Title: PP26 Cloning
1PP26Cloning Assisted Reproductive Technologies
Chapter 13 pg 296-314
ANS 3319Dr. Michael J. FieldsUniversity of
2Cloning by Nuclear Transplantation
- Differentiated cells (Dolly)
- Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT), or
- embryonic stem cells
- Transfer into enucleated oocyte (intact ZP).
- Embryo transfer into Universal Recipient.
3CloningUses in Agriculture Biomedical
- Cloning.
- Differentiation.
- Genetic Engineering.
- Transplantation.
4Cloning by Nuclear Transplantation
- Transfer into enucleated oocyte.
- Each cell (blastomere) is identical but may be
average. - Expensive.
- Calves born weak and 20 larger (LOS).
- 10 of transferred cloned embryos make it to
term. - 75 of clones die during Peri-Implantation.
- Calves can be genetically abnormal, but in some
cases appear to be normal (Dolly). - Problem in placenta or In-Vitro incubation
(media) IGF-1. - Calves develop hydroallantois of the placenta.
- Embryonic cells having unlimited capability to
differentiate into all membranes and tissues. - Undifferentiated in cow up to 32 cell stage.
- Rat 2 cells.
- 30 of cells are totipotent in 200 cell embryo.
- Capable of giving rise to all 3 embryonic tissue
layers. - Inner Cell Mass cells give rise to specialized
tissue but not to a placenta (trophblasts). - Blood stem cells white, red and platelets.
- Blood stem cells grow into nerve cells.
- Nerve stem cells grow into blood cells.
- Depends on the environment of the cells.
7Cloning Differentiation
- Cells can be induced to differentiate into any
cell type given the appropriate environment. - Can be used in studies looking at factors
effecting embryonic development including gene
8CloningGenetic Engineering
- Mix embryonic stem cells and targeting vector
(gene of interest foreign DNA). - Electroporate (electrical charge) cells and
foreign DNA. - .001-.0001 recombinancy rate (very low).
- Select for cells that took up the foreign gene.
9CloningGenetic Engineering
- Gene targeting altering function of a gene via
gene transfer.
- Knockout disrupt gene function.
- Knockin replace gene with another.
10Recombinant Gene Transfer Technique
- Low frequency of success
- Mice 30.
- Farm animals 1
- Plasmid and Pro-Nuclei do not always
integrate. - Random uptake.
- Disparities in expression due to different
numbers of gene copies.
11Stem Cells
- Transplant Spermatogonia (2N) into testes.
- Produce sperm.
- Men undergoing therapy.
- Remove stem cells and re-implant
(auto-transplantation). - Prize stallions.
- Transfer cells into lesser animals.
- Bengal tiger into house cat.
- Preservation of endangered species.
- Insert foreign gene into stem cells and insert
stem cell into embryo.
12Organ Donor Pigs
- Xenotransplantation.
- Express human antigens in pig organs so organ
will not be rejected.
13DNA Typing
- PCR a gene of interest.
- To confirm insertion.
- Embryo or offspring black (polled homogenous).
- However, many traits may be influenced by a
number of genes. - Find a marker for the genes of interest.
- Very little sample needed.
- Amplify the gene.
14Genetically Engineered LivestockTransgenics
- Functional gene incorporated as a foreign gene
into genome. - Insert Growth Hormone DNA into pigs.
- Insert human albumin into cows.
- Insert human Tissue Plasminogen Activatior into
goats and recover in milk. - Improve wool 5 - 10.
- Pharming pharmaceutical/vaccine production.
- High insulin production in milk of dairy cows
15Genetically Engineered LivestockTransgenics
- Increased heat tolerance.
- Disease resistance.
- Higher nutritional efficiency.
- Increased reproductive capacity.
- Modification of muscle mass.
- Better milk production.
- Gene knockouts (KO) gene no longer expressed.
- Oxytocin KO (mammary gland).
- Milk release inhibited pups die.
- PGF2 a KO CL does not regress fetuses die.
- Relaxin KO No nipple formation pups die
- Estrogen Receptor KO
- Growth, but no reproduction.
- Calpastatin correlates with meat tenderness.
- IGF-1 correlates with weight gains.
- E2 receptor/additional copy results in additional
17Gene Therapy
- Introduce DNA into human cells.
- Hemoglobulin gene into Sickle Cell Anemia
patient. - Tumor Necrosis Factor (TNF) shrinks tumors.
- SCID (Adenosine Deaminase Deficiency) gene
inserted into lymphocytes. - Cystic Fibrosis.
18Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)In Vitro
Fertilization/Embryo Transfer (IVF/ET).
- Ovarian stimulation.
- Ultrasound guided recovery of oocyte.
- Oocyte and sperm.
- Embryo placed in uterus or oviduct via catheter.
- Only ART recommended for tubal infertility.
19Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Gamete
Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT)
- Ultrasound guided recovery of oocyte.
- Place oocyte and Sperm into oviduct.
- Requires laparotomy.
- Highest rate of success (35 optimal).
20Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) Zygote
Intrafallopian Transfer (ZIFT)
- Ultrasound guided recovery of oocyte.
- In Vitro Fertilization.
- Best in the case of reduced male fertility.
- Embryo/Zygote placed back in oviduct.
- Requires laparotomy.
21Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)Male
- Zone Pellucida drilling/enzymatic digestion.
- Subzonal sperm injection (SUZI).
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI).
- Insert DNA of haploid sperm.
- Can clone with diploid primary spermatocyte.
22Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART)
Intrauterine Insemination/Superovulation
- Embryo biopsy.
- Sex determination by PCR of Y chromosome DNA.