Title: The Three (3) Jewish Feasts
1The Three (3) Jewish Feasts
- Passover also called Unleavened Bread
- Pentecost also called Harvest, or Feast of
Weeks - Tabernacles also called Ingathering or Booths
Three times thou shalt keep a feast unto me in
the year Exodus 2314
2The First Feast PASSOVER
Passover itself was just the one day, the 14th,
when they killed and ate the lamb, but it was
followed immediately by a Holy Day of Convocation
when they began the seven days of eating bread
with the leaven removed. So the Feast of
Unleavened Bread became another name for
PASSOVERfor this first feast of the year for the
- Based on the story in Ex12 about the tenth plague
and saving the Hebrews from the death angel who
was destroying all the first-born. - They were to take a lamb on the 10th day of the
1st month, and on the 14th day they were to kill
it and eat it. - The blood of the lamb was to be smeared on the
doorway of each household.
3The Second Feast PentecostOtherwise known as
Feast of Weeks, or Harvest
- This was the longest of the 3 feasts, and began
when the first of the crops appeared (no set
calendar date). When the High Priest waved
those firstfruits it began the 7-week countdown
to the Day of Pentecost.
Pente or Penta is the Greek word meaning
five, and referred to the fifty day period
leading up to the one day of Holy Convocation
when the law abiding Jews were required to
present themselves at the temple in Jerusalem.
Begin to number the 7 weeks from such time as
you begin to put the sickle to the corn - Deut
169 Three times in a year shall all thy males
appear in the place which he shall choose Deut
4The 3rd Feast TABERNACLESalso known as Feast
of Ingathering, or Booths
- This final feast of the year was in the 7th
month, and had three specific events. - 7/1 Trumpets (Rosh Hashana)
- 7/10 Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur)
- 7/15 Seven days of dwelling in booths, or
tabernacles. (Succoth)
For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven
with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and
the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ shall
rise first 1Thes416
5Passover / Pentecost / Tabernacles
Jesus is the Lamb of God John 129 Jesus is the SEED that was planted John1224 and 1Peter 123 We build our house on the Rock that is Christ 1Cor 104.
We eat Him by reading and doing the Word! John 653 Josephs dream of the sheaves is a type of Jesus the True Bread. Everybodys building a house! Some to their everlasting shame
6The New Testament says
- For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for
us 1Cor57 - But now is Christ risen from the dead, and
become the firstfruits..
1Cor1520 - The coming of our Lord Jesus Christ and our
gathering together unto him - 1Thes21
For every house is builded by some man, but he
that built all things is GOD Heb33
7So, shall we keep the feasts??
- Certainly, but we dont have to go to Jerusalem
anymore We keep them by (1) realizing that the
blood of Jesus is on our hands, and by (2) eating
the Bread, and by (3) building our spiritual
house on the Rock of Ageson the Rock that is
Christ. 1Cor104
Therefore let us keep the Feast, not with old
leaven 1Cor58