Nervous system I - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Nervous system I


Neurons-control center is cell body and contains the nucleus ... These sodium ions diffuse for a short distance and produce a current that travels from pt. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nervous system I

Chapter 10
  • Nervous system I

Function of neurons
  • Excitability (irritability)-ability to respond to
    a stimulus
  • conductivity-electrical signals quickly reach
    other cells at distant locations
  • Secretion-electrical signal reaches end of neuron
    and stimulates the release of neurotransmitter
    that stimulates the next cell

Types of neurons
  • Sensory (afferent) neurons-detect changes in
    environment (stimuli) and transmit this
    information INTO the central nervous system
  • Cells that respond to stimuli are called
  • Interneurons (association) neurons-found in the
    CNS and connect the sensory and motor (90 of
    all neurons are this type)
  • Motor (efferent) neurons-send signals to muscle
    and glands which carry out the response to
    stimuli (cells or organs that carry out the
    response are called effectors)

Structural Classification of Neurons
  • http//
  • Unipolar-a single process leading away from the
    cells body (sensory neurons from skin)
  • Bipolar-one axon and one dendrite (olfactory
    cells of nasal cavity)
  • Multipolar-one axon and many dendrites, most
  • http//

Subdivision of the Nervous System
  • Central Nervous System-Brain and Spinal Cord
  • Contains gray matter and white matter
  • Peripheral Nervous System-everything not in the
  • Contains nerves and ganglia
  • Nerves are bundles of nerve fibers wrapped in
    fibrous connective tissue (more in a minute!)
  • Ganglia are swellings where the nerve cell bodies
    are located

Subdivisions of the PNS
  • Functionally divided into sensory and motor
  • Each of these is divided into somatic and
    visceral subdivisions
  • Put it all together you have
  • Somatic sensory-signals from skin, muscle, bone
  • Visceral sensory-signals from viscera
  • Somatic motor-signals to skeletal muscle
  • Visceral motor (autonomic)-signals to glands,
    cardiac and smooth muscle
  • Have sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions

More on nerves
  • A nerve is a bundle of thousands of axons, plus
    blood vessels, and connective tissue that lie
    outside the brain and spinal cord
  • Nerves coming from the brain are called cranial
  • Nerves coming from the spinal cord are called
    spinal nerves
  • Each of these is protected by 3 layers
    endoneurium, perineurium, epineurium

(No Transcript)
Cells of Nervous system
  • http//
    l for a quiz over structure
  • 3 main parts dendrites, cell body, axon

Structure of cells of the nervous system
  • Neurons-control center is cell body and contains
    the nucleus
  • The soma or cell body has mitochondria,
    cytoplasm, lysosomes, golgi bodies, ER, and
  • The rough ER is called Nissl bodies and are
    unique to neurons
  • No mitosis after adolescence, but unspecialized
    stem cells can divide in CNS and become neurons
  • Lipofuscin pigment collects with age and pushes
    nucleus to side (no apparent problems associated
    with this)

  • -branches that receive signals from other neurons
    and send them into the cell body
  • Neurons can have one or many (receive more
    information with many)

  • Axon hillock is a mound coming off the cell body
    where the axon arises
  • Neurons have a single axon that is specialized
    for receiving signals from the cell body
  • May branch (axon collateral)
  • Cytoplasm of axon is axoplasm, cell membrane is
  • Synaptic knob is found at the terminal end of the
    axon contain synaptic vesicles with
  • forms a synapse with the muscle, gland, or other

Axonal transport
  • All the proteins needed by neuron are made in
    soma and travel by axonal transport
  • Travel down the axon is by anterograde transport
  • Return used synaptic vesicles, etc and
    information up axon by retrograde transport
  • Also have axoplasmic flow which is only
    antergrade and slow, and governs regeneration
    speed of damaged nerve fibers

  • Outnumber neurons 50 to 1
  • Bind neurons together and support them
  • 6 types
  • Oligodendrocytes-forms myelin sheath around nerve
    fiber and insulates it, speeds up the impulse
  • Astrocytes-star shaped, most abundant type in
    CNS, help form Blood Brain Barrier, contact blood

Neuroglia continued
  • Ependymal cells -produce CSF in CNS
  • Microglia-small macrophages that phagocytize dead
    cells in CNS
  • Schwann cells -envelop nerve fibers in PNS and
    produce myelin sheath, assist in regeneration of
    damaged nerve fibers
  • Satellite cells -surround neuron cell bodies in
    ganglia of PNS, little known of function
  • http// for
    article on Guillain-Barr Syndrome (GBS)

  • Myelin sheath is insulating layer around a nerve
    fiber, segmented by Nodes of Ranvier
  • Formed by oligodendrocytes in CNS and Schwann
    cells in PNS
  • Little myelin in brain at birth, develops rapidly
    in infancy and completed in adolescence (high
    lipid diet important)

  • Arm like processes of oligodendrocytes reach out
    to nerve fibers and spiral around them
  • Almost no cytoplasm between the membranes
  • Takes many oligodendrocytes to cover a nerve fiber

Schwann Cells
  • Spiral around a single nerve fiber
  • Puts down around 100 layers of membrane
  • Surrounded by neurilemma which is the outermost
  • Neurilemma contains the nucleus and most of the
    cytoplasm (not in CNS)
  • Surrounding this is a basement membrane and
    endoneurium that is not found in CNS

Speed of impulses
  • Depends on myelin and diameter of nerve fiber
  • Large myelinated fibers are fastest-120 m/sec due
    to saltatory conduction
  • Small myelinated fibers-3-15 m/sec
  • Small unmyelinated fibers-0.5-2.0 m/sec

http// Anim
Regeneration of nerve fibers
  • Damaged Peripheral nerve fiber can regenerate if
    soma is intact and some neurilemma remains
  • First damaged myelin sheath and axon degenerate
    and are removed
  • Next a regeneration tube forms by neurilemma and
  • Axon stump puts out sprouts and one will find
    its way into the tube
  • Grows 3-5 mm per day, other sprouts are
  • Must make sure connection is the same!

Animations for nerve impulse
  • http//
  • http//

Resting Membrane Potential
  • Living cells are polarized (has potential like a
    charge in a battery)
  • The charge difference across the plasma membrane
    is the resting membrane potential (RMP)
  • This is typically about -70 mV (millivolts)
  • The negative value means there are more
    negatively charged particles on the inside of the
    membrane than on the outside

How does this happen?
  • Electrical currents in the body are created by
    the flow of ions such as Na and K though
    openings or channels in the membrane
  • Gated channels can be opened and closed by
    various stimuli, enabling cells to turn currents
    off and on
  • The RMP is due to the fact that electrolytes are
    unevenly distributed between ECF outside the
    plasma membrane and ICF inside

RMP continued
  • Depends on 3 things
  • diffusion of ions
  • Selective permeability of membrane allowing some
    ions to move more easily
  • Electrical attraction of anions and cations to
    each other
  • Potassium has the greatest influence because the
    plasma membrane is more permeable to these ions

Electrolytes and RMP
  • Sodium ions are 12 times as concentrated in the
    ECF as the ICF (more outside than inside)
  • Potassium is more concentrated in the ICF than
    the ECF (about 40 times at equilibrium)-more
    inside than outside
  • Both follow laws of diffusion and travel down
    concentration gradients (greater to less
  • Sodium leaks in and potassium leaks out, so a
    sodium/potassium pump moves them back at a ratio
    of 3 Na out for every 2 K in (this requires 1

Local Potentials (LP)
  • When neuron is stimulated the response usually
    begins at the dendrite, then the soma, and into
    the axon and ends at synaptic bulb
  • A signal (pain, chemical, whatever) triggers
    sodium channels to open and sodium will rush
    inside the cell
  • This changes the charge on the inside so that it
    becomes less negative
  • Once this begins it is depolarization
  • These sodium ions diffuse for a short distance
    and produce a current that travels from pt. of
    stimulation toward trigger zone (short range
    change is local potential)

Four difference between local and action
  • 1. local potentials are graded they vary in
    strength depending on strength of stimulus
  • 2. they are decremental they get weaker as they
    spread because K leaks out
  • 3. they are reversible when stimulation
    ceases, K diffuses out quickly and cell returns
    to resting potential
  • 4. local potentials can be inhibitory or
  • http//
    scan down page to find a puzzle

Action Potentials
  • This zone is a more dramatic change
  • Occur only where there are lots of voltage
    regulated gates
  • Most of the soma only has 50-75 gates per square
    micrometer, no action potential possible
  • The trigger zone has 350-500 gates per square
  • If the excitatory local potential reaches the
    trigger zone with enough strength, you get an
    action potential (rapid up/down shift in voltage)

Events in Action Potential
  • When sodium arrives at axon hillock, they
    depolarize the membrane there (LP)
  • If LP rises to threshold level (-55 mV) voltage
    regulated gates open
  • Neuron fires and produces an AP and Na and K
    gates open
  • Na is fast, K is slower
  • Acts like positive feedback so more and more Na
    rushes in and voltage rises fast (depolarization)

  • Once voltage measures 0 mV the Na gates
    inactivate and close, but it takes time for all
    to close
  • Ending voltage is 35 mV (approximate)
  • Membrane is now positive inside, negative outside
  • By this time the K gates are fully open and K
    rush out (repolarization)
  • Potassium gates stay open longer so amount of K
    that leaves is greater than what was there
    resulting in hyperpolarization (1 or 2 mV
  • Ion diffusion will eventually restore the balance
    found in RMP

AP vs LP
  • Action potentials follow All OR None Law meaning
    if the threshold is reached it responds
  • APs are non-decremental and do not get weaker
    with distance from trigger point
  • APs are irreversible, if threshold is reached it
    cant be stopped (like firing a gun)

Refractory Period
  • Period of resistance to restimulation
  • 2 phases
  • Absolute refractory -no stimulus of any strength
    can trigger a new action potential
  • Corresponds to opening of sodium channels (gates)
  • Relative refractory- a strong stimulus can
    trigger a new AP
  • Lasts until K gates close and hyperpolarization
    is complete

Myelinated vs unmyelinated
  • In unmyelinated fibers Na gates line the entire
  • AP in trigger zone causes excitation and
    depolarization immediately distal to spot
  • This repeats down the entire axon (like a wave in
    a football stadium)
  • With myelinated fibers the only way a nerve
    signal can travel is by jumping from Nodes of
    Ranvier to Nodes of Ranvier (saltatory conduction)

  • Impulses pass from neuron to neuron or other
    cells at the synapse
  • The presynaptic neuron is before the synapse
  • The postsynaptic neuron is after the synapse
  • http//
    play this clip!

Synapses continued
  • Presynaptic neuron can synapse with dendrite,
    soma, or axon of another nerve
  • This is axodendritic, axosomatic, or axoaxonic
  • Axons can have a huge number of synapses (in
    cerebellum of brain one neuron can have 100,000

  • Acetylcholine was first discovered
  • There are over 100 neurotransmitters
  • 3 main categories according to chemical
  • 1. Acetylcholine
  • 2. Amino acids-glycine, glutamine, aspartate,
  • 3. Monoamines or biogenic amines made from
    amino acids
  • -include catecholamines like epinephrine and
  • NE and indolamines like serotonin and
  • histamine

  • http//
  • A fourth category is neuropeptides, differ
    because they are stored in secretory granules
  • Substance P mediates pain transmission
  • Beta endorphin-produces runners high
  • Enkephalins-act as pain relievers by inhibiting
    substance P
  • See tables 10.4-10.6

Neural integration
  • The ability of neurons to process ALL
    information, store and recall, and make decisions
  • Post-synaptic potentials
  • EPSP-excitatory postsynaptic potential-any change
    that makes a neuron more likely to fire (usually
    Na entering) glutamate and aspartate
  • IPSP-inhibitory postsynaptic potential-hyperpolari
    zation will make the postsynaptic cell less
    likely to fire (extra K leaving) glycine and

Summation, Facilitation, Inhibition
  • Neuron may receive input from 1000s of
    Pre-synaptic neurons at the same time
  • Some are EPSP and some are IPSP, net effect
    determines what will happen
  • Summation is the process of adding the
    post-synaptic potentials and responding to net
  • Facilitation is when one neurons enhances the
    effect of another
  • Presynaptic inhibition is opposite of
    facilitation and is used to reduce unwanted
    synaptic transmissions

Neuronal pools and circuits
  • Thousands to miIlions of interneurons that
    control body function
  • Follow a neuronal pathway
  • 1. diverging circuit-one nerve fiber branches
    and synapses with several postsynaptic cells
  • 2. converging circuit-input from many nerve
    fibers is funneled into one
  • 3. Reverberating circuit-linear sequence where C
    sends collateral back to A. Every time C fires
    it stimulates A and C
  • 4. Parallel after-discharge circuit-single input
    diverges to stimulate several chains and
    eventually re-converge to output neuron
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