Title: A Comparison of Confucianism and Buddhism
1A Comparison of Confucianism and Buddhism
2Lesson Objectives
Compare and Contrast the central beliefs of
Confucianism and Buddhism Examine the geographic
regions associated with both religions Compare
these two belief structures to American Beliefs
3Confucianism and Buddhism both originate from Asia
4Shakyas region of Nepal The birthplace of
"Buddhism has the characteristics of what would
be expected in a cosmic religion for the future
it transcends a personal God, avoids dogmas and
theology it covers both the natural spiritual,
and it is based on a religious sense aspiring
from the experience of all things, natural and
spiritual, as a meaningful unity" Albert Einstein
Founded by Siddhartha Gautama in 535 BCE
His teachings and the oral traditions of the
faith were collected a book, called the
Established Four Noble Truths
7The Four Noble Truths
1. Suffering exists
2. Suffering arises from attachment to desires
3. Suffering ceases when attachment to desires
4. Freedom from suffering is possible by
practicing the eightfold path
8The Eightfold Path
- There are three qualities associated with the
Eightfold path - Panna (Wisdom)
- Sila (Morality)
- Samadhi (Meditation)
9The Eightfold Path
Panna (Wisdom) Right View Right Thought Sila
(Morality) Right Speech Right
Action Right Livelihood Samadhi
(Meditation) Right Effort Right
Mindfulness Right Contemplation
Buddhists believe in a state called Nirvana, the
condition of serenity of spirit, where all
cravings, strife, and pain have been overcome,
giving way to a merging of the spirit with
eternal harmony.
Based on the teachings of Kung-Fu-Tzu He lived
from 551-479 BCE Lived in Shantung Province of
Northeast China
12Six Pilars of Confucianism
- Li
- Hsiao
- Yi
- Xin
- Jen
- Chung
The class will separate into groups of
three. Using the four noble truths, the eightfold
path, and the six pilars of Confucianism, I want
you to look for examples of these teachings in
American Society. Try to list at least one
example per Confucianism and Buddhism This will
be due at the end of class