Title: CR 2004 Prentice Hall, Inc'
1Order Processing and Information Systems
The difference between mediocre and excellent
logistics is often the firms information
technology capabilities. Dale S. Rogers Richard
L. Dawe Patrick Guerra
Chapter 5
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
2Order Processing and Information Systems in
Planning Triangle
Inventory Strategy
Inventory Strategy
Transport Strategy
Transport Strategy
Inventory decisions
Inventory decisions
Transport fundamentals
Transport fundamentals
Purchasing and supply
Purchasing and supply
Transport decisions
Transport decisions
scheduling decisions
scheduling decisions
service goals
service goals
Storage fundamentals
Storage fundamentals
The product
The product
Storage decisions
Storage decisions
Logistics service
Logistics service
. proc. info. sys
Ord. Proc. info. sys.
Location Strategy
Location Strategy
Location decisions
Location decisions
The network planning process
The network planning process
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
3Typical Elements of Order Processing
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
4Order Filling
- Processing rules affect order filling speed
- First-received, first-processed
- Shortest processing time first
- Specified priority number
- Smaller, less complicated orders first
- Earliest promised delivery date
- Orders having the least time before promised
delivery date
Order fill rate lower than item fill rate
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
5Order Filling (Contd)
Question Suppose that an order contains five
items, each having a stocking probability of 93.
What is the probability that the order will be
filled complete?
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
6Commerce Through the Internet
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
7Factors Affecting Order Processing Time
- Processing priorities
- Parallel versus sequential processing
- Order-filling accuracy
- Order batching
- Lot sizing
- Shipment consolidation
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
8The Logistics Information System
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
9Order Management System Module
- Elements
- Stock availability
- Credit checking
- Invoicing
- Product allocation to customers
- Fulfillment location
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
10Warehouse Management System Module
- Elements
- Receiving
- Putaway
- Inventory management
- Order processing and retrieving
- Shipment preparation
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
11Transportation Management System Module
- Elements
- Mode selection
- Freight consolidation
- Routing and scheduling shipments
- Claims processing
- Shipment tracking
- Bill payment and auditing
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
12Operating Components of the LIS
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
13Exploded View of the LIS
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
14Information System Examples
- A retail system
- Vendor managed inventory
- E-commerce
- A decision support system
CR (2004) Prentice Hall, Inc.
15LIS for a Large Retailer