Title: Diarrheal Diseases in Underdeveloped Countries
1Diarrheal Diseases in Underdeveloped Countries
- Worldwide Problem
- More than 10,000 deaths per day
- On average, about 18 diarrheal episodes per year
- Primarily in children
2Diarrheal Diseases in Developed Countries
- Continues to be a problem
- 25 million enteric infections per year
- 10,000 deaths per year in the U.S.A
- Highest rate in children under 5
3Immunodiagnostics for Diarrheal Disease
Clostridium difficile Entamoeba
histolytica/dispar Giardia Cryptosporidium Clostri
dium perfringens Fecal Leukocytes Inflammatory
Bowel/Irritable Bowel
4Clostridium difficile
5- Clostridium difficile is a gram positive, spore
forming bacillus - Now known to be the cause of pseudomembranous
colitis (PMC)and antibiotic associated
diarrhea(AAD) - Causes almost all cases of PMC but only 25 of
AAD. The most common cause of nosocomial diarrhea
6- Organism first described in 1935 - isolated from
feces of normal infants and named Bacillus
difficilis because of difficulty in isolation - Only recognized as a pathogen in late 1970s
- Diarrhea is efficient method of spreading spores
7In early 80s Dr Wilkins and his research team at
the Anaerobe Lab at Virginia Polytechnic
Institute (VPI) isolated and characterized toxin
A and toxin B of Clostridium difficile. Dr
Bartlett at Johns Hopkins University had
recognized that C.difficile produces two toxins
in 1980
8- Dr Wilkins research group also developed the
first diagnostic test for the disease and
developed and patented the antibodies
subsequently used by all other companies for the
development of their competitive EIAs. - The names Dr Wilkins and/or Dr Lyerly (the
founders and co-owners of TechLab Inc) are to be
found in the reference list of ALL competitive
companies kit inserts
9Clinical Terms
- Antibiotic Associated Diarrhea
- Antibiotic Associated Colitis
- Pseudomembranous Colitis
10Sequence of events leading to C.difficile
- Alteration of normal gut flora
- Nosocomial infection by C.difficile
- Growth and production of toxins
- Tissue damage by toxin A, exacerbated by toxin B
- Diarrhea and colitis due to tissue damage and
influx of fluid
11Biological Activities of Toxin A and B of
12Are there unusual strains that may be missed with
an ELISA that detects only toxin A?
Multicenter Evaluation of the Clostridium
difficile TOX A/B TEST Journal of Clinical
Microbiology, Jan 1998, p. 184-190 An Outbreak of
Toxin A negative, Toxin B positive Clostridium
difficile Associated Diarrhea in a Canadian
Tertiary Care Hospital. Canada Communicable
Disease Report, April 1999 Characterization of a
Toxin A negative, Toxin B positive Strain of
Clostridium difficile Responsible for a
Nosocomial Outbreak of Clostridium difficile
Associated Diarrhea Journal of Clinical
Microbiology, July 2000, p. 2706-2714 Pseudomembra
nous Colitis Caused by a Toxin A- Toxin B strain
of Clostridium difficile Journal of Clinical
Microbiology, April 2000, p. 1696-1697
14- These strains have caused fatalities in Europe
and North America - Actual incidence (at this time) is unknown - we
believe it is around 10, however, a study in
Israel showed an incidence of more than 66 in
one hospital setting
15- These strains do not lack toxin A - they only
lack the region of the toxin A gene that codes
for the antibody binding site -known as the
receptor region.
16Analysis of A-B isolates by PCR
- 52 A-/B isolates tested
- All 52 were from clinical specimens that tested
A-/B - All 52 have the same large deletion in Toxin A
Antibody binding site-(repeat region)
Toxin B
Toxin A
17All Broad Spectrum Antibiotics cause C.difficile
- Not due to resistance of C.difficile
- Due to susceptibility of normal flora
- Diarrhea sometimes can be stopped by stopping the
inciting agent
18Epidemiology of C.difficile Disease
- lt3 normal carrier rate in healthy adults
- 50 or higher in infants
usually asymptomatic - Outbreaks occur in hospitals and medical centers
19Transmission of C.difficile
- Primarily a nosocomial pathogen - however can be
present in the community (mainly a disease of the
aged) - Spore former - study showed that spores spread on
floor of clean hospital room could be isolated
and cultured months later - Has been isolated from hands of health care
workers, library books, medical equipment, cords
used to summon nurses, carpet etc.
20Benefits of TechLab TOX A/B II TEST
- Has highest correlation with tissue culture (gold
standard), highly sensitive and specific - Detects both toxins
- Diluent stabilizes toxin for transport or storage
21Benefits of TechLab TOX A/B II TEST
- Can be performed in as little as 40 minutes
(rapid format) - Developed by the pioneers of C.difficile testing
(Competitors use the TechLab patented monoclonal
antibody) - No indeterminates, no repeat testing
- Can be used with the TechLab stool preparation
device to cut down on technician time and
stabilize the toxin for transport
22Clostridium difficile Testing
- Culture
- Latex agglutination
- Tissue Culture
- Culturing is not standardized
- Requires anaerobic techniques, special selective
media and expertise not readily available in may
labs - A toxin test has to be performed on the cultured
isolates to determine whether the organisms is
toxigenic or nontoxigenic - Organisms from asymptomatic patients can be
isolated - these patients do not require
antibiotic therapy - Organisms present in very low numbers can also be
cultured - these may or may not cause disease
24Latex Agglutination
- Detects glutamate dehydrogenase, an enzyme
produced by both toxigenic and nontoxigenic
C.difficile and some other Clostridia - Very low sensitivity and specificity
25Tissue Culture (Cytotoxicity Test)
- Gold standard as it was the first test available
and can detect picogram quantities of toxin B
(remember, toxin B is the most potent cytotoxin
known to man - toxin A is also cytotoxic but at
the dilutions used in this test it has no
cytotoxic effect). - Test requires that sample be diluted,
centrifuged, filter sterilized and dispensed into
the wells of a microtiter plate containing a
confluent sheet of mammalian cells - Labor intensive and takes 24-48 hours for a
result - Requires considerable expertise and specialized
Clostridium difficile Tests that are toxin A
- TechLab TOX A TEST
- Meridian Premier Toxin A
- Bartels Prima (recently purchased by Trinity)
- Alexon ProspecT Toxin A
- Vidas CDA
- Becton Dickinson Culturette CD
- Biosite Triage
- Becton Dickinson ColorPac Toxin A
27EIA TESTS that detect both toxin A and toxin B
- TechLab TOX A/B TEST
- Meridian Premier AB