Point in time checkbook balance

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Point in time checkbook balance


Makes miscellaneous checks ... Unlimited Locations Sites and Bins ... Currency Rate Definition Define an unlimited number of currencies and exchange ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Point in time checkbook balance

Sharply reduce time and effort spent on key
accounting tasks with comprehensive automation,
and manage the financial heart of your business
with intelligent accounting and analysis
capabilities that make your finances work for
you, giving you the vital information you need
and changing the way you do business for the
Gain unparalleled access to mission-critical
financial information within your business and
turn that data into a powerful competitive tool
,while at the same time controlling it with
greater efficiency and ease than even before
Bank Reconciliation
General Ledger
  • Smooth and efficient reconciliation
  • Extend your reconciliation capabilities with ease
    using customizable transaction views, summaries
    of important information, historical balance
    inquiries, and easy-to-use tools to sort and mark
    transactions as you need.
  • Manage cash-in and out transactions
  • Monitor bank balances to ensure adequate
  • Improve your decision-making Get the answers you
    need to make better business decisions with
    comprehensive reports and easy to use inquiry
    tools that facilitate rapid, accurate analysis of
    your business operations.
  • Multidimensional Account Structure Track and
    analyze your financials in the way that best
    suits your business with tolls accounting
    structures that you design yourself to serve your
  • Budgeting Functionality
  • Streamline your accounting Reduce transaction
    entry steps and increase accuracy by copying,
    voiding, deleting or correcting general ledger
    transactions with full audit control
  • Easy journal entry Automated cost allocation
  • Point in time checkbook balance
  • - Resolve discrepancies by viewing the bank
  • that make up your checkbook balance for a
    specified date.

Features List
  • Enter deposits, disbursements, withdrawals and
    transfers directly in Bank Reconciliation
  • Makes miscellaneous checks
  • Instantly get the details you need while
    reconciling, including deposit number,
    transaction number, type, payment amount, and
  • Make adjustments for bank to book transaction
    differences such as interest income and service
  • Efficient, flexible, centralized reconcile
  • - Allows simultaneous reconciliations out of
    separate checkbooks without having to complete
    each one before beginning the next.
  • Inquiry for checkbook register and checkbook
  • Inquiry for checkbook register and checkbook
  • Seamless integration
  • Create complete bank-related information and
    enter information only once with seamless
    integration to Great Plains General Ledger,
    Receivables, Payables modules.

Features List
  • User-Defined Accounting Structures Design an
    accounting structure with extensive flexibility,
    structures up to 66 characters long, and up to 10
    segments of any length.
  • Excel-based Budget Templates Easily create
    default budget templates complete with accounts,
    descriptions, and default amounts in Microsoft
    Excel, and then export and import budgets to and
    from Excel through an interactive wizard.
  • General Ledger Reports Improve advanced financial
    analysis capabilities by modifying existing
    General Ledger financial reports or creating new
  • Void/Correct General Ledger Transactions Quickly
    void or delete unposted transactions, back out or
    reverse posted transactions, and post corrected
    entriesall with full audit control.
  • Intercompany Transactions Manage single-use or
    recurring transactions between companies in your
    organization, with unlimited flexibility in
    defining inter-company relationships and
    streamlined account distributions per journal

balance during the reconciliation process.
import the budget details using a
wizard interface.
transactions affecting the cash balance, and
drill-down to view the transaction detail.
the correction of posting errors.
Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
Improve your control over expenses with
up-to-the-minute information about your payables,
easy management of your vendors, and effort
saving automation of many routine or complex
tasks that provides a great return on investment.
Maintain tight control over Accounts Receivable
with capabilities that help you track invoices,
process receipts, and analyze customer activity,
so you can manage sales made on account more
effectively and yet maintain lower overhead costs.
Payables Management
Receivables Management
  • Improve control over your Payables
  • Manage your vendors effectively
  • Enhance your productivity
  • Keep vital information at your fingertips
  • Simplify expense allocation
  • Manage receivables Increase retention with
    customized information, history, and notes that
    are easily accessible.
  • Installment and Receiving Receivables
  • Analyze customer receivables Manage your sales
    process more effectively by measuring trends and
    analyzing performance with comprehensive customer
    tracking combined with sales tracking by person
    or territory.
  • Improve collection performance
  • Control bad accounts
  • Complete and accurate transaction records
  • Easy build up of database
  • Easy transaction entry and access to reports
  • Customer records

Features List
  • Immediate Information Find answers instantly to
    accounts payable and vendor activity questions
    with views of un-posted, posted, and historical
    transactions, plus complete vendor, credit,
    payment, and other information.
  • Extensive Drill-Down Cross-module drill-down
    capabilities give you the ability to locate the
    exact details you need.

Features List
  • Comprehensive Vendor Information Streamline your
    vendor information with vendor categories for
    consistent record maintenance and comprehensive
  • Can define up to seven aging periods
  • Age documents by due date or document date
  • Modify document date before posting
  • Setup passwords for
  • - exceeding credit limit
  • - removing customers on hold
  • - exceeding maximum write-off
  • - waiving finance charges
  • Complete customer information
  • - customer master file
  • - customer transaction file
  • Set-up customer class for customers with
  • same characteristics
  • Set-up payment terms and trade discounts
  • Trade and Non-Trade Receivables
  • - Sales invoices
  • - Cash advances
  • - Employee loans
  • Adjustments and other transactions
  • Installment Management Automate your vendor
    installment payments by creating schedules,
    calculating interest, amortizing amounts, and
    forecasting the impact of variable interest
    rates, payment amounts, and installment changes.
  • Control Account Management Manage your payables
    control accounts by reporting segments, such as
    cost center, division, department, program or
    fund, and display a breakdown by segment values
    of your central control payables account.

drill down to analyze transaction details.
balance during the reconciliation process.
  • Auto-calculate taxes
  • Auto-calculate salesperson commissions
  • Allows customer installment payments
  • Scheduled payments
  • Installment payments
  • Calculates interest
  • Creates equal payments schedule
  • Calculates finance charges
  • Generates aging report
  • Prints statements of account

transactions affecting the cash balance, and
drill-down to view the transaction detail.
tracking for each salesperson or sales territory.
Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
Infuse your sales organization with the power of
success. By managing the entire sales process
from start to finish with pinpoint accuracy,
you can serve top customers more effectively,
monitor fulfillment and invoicing more precisely,
and streamline processes to minimize shipping
costs and labor.
Take control of your business processes, build
lasting vendor relationships, and minimize costs.
Advanced automation reduces the time and effort
to manage purchase order processes, and robust
capabilities empower employees with tools to
track and manage vital commitments on the fly and
information to make smart business decisions.
Purchase Order Processing
Sales Order Processing
  • Tracks your companys purchasing activity
  • Can Enter and Manage Purchase Orders
  • Track Match Shipments and Invoices received
    from vendors
  • Options in Maintaining transaction history
  • Updates balances of your Purchase Orders,
    Receivings, and Inventory
  • Multiple Transactions in one window
  • Transfer of sales documents from one type to
  • Using Purchase Order Processing, you can create
    purchase orders from orders and back orders
  • Fully automate your invoicing

Features List
Features List
  • Multiple Transactions in one window Improve
    invoicing efficiency with single-window entry for
    streamlined access to all vital information, as
    well as batch processing and easy return
    transaction processing.
  • Quotes- Can be transferred to Orders or Invoices
  • Order- Can be transferred to Invoices or Back
  • Invoice- Automatic Invoicing. Can be transferred
    to Back Orders.
  • Return- Return Functionalities
  • Back Order- Can be transferred to Invoices or
    Orders. Purchase Order can be created from here.
  • Negative Price/ Quantity in Sales Order
    Processing Enter negative prices and quantities
    to track line discounts, rebates, and returnsall
    on a single document.
  • Sales of Discontinued Items (Option) Optional
    settings that prevent discontinued items from
    being entered on a quote, order, back order, or
  • Sort Pick Ticket by Bin Optimize picking
    efficiency with the ability to pick according to
    warehouse bin locations.
  • Assign separate posting and document dates
  • Unlimited Process Holds
  • Automated Distribution capabilities
  • Blanket Purchase Orders Set up extended-term
    purchasing agreements with blanket purchase
    orders that are based on a total currency amount
    or total product quantity.
  • Drop Shipment Drop-ship orders directly from
    supplier to customer and bypass the typical
    inventory update process.
  • Multiple Ship-To Addresses Enter a ship-to
    address for each line item on a purchase order,
    reducing documentation for items shipped to
    multiple addresses.
  • Contract Numbers and Expiration Dates on purchase
  • Purchase Order Tracking Get instant answers with
    complete tracking of open or historical purchase
    order and receiving documents by order number,
    item number, or date.
  • Automatic tax calculation
  • Cancelled item tracking
  • Line-item ordering and status information
  • Document revision tracking

VIEW ALL DETAILS at the line-item level,
including unique ship-to addresses per line item.
changes in inventory status.
ENTER QUOTES, ORDERS, back orders, invoices, and
returns from one central location.
CUSTOMIZE DATA ENTRY to fit your unique business
needs with user definable fields.
purchasing an item and reflect those costs when
pricing inventory.
Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
Give your business a competitive edge. By
achieving accurate visibility and effective
control over inventory, and setting prices on a
customer by-customer basis, you can reduce
operating costs and achieve the fast, efficient
fulfillment that keeps customers coming back.
Inventory Management
Features List
  • Provides database for selling purchasing
  • Provides information on inventory items
  • Unlimited Locations Sites and Bins
  • Multiple Inventory Valuation Methods
  • Different valuation methods by item
  • Manage items in lots/serial nos.
  • Inventory status
  • Quality Controls Maintain complete control over
    your inventory with quantity tracking at the bin
    level, cycle counting, stock count calendars, and
    inventory snapshots.
  • Positive Negative Adjustments
  • Pricing Database Discounts
  • Serial/Lot Number Tracking Initiate traces using
    an items serial or lot number and view where and
    when the number occurred in bills of materials,
    customer orders, or any other transaction.
  • Document Transfer Easily transfer item
    information from existing documents to new
    documents-including price lists, currency
    assignments and list price, site assignments,
    vendor assignments, and kit components.
  • Instant Access to Transaction Information Get
    instant information on all transactions related
    to any item you define in the inquiry windows
    including lot number, price levels, and item
    type-and drill down to specific details as
  • Inventory Ranking Prioritize sales stock with
    options to rank your inventory items by usage
    value, actual or project usage quantity, on-hand
    inventory value, or unit cost.
  • Item Classing Create and track the item
    information thats most important to you with the
    ability to choose default entries for classes of
    items such as color, style, and manufacturer.
  • Stock Card Inquiry View historical inventory
    movements in the new Item Stock Card window.

efficiently from a central location.
information for a complete picture of your
current inventory situation.
specific customers or groups of customers.
  • Multiple Transaction Types

- Adjustments - Variance - Item Transfer
- Receiving from POP - Sales Transactions -
Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
Work with customized reports that allow you to
analyze every aspect of your business,
pinpointing the exact information you need to
increase your productivity and make effective
business decisions.
Make your business processes work for you with
the backbone of Microsoft Dynamic GP System
Manager. Boost productivity by configuring your
system to meet your business needs, sharing
information across your organization, and by
providing employees with an intuitive work
environment, streamlined navigation, and
productivity tools that speed access to
information and let you take advantage of
integrations with Microsoft Office.
Report Writer
System Manager
  • Stay on top of your business Analyze your
    business issues more effectively with complete
    freedom to manipulate your existing reports or
    create new ones.
  • Create the right report Analyze information
    using powerful tools that allow you to draw data
    from virtually any area in your system.
  • Make your reports consistent over your entire
    organization, or create customized versions of
  • Publish reports how and when you need them Use
    flexible scheduling options to publish reports as
    your business needs dictate.
  • Take control of report publication with
    automated scheduling and processing that notify
    report producers.
  • Provide security-enhanced, shared access to
    information Share reports with decision makers
    throughout the organization by posting on Web.
    Employ role based security.

  • Make your business management solution work for
    you Manage your data quickly and effectively with
    easy-to-use tools that configure your system to
    the way you work.
  • Configure your solution quickly and easily
    Efficient set-up processes and easy-to-use
    navigation tools help you personalize your
  • Enhance usability Provide users with a seamless
    working experience with a familiar Microsoft
    Office interface, list-based navigation, and
    streamlined menus.
  • Access information instantly Instantly create
    queries against your data or access more than 100
    modifiable reports.
  • Put your information to work Export query results
    to Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office
    Word with a single click.

Features List
  • Customized Reports Modify existing reports or
    create entirely new ones from information
    throughout the system.
  • Flexible Report Writing Options Pull data from
    multiple locations for a single report, create
    restrictions to pinpoint specific information,
    perform calculations on data.
  • Export to Excel and HTML
  • Imported/Exported Report Customizations

Features List
  • Microsoft Office User Interface Captures the look
    and feel of Microsoft Office Outlook, along with
    list-based navigation and streamlined menus that
    provide everyone in your organization with a
    clean, intuitive interface.
  • Rich Microsoft Office Integration Combine the
    power of Microsoft Office System 2003 and
    Microsoft Dynamics GP to take full advantage of
    existing software investments.
  • Scheduled Reporting Automate report publication
    with Report Scheduler, allowing you to set up
    recurrent or immediate publication for any report
    option or report created with Report Writer.
  • Use the new Letter Writing Assistant to build
    customized communications in Microsoft Word.
  • Send customer statements, invoices and other
    documents via e-mail through Microsoft Outlook
    and eliminate time-wasting and expensive paper
    mailing processes.
  • Easily attach maps and directions for sales,
    delivery, and ser vice call routes with
    single-click access to Microsoft MapPoint.
  • Link to Microsoft Dynamics data directly from
    within Microsoft Office applications.
  • Integration with Reporting Tools Integrate
    seamlessly with Dynamics GP Report Writer and
    Crystal Reports.
  • Modify Data Entry Windows
  • One-Click Export to Microsoft Excel and Microsoft
  • Save and Share Lists
  • Support for Multiple Formats Distribute and
    publish reports in a variety of formats,
    including HTML and PDF.
  • Automatic Checks Automatically check whether
    users have overdue reports to publish when a user
    logs on, and notify them if necessary.
  • Role-Based Access Define who can publish a
    report, ensuring that information stays in the
    right hands.
  • Online Posting Publish reports to the Microsoft
    Dynamics Business Portal and enable decision
    makers throughout the organization to view
    reports via a Web browser.

Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
SmartList Builder takes the highly popular,
easy-to-use SmartList tool in Microsoft Business
SolutionsGreat Plains and dramatically
increases its power and range. Now you can query
more data in more ways because SmartList Builder
gives you access to all the information that you
capture, allowing you to create your own
Master your financial reporting process with
Microsoft Dynamics GP for AnalyticsFRx
Professional. High performance capabilities give
you comprehensive, highly customizable financial
and management reports that are easy to create,
distribute, and use.
Financial Report Extender
  • Build custom, presentation-quality reports Piece
    reports together using a building block
    approach that facilitates professional design and
    maintenance and helps ensure each report
    communicates the right information.
  • Improve information analysis Export Microsoft
    FRx reports to Microsoft Office Excel
    PivotTable/ PivotChart formats, to enhance
    understanding of key business information.
  • Reduce administrative work Automate report
    processing and distribution capabilities to
    reduce the time employees spend on administrative
    work, freeing them to analyze information and
    make informed, strategic decisions.
  • Simplify the report building process Benefit
    from the familiar spreadsheet look and feel and
    allow anyone with the appropriate privileges
    from the CEO to the marketing analyst to create
    customized reports quickly and easily.
  • Maintain reports seamlessly Eliminate
    time-consuming processes for updating and
    maintaining reports through tight integration
    with Microsoft Dynamics GP
  • Enhance corporate communications Use multiple
    report formats and distribution techniques to
    ensure the right financial information is being
    delivered to the right people.
  • Access reports securely Establish custom
    security settings to help ensure information is
    accessed only by users who have secure access
  • Better intelligence for better decision-making
    View information the way you prefer. You can
    quickly link data and analyze information
    according to your criteria. Hide details for
    easier viewing, and reveal relationships from
    many sources.
  • Integrated mathematical functions make it easy
    to add calculated fields to your SmartList
    windows. Gain instant insights by counting your
    records, calculating sums, and viewing averages,
    minimums, and maximums automatically.
  • Create defaults for a more user-friendly
  • Lets you add fixed restrictions to your
    resulting datasets. You can select which fields
    are displayed by default, as well as which terms
    are available in selection lists.
  • Save time with preconfigured lists Many common
    data-analysis functions are available in
    preconfigured SmartList objects you can download
    from Microsoft. You can use these modules to
    create sales summaries, track serial numbers and
    lot numbers, manage collections, create payrolls,
    and more.
  • You can change criteria listed within a
    SmartList Favorite to create your own customized

Features List
  • Easy Information Sharing Create new SmartList
    objects by linking up to 32 tables, including
    those from third-party vendors. Youll be able to
    combine information from work, open, and history
    files. Import and export SmartList objects via
    XML, sharing them with Microsoft Office 2003
    software and with other compliant applications.

Features List
  • Real-time Data Manipulation Create calculated
    fields for SmartLists to analyze profits,
    calculate commissions, and more. View summary
    information such as sum, count, minimum or
  • SmartList queries consist of a number of
    predefined search criteria, called Favorites.
    Default searches are composed of the criteria
    already listed within a SmartList Favorite.
  • View and manage financial information from all
    angles to gain a complete, detailed understanding
    of any business situation. Powerful analysis
    capabilities for Microsoft FRx Professional
    include the ability to
  • Consolidate information from multiple companies
    and data sources.
  • Create reports that compare periods and then set
    the current base month, quarter, or other
    financial period at the time you run the report.
  • Create reporting relationships that need not
    exist in your chart of accounts, allowing you to
    change reporting structures without affecting
    data entry processes.
  • Seamlessly translate currency across multiple
    accounting systems including functionality for
    calculating monthly and annual average and
    historical rates and quickly set up currency
    exchange rate tables with information pulled from
    the general ledger.
  • Rapid Report Design and Delivery Processes
  • Create sophisticated reports easily and
    intuitively, and define distribution methods for
    reports to efficiently and effectively address
    your organizations business needs. Microsoft FRx
    Professional functionality includes
  • A graphical user interface that helps you
    determine the description and source of data, as
    well as any calculations and totals in your
  • Tight integration across Microsoft Great Plains
    to facilitate updates and maintenance and reduce
    the chance of errors.
  • Customizable and automated process that lets you
    select when and how each report should be
    generated and distributed.
  • The FRx Report Server, which automates the
    production and distribution of reports in a
    scalable, high-speed reporting environment.
  • Integrated Intelligence See only the information
    you need, displayed as you like it. Add
    restrictions to show only specified records.
    Control the display of numbers, formatting them
    as negative values based on the value of another
    field. Display the number of decimal places based
    on the value of another field. Display the notes
    or account representative for specified fields.
  • You can add and remove columns, rename them and
    change their positions.
  • Search results can be sent to Microsoft Excel or
    Microsoft Word.
  • Search window options
  • Field Comparison   Generate search results based
    on comparisons of similar types of fields.
  • Maximum Records Setting to limit the number of
    items your search returns. Match search criteria
    to items in Work files, Open files, and History
    files, and returns the records that most closely
    match the search criteria you selected.
  • Search Type   Specifies whether all or some of
    the search definitions must be matched before a
    record can be displayed.
  • Secure views that will be available to a
    specific user or to a specific user class thru
    Smartlist Security
  • Navigate Easily with Go To Buttons

Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
Improve financial management for your business by
tracking,analyzing, and manipulating fixed assets
to meet specific needs.
Take control of multinational operations and
manage currency transactions smoothly and
efficiently with flexible, powerful multicurrency
Fixed Asset Management
Multicurrency Management
  • Manage multinational operations with ease Easily
    comply with international currency standards and
    work with international clients and vendors
  • Define currency for your needs Use and maintain
    current exchange rates or define new ones for
    specific customers or contracts as needed.
  • Improve financial efficiency Make it easier for
    your employees to manage financial statistics and
    accounting operations
  • Manage financial efficiency Control the way you
    do business on a global scale with complete
    management over the way you manage multicurrency
  • Work within one integrated solution By extending
    multicurrency capabilities across other
    Microsoft Dynamics GP modules.
  • Manage assets more effectively Quickly and
    accurately record, track, depreciate, and analyze
    companys assets with minimal effort and
    tremendous flexibility.
  • Make depreciation easy Manage asset depreciation
    with any of 16 depreciation methods, with the
    ability to back depreciation out, recalculate it,
    add additional depreciation, or project it ahead
    for any number of assets in your books.
  • Better control and accountability of assets
  • Can have multiple books Create and manage an
    unlimited number of books of assets such as for
    corporate, federal tax, alternative minimum tax,
    and more.
  • 16 depreciation methods
  • Averaging Conventions Utilize a variety of
    averaging conventions for managing assets
    including averaging by half year, mid quarter,
    full month, full period, full year, and others.

Features List
Features List
  • Multiple Asset books
  • Intuitive Interface find asset information using
    an intuitive graphical user interface with
    one-button access to maintenance, purchase,
    insurance, lease, book, or other critical
  • Asset manipulation Manage assets with powerful
    tools for changing assets either in single or
    mass such as retirements, depreciation, and
  • Asset Classes define asset classes to set
    defaults for a group of assets, as well as set
    characteristics such as depreciation or asset
    retirement for multiple assets at one time
  • Physical inventory
  • Print reports Print depreciation, activity,
    additions, and retirement reports
  • Integrates seamlessly with Purchase Order
    Processing, Payables Management, and General
    Ledger update the General Ledger with Fixed Asset
    Management information and integrate with assets
    information from Great Plains Purchase Order and
    Payables modules.
  • Exchange Rate Tracking Track the date and time of
    exchange rates used in multicurrency transactions
    to facilitate audits and allow for after-the-fact
    transaction entry in a changing currency market.
  • Standards Support Manage multicurrency
    transactions to international standards for
    accounting and reporting, with adherence to
    FASB-52 and BASDA standards.
  • Currency Rate Definition Define an unlimited
    number of currencies and exchange rates per
    currency or set specific rates as needed for
    individual companies, contracts, or Transactions
  • Customer-Specific Default Set default currency
    rates for specific customers, vendors, or
    accounts for fast and error-free transactions.
  • Extensible Multicurrency Solutions Extend
    multicurrency capabilities as needed to Microsoft
    Dynamics GP modules.
  • Realized Gains and Losses Automatically track and
    record realized gains and losses for sales and
  • Multicurrency Reporting Show multicurrency
    activity in financial reports or translate
    existing reports into multiple currencies.

when entering multicurrency transactions.
acquisition date, cost, and physical location, as
well as assign assets to multiple books for
calculating depreciation.
dates so that appropriate exchange rates are
always used.
COMPARE ASSET DEPRECIATION for up to three books
at a time.
Systems Technology Research Corporation
Unit 710 Globe Telecom Plaza Pioneer St., cor.
Madison St., Mandaluyong City , Tel nos.
7465188/89/91 Fax No. 7465189
Email Address strc_online_at_yahoogroups.com
Website www.strc-online.com
Analyze financial data by whatever criteria you
require, introduce greater reporting flexibility
and extensibility, and analyze transactions
Features List
  • Transaction Dimensions Classify, report, and
    analyze financial transactions based on your
    specific business needs with an unlimited number
    of user-defined transaction dimensions, including
    Cost Center, Profit Center, Region, and Hours, as
    well as predefined system transaction dimensions
    such as Customer, Vendor, Item, and Site.

Analytical Accounting
  • Improve your decision-making Focus on the
    financial data you need to make better business
    decisions by including or restricting report
    content that is important to your organizations
    reporting needs.
  • Transaction Dimensions Codes Attach user-defined
    transaction dimension codes to ledger
    transactions, eliminating the need to analyze
    transactions on the basis of account segments.
  • Gain deep visibility Achieve a detailed view into
    your accounting transactions and enable deep
    analysis with capabilities to organize data
    hierarchically for multi-level reporting.
  • Multi-Level reporting Enable multi-level
    reporting by grouping any number of transaction
    dimension codes into an unlimited number of
    user-defined levels.
  • Wizard-Driven Inquiries Generate multi-level
    reports more easily with wizard-driven inquiries
    that integrate with Microsoft Office Excel and
    Microsoft Dynamics GP Smart List.
  • Take control of your accounting processes Define
    the information that is important to your
    business and analyze financial data by whatever
    criteria you require with limitless user-defined
    transaction dimension codes and account classes.
  • Valid Code Combinations Define valid transaction
    dimension code combinations to prevent invalid
    combinations being entered for a transaction. For
    instance, a product group and region must always
    appear together, or a project and cost center can
    never appear together.
  • Increase accuracy Improve financial analysis and
    reporting accuracy with functions that facilitate
    easier data entry and sharply reduce user error.
  • Reports in Microsoft Office Excel Multi-level
    reports are executed and displayed in Excel for
    easy manipulation, integration of non-accounting
    business data, and enhanced presentation.
  • Seamless integration Find and analyze
    transactions with precision across your entire
    organization with seamless integration across
    Microsoft Dynamics GP General Ledger,
    Receivables, Payables, Inventory, Sales Order
    Processing, Purchase Order Processing, and Bank
  • Implode/Explode Decide how much detail you need
    to view throughout your entire report or section
    by section with an implode/explode function.
  • Integration Analyze transactions across your
    entire organization with seamless integration
    across the following Microsoft Dynamics GP
    modules General Ledger, Receivables, Payables,
    Inventory, Sales Order Processing, Purchase Order
    Processing, and Bank Reconciliation.

CLASSIFY, REPORT, AND ANALYZE financial transactio
ns based on your specific business needs.
CODE combinations to prevent invalid entries.
number of transaction dimension codes into
user-defined levels.
Systems Technology Research Corporation
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