Title: P1250095217sIRJS
1Memory through Story This can help you remember a
list of words Two eggs were walking down the
road and were attacked, they were cracked and
whisked by a hot pan. It was the season of
summer and the sun was the colour of cheese. The
two eggs Mom found them in a heap and was so
distraught at their state, she flipped. Can you
guess the recipe?
Study Skills
2Mind Mapping This can help you plot out different
areas of a topic to revise from. Mind Maps are
for the visual learner and use diagrams,
illustrations, words, colours and symbols to aid
Study Skills
3Tables of Difference This can help you split up
an argument to look at two perspectives. Good
preparation for a compare and contrast essay
question Cats are the best pets? Table of
Difference A table of difference is a table
where one column is one argument and the other
column is the opposite argument. This can be for
or against, agree or disagree or pros and cons
Agree Disagree
Cats are independent Dont need to poop scoop They go out on their own They are cute They are easy to look after They cost less to keep They dont need walking They sleep all day They sit on your lap They give you fuss They purr Cats are snobby They have litter trays They eat birds and mice Dogs are cuter They scratch your furniture They dont do tricks Cat food smells
Study Skills
4Mnemonics This can help you remember a set of
words or rules for a certain topic. You can make
up your own for your subjects. A mnemonic is
something used to help remember something.
Verses and lists are commonly used. Days in the
Month 30 days hath September,  April, June and
November,All the rest have 31,  Excepting
February alone(And that has 28 days
clear,  With 29 in each leap year). English
Language (Conjunctions) BOY SAT with BEN (Â But,
Or, Yet, So, And, Then,Both...and,Â
Either...or, Neither...nor ).
Study Skills
5Reading for Information This can be used to
highlight key words or facts within a piece of
text. It can also be used to scan for the answer
to a set question Scanning This is a quick
search for something important like a name,
diagram or key word etc. Students who are good at
this are much more likely to find just what they
want quickly - avoid reading in detail other
parts of the text! Skimming You have not set
out to find a particular fact or key word, but
want to see what's there - try looking at the
Contents page for example. Skimming allows you to
get an overall feel for the text being read.
Study Skills
6Six Simple Techniques for Note Taking You can use
these techniques when making notes Condense.
Fitting notes onto one side of paper makes them
easier to stomach, so rewrite and cut down as you
go. Highlight. Target key areas using colours
and symbols. Visuals help you remember the facts.
Record. Try putting important points, quotes
and formulae on tape. If you hear them and read
them, they're more likely to sink in. Talk.
Read your notes out loud, it's one way of getting
them to register. Test. See what you can
remember without notes, but avoid testing
yourself on subjects you know already. Time. Do
past exam papers against the clock, it's an
excellent way of getting up to speed.
Study Skills
7Hints and Tips for Revision You can help yourself
revise by following these simple
guidelines Make your own revision notes. You'll
learn as you write and, once you've got them,
you're halfway there. Be brief. Check the
syllabus or ask a teacher to make sure you've got
the key areas sussed. Concentrating on the plus
points of revision helps keep you going. Start by
thinking how much easier you'll find the exams.
Don't overdo it. Your concentration lapses
after a couple of hours, so take regular breaks.
Experiment with different revision techniques.
Variety beats boredom. Focus. Don't make
pointless notes. Look at past exam papers and see
how questions could be asked. Get confident. If
you're positive about exams, you should take in
more information and remember it when it counts.
Study Skills
8Memory You can use this memory technique to learn
certain facts for an examination Put Post-It
notes around your bedroom of facts that you need
to remember. For example The German words for
items in your room The Periodic Table at certain
points in your room so that when you turn on the
light switch you remember one fact.
Study Skills
9Tips for Visual Learners Rewrite your notes as
mind-maps Use colour to highlight important
things Draw diagrams and sketches to help you
remember points.
Study Skills
10Tips for Auditory Learners Read your notes
aloud Record yourself on cassette reading key
points of your notes aloud, then listen to the
tape afterwards Revise with other students if
you can Sing the main points. Linking them with
a tune may help you remember them.
Study Skills
11Tips for Active Learners Move around the room
Revise while you do kung-fu moves or other
physical activity Mentally review what youve
been revising while youre swimming or jogging.
Study Skills
12Tips for learners who are readers and
writers Copy out your notes. Read your notes
silently. Rewrite the key points using different
words. Write down key points from memory.
Study Skills