Title: A Population Study of Small Mouth Bass Using Mark
1A Population Study of Small Mouth Bass Using Mark
Recapture Technique
- Presented by
- Brian D. Beauerle
- Curran W. Wilkinson
2The Beauerle Pondin Bardstown, KY
3Background on the Pond
- Made in 1981
- Stocked in 1984 with bluegill, small-mouth bass,
and channel catfish - Average depth 14-20 feet
- Currently 6 feet below average water level
4Facts About Small Mouth Bass
- Average Length is between 10-20 in.
- Average weight is between 1-5 lbs.
- Cold-blooded schooling fish
- Prefer to be near bottom, where they feed on
minnows, crayfish, and insects
6Background on the Experiment
- Three sample collections were performed the
initial on 10/23, the following samples on
11/13, 11/20 respectively - Bait used artificial night-crawlers
- Fish were marked with clothespin-like tag
inserted into flesh of lower lip - All captured fish were marked for each sample
also measured for approximate length
7Overview of Mark Recapture Models
- I. Closed population models
- a) Two samples - Lincoln-Peterson Estimator
- b) Several samples (kgt2) - Schnabel Estimator
- Assume no recruitment or losses during period
of study
II. Open population models a) Jolly-Seber
Model (based on kgt2) Population size and
composition changes due to births, deaths,
and migration
8Schnabel Equation
- N ?(Mtnt)/((? mt)1)
- where
- nt of individuals caught in sample t
- mt already marked when caught in sample t
- Mt marked just before the tth sample
- variance of N is a function of recaptures,
therefore precision - of the estimate is increased by increasing nt
and Mt
9Fundamental Assumptions of the Schnabel Estimator
- The population is closed (geographically and
demographically) - All animals are equally likely to be captured in
each sample - Capture and marking do not affect catchability
- Each sample is random
- Marks are not lost between sampling occasions
11Results of Sample Collections
- Initial Collection (Oct. 23rd)
- Twenty fish were caught and tagged
- Second Collection (Nov. 13th)
- Eleven fish were caught, 3 of which were
- previously marked from the initial collection.
- Third Collection (Nov. 20th)
- Sixteen fish were caught, 4 of which were
- previously marked (2 from initial, 2 from Second)
12Analysis of Fish Distribution
13Fish Length Data
14Size of Small Mouth Bass
- The average length of captured fish was 10.44 in.
- Using the Schnabel equation, the estimated small
mouth bass population (N) was calculated to be
90. - The calculated population size is only a very
rough estimate. Factors that can affect this
estimate include number of samples analyzed,
weather, water temperature, etc. - Most importantly, we have concluded without a
shadow of a doubt that Brian is a better
fisherman than Curran!
17Two Talented Fishermen
18Trouble with the Pole
19Incognito Strategy
- Curran out-smarts even the brightest fish
20Draining the Weasel
- Sometimes you just
- have to go!!!!
21Draining a Bigger Weasel