspaper Titles - By Region
1 year
N. America
S. America
Australia Oceania
21Titles Paid Dailies Combined Paid/Free
22Paid Circulation
In 2005, 35 of countries report increases in
daily sales over the previous year
For sales of non dailies, 54 of countries report
year on year increases
36 of countries report a year on year increase
in Sunday sales
23Newspaper Circulation - 2001 / 2005 - EU
In the EU, of the 21 countries surveyed, 7
reported circulation increases in 2005 In the
five year period, 5 reported circulation
24Paid Titles
18 of countries report an increase in daily
titles last year
Over 5 years 40 of countries report an increase
in daily titles
Over 5 years 58 of countries report an increase
in non daily titles
Over 5 years 80 of countries report an increase
in Sunday titles
25Circulation Performance - EU
n Paid free dailies
1 year 1.34 5 year 0. 05
u Paid dailies
1 year -0.61 5 year -5.26
26Circulation Performance - All Europe
n Paid free dailies
1 year 1.64 5 year -1.28
u Paid dailies
1 year -0.24 5 year -6.28
27Circulation Performance EU 2005
Circulation up in 7 countries last year
28Other Europe - Circulation
29Daily Paid Titles EU - 2005
1 year 0.82
5 year 3.2
30Daily Paid Free Titles EU - 2005
1 year 1.8
5 year 6.3
31Newspaper Circulation- USA/Japan/China
Data for 2004/2001
32Circulation Performance
- The number of titles in Russia continues to grow
33Newspaper Circulations - Latin America
34Newspaper Circulation
35Newspaper Circulations - Asia/Pacific
2004/2003, 2004/2000 data
36Newspaper Circulations - Asia/Pacific
37Circulations - Largest Markets
Circulation increase 2004/2005 Circulation
decrease 2004/2005 2003/2004 data
38Newspaper Sales Per Thousand Population
Top 5 Japan Norway Finland Sweden Switzerland
39Newspaper Sales Per Thousand Population
Bottom 5 Mozambique Uganda Armenian Zambia Botswan
40Newspaper Reading TimesAvailable countries
2004 data
41Sunday NewspapersCirculation available markets
Globally One year -3.4 Five year 15.7
42Non Daily NewspapersCirculation available markets
One year 4.8 Five year 25.2
43Non Daily Newspaper Titles Available markets
One year 1.2 Five year 32.6
44Free Newspaper Trends
45Free Daily Newspapers
6 of global daily newspaper circulations
17 of European circulations
46Share of Free Dailies Vs Paid Dailies
Paid dailies -2005 Free dailies- 2006-To date
Sources WPT / Amsterdam School of
Communications Research (ASCoR) , WPT and other
various sources
47Top Twenty Free Dailies 2006-To Date
48Format Changes
28 more newspapers moved to tabloid last year and
85 since 2001
49Newsprint Costs by Country
US per tonne Last available
50Advertising Trends
51Daily Newspaper Advertising Revenue
Advertising revenues up in 2005 by 5.7 Over
five years advertising revenue is up by 11.7
52Total newspaper advertising spend share
53Increased share of advertising
54Share of Advertising by Medium
Internet growth impressive against a small base
revenuePrint media loses share
Zenith Optimedia
55Share of Newspaper Advertising by Region
Europe loses shareAsia, USA and the rest of the
world increase shareLatin America stable
56Advertising Revenue - Europe
57Advertising revenue performance EU
Ad Expenditure
58Advertising- USA/Canada/Japan/China
59Advertising revenue - India/South Africa
60Advertising revenue- Russia
All print media
61Advertising revenue - Australia/New Zealand
2004/03 2004/01
62Internet Trends
63Newspaper Online Consumption Selected titles
- Newspaper online consumption rises again in 2005
64Number of newspaper websites
65All Internet Advertising Revenues
Source Zenith Optimedia
66All Internet Advertising Revenues
67All Internet Advertising Revenues
68All Internet Advertising RevenuesAsia / Pacific
2004/2005 Internet revenues 42 growth
69Shaping the Future of the Newspaper Classified
advertising survey72 newspaper companies in 45
70SFN Classified Advertising Survey72 newspaper
companies in 45 countries
71Classified MigrationYear on year trend in
mature markets
72SFN Classified Advertising Survey72 newspaper
companies in 45 countries
Recruitment share
73SFN Classified Advertising Survey72 newspaper
companies in 45 countries
Property share
74SFN Classified Advertising Survey72 newspaper
companies in 45 countries
Automotive share
75Classified Online Revenues Increase
76Summary - 2006 Headlines
59th World Newspaper Congress
Timothy Balding