Title: Chapter 6 Behavioral adaptations for survival
1Chapter 6 Behavioral adaptations for survival
21. What is an adaptationist approach
- Constraints
- 1. Mutation failure
- 2. pleiotrophy
- 3. coevolution
- Definitions
- Fitness higher reproductive success
- Adaptation physiological changes to enhance
36.1Â Â Mobbing behavior of colonial, ground-nesting
- Predator distraction hypothesis
- Eggs survive better because predators cant focus
on finding them on the ground when mobbed.
46.3Â Â Does mobbing protect eggs?
56.4Â Â Benefit of high nest density for the arctic
62. How does the comparataive method work? Â Use
Gull phylogeny and two scenarios for the origin
of cliff-nesting behavior as an example (Part 1)
76.5Â Â Gull phylogeny and two scenarios for the
origin of cliff-nesting behavior (Part 2)
86.6Â Â Not all gulls nest on the ground
96.7Â Â The logic of the comparative method
103. What is convergent evolution ? Why are
Colonial California ground squirrels an example
of convergent evolution?
116.9Â Â Evidence for a cost of parental mobbing
126.12Â Â Fighting back by terns and wasps
136.13Â Â Communal defense by sawfly larvae
146.14Â Â A group of sleeping bees
154. What is a cost-benefit approach? Use the
dilution effect in butterfly groups as an
166.10Â Â The dilution effect in butterfly groups
(Part 2)
176.11Â Â The dilution effect in mayflies
185. What are the costs and benefits of
camouflague? Cryptic coloration depends on
background selection
196.16Â Â The camouflaged moth, Biston betularia
206.17Â Â Predation risk and background selection by
216.18Â Â Cryptic coloration and body orientation
226.19Â Â Does cryptic behavior work?
236.23Â Â Effect of monarch butterfly toxins
246.20Â Â The value of a backpack (Part 1)
256.20Â Â The value of a backpack (Part 2)
266. What is a Darwinian puzzle? How does Warning
coloration demonstrate this?
276.24Â Â Why behave conspicuously?
287. What is "stotting"?  Â
List and explain 4 alternative hypothesis to
explain stotting? Which do you think the data
29Alternative hypothesis for stotting
- Alarm signal
- warn conspecifics
- Social cohesion
- form groups and flee together
- Confusion effect
- Keep predator from fleeing
- Pursuit deterrence
- Allow predators to evaluate condition
30(No Transcript)
316.26Â Â Cheetahs abandon hunts more often when
gazelles stot