2Camouflage in the Pigmy Adder (Namib Desert)
3Hiding in the desert.
- Share no unique derived characters.
- Very diverse in every way.
- 70 of all snakes are grouped in this family.
- Includes most snakes in our area.
- Some snakes are venomous (African).
5Lampropeltis getulaEastern Kingsnake
6Other Kingsnakes
Scarlet Kingsnake
Utah Mountain Kingsnake
7Lampropeltis calligasterMole Kingsnake
Adults are tannish to orange, with black-bordered
reddish-brown blotches. There are smaller
reddish-brown blotches on the sides between the
larger mid-dorsal blotches. The belly is
checkered. There is a light colored Y-shaped
pattern on the back of the head. There is a dark
line through the eye. Scales are smooth.
8Elaphe guttataCorn Snake
Boldly checkered with black and white. Dark
mark on top of head resembling spear point.
9Elaphe obsoletaRat Snake
Venter mottled with gray and white.
Anterior portion of venter is lighter than
posterior portion.
10Juvenile Black Rat Snake
11Heterodon platyrhinosEastern Hognose Snake
12Coluber constrictorBlack Racer
Have uniformly black dorsum and predominately
black or dark gray venter. Smooth scales.
13Carphophis amoenusWorm Snake
Small snake 7.5 12 inches. Resemble large
worms. Small pointed head, plain chestnut to
dark brown dorsum, and pinkish venter. Tail tip
bears a sharp spine. Scales are smooth and
glossy. Earthworms major part of diet.
14Diadophis punctatusRingneck Snake
Small snake 10 20 inches. Yellow or orange
15Storeria dekayiBrown Snake
Small snake 9 18 inches. Dosum is brown, gray
or reddish usually with a pale median stripe. On
each side of stripe is a row of small black or
brown spots. Venter is light with tiny black
spots along each side. Diet primarily slugs,
16Storeria occipitomaculataRedbelly Snake
Small snake 6.5 12 inches. Keeled scales with
3 orange or yellow nape spots, sometimes fused.
Frequently there is a light middorsal band
bordered on each side by a black line. Most of
undersurface is red or orange.
17Nerodia sipedonNorthern Water Snake
Extremely variable species. Dark crossbands on
neck and anterior parts of body and dark dorsal
blotches and alternating lateral bars on
remainder of bodyl
18Northern Water Snake
19Handfeeding minnows to a water snake.
20Northern Water Snake
21Nerodia taxispilotaBrown Water Snake