Title: Prewriting Techniques
1Prewriting Techniques
- Composition Techniques
- Shannon Phillips
Dont forget to view the notes (Right click gt
Speaker Notes) and to take notes over the
material. You will be asked to brainstorm your
first paper topic, and you will use this
materials in the quizzes.
- To be studied
- Ritualizing writing
- Reassurance ritual
- Early starts
- Narrowing topics
- Brainstorming techniques
3Todays Journal
- Create a journal entry to practice prewriting
techniques. - Date the entry and call it Prewriting.
4The Crazy Things We Do . . . Prewriting
- What do you do to avoid writing/prime yourself
for writing? - Brush the toilet?
- Rearrange the furniture in your house?
- Call everyone you know on the phone?
5Personal Rituals
- The ritual you create is helpful to get your
creative juices flowing.
6Start the Writing Process Early
- As soon as you get your assignment, start
thinking about and brainstorming the topic.
7Strong Interest Inventory
- Right now, in your journal, write down 3 topics
from the Civil Rights topics list. - Choose the topic that interests you most.
- Outline the topics.
8Public Organizations
- Ku Klux Klan (KKK)
- National Association for the Advancement of
Colored People (NAACP) - Highlander Folk School
- Black Panthers
- Choose one or offer a suggestion.
9Legislation that Changed Public Institutions
- Plessy vs. Ferguson
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Brown vs. Board of Education
- Sweatt vs. Painter
- Civil Rights Act (1964)
- Choose one or offer a suggestion.
10Peaceful and Not-so-peaceful Demonstrations
- Sit-in campaigns (Greensboro, North Carolina, and
more) - Montgomery Bus Boycott
- Freedom rides
- Mississippi and Alabama riots
- March on Washington
- Choose one or offer a suggestion.
11Men and Women of the Civil Rights Movement
- Stokely Carmichael
- Septima Clark
- Medgar Evers
- Zora Neal Hurston
- Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
- Malcolm X
- Thurgood Marshall
- Rosa Parks
- JoAnn Gibson Robbins
- Spottswood Robinson
- Earl Warren
- Choose one or offer a suggestion.
- Do not study the figure on a biographical scale
Study a contribution they made or study a speech
or movement for which they were the primary
12Songs, Folktales, Poetry, and Speeches
- How were each of the following songs or poems
used through other media (speeches) to strengthen
the movement's cause? - How might different races have viewed and
interpreted the media chosen? - "We Shall Overcome"
- "Ain't Gonna Let Nobody Turn Me Around"
- "I'm Gonna Sit at the Welcome Table One of These
Days" - "How it Feels to be Colored Me" by Zora Neal
Hurston - "Hallelujah I'm A-Travelin
- "Ballad of Birmingham" by Dudley Randall
- Choose one or offer a suggestion.
13Narrow the Topic
- Take one of your outlined items to begin the
brainstorming process. - Listing
- Clustering
- Free writing
- Interviewing and Cross Examining
- Sketching
- Dramatizing the subject
- Some are found in Part 1, Section 1 of Raimes.
14Your Assignment
- Decide upon 3 narrowed topics for the first paper
assignment, using the strong interest inventory
to practice brainstorming techniques. - You must use listing, clustering, sketching
and/or dramatizing the subject, plus one more
techniques of your choice. - Write a 1-2 page (double-spaced, 1 margins, 12
point Times New Roman font) rationale of which
techniques worked, which did not, and why for
each. You will use (copy and paste) the exercises
during the Prewriting Techniques Quiz.
15Works Cited
- McCuen, Jo Ray, and Anthony C. Winkler. Readings
for Writers. New York Harcourt, 1998. - Wyrick, Jean. Steps to Writing Well with
Additional Readings. New York Harcourt, 1999.