Title: P1250095201foSyH
1Quiz 1 (Jan 22, 2003) Name ____________________
_____ (as you think it appears on university
records) Alias (codename) _________________ 1.
For the purposes of this class, we are
conceptualizing psychology as being a discipline
that merges the themes of ___the humanities__
with the methods of __the natural
sciences______________. 2. When people rely on
their personal experience to learn about the
world, they tend to __discount or ignore__
information that is inconsistent with their
beliefs or opinions. 3. How many Fs are in the
following sentence _6_____ FEATURE FILMS ARE
Quiz 2 (Jan 27, 2003) Name ____________________
_____ (as you think it appears on university
records) Alias (codename) _________________ 1.
In lecture we discussed the fact that scientific
methods involve the collection of systematic
information. What does it mean to say that the
information is collected or studied
systematically? all information countseven
information that is inconsistent with our
expectations, beliefs, or hypotheses 2. Based on
Mondays lecture, what is one problem with
relying upon testimonial evidence to determine
whether a product is effective or
not? testimonial evidence typically represents
only one piece of the information we need to
evaluate an idea an instance in which the idea
worked. We also need to know how often the idea
doesnt work.
2Quiz 3 (Feb 10, 2003) Name ____________________
_____ (as you think it appears on university
records) Alias (codename) _________________ 1.
Based on the last lecture, which scale of
measurement (e.g., nominal, ordinal, interval,
ratio) do you think would best suited for
measuring income? ratio 2. What is the critical
difference between a ratio based scale and an
interval based scale? a ratio scale has a true
zero pointan absence of something
Quiz 4 (Feb 19, 2003) Name ____________________
_____ (as you think it appears on university
records) Alias (codename) _________________ 1.
According to psychometric theory, the
measurements we take, O, can be decomposed into
two parts T and E. What are these two
pieces? T true score (what were trying to
measure and E random error 2. When multiple
measurements are averaged together, what happens
to the influence of random errors in measurement
on the averaged score? They average to zero and
3Quiz 5 (Feb 26, 2003) Name ____________________
_____ (as you think it appears on university
records) Alias (codename) _________________ 1.
What is divergent validity? Divergent validity
is the extent to which a set of measurements fail
to relate to something that they should not. 2.Â
When multiple measurements using very different
methods are averaged together, what happens to
the influence of systematic errors in measurement
on the averaged score? They accumulate.
Quiz 6 (March 12, 2003) Name
_________________________ (as you think it
appears on university records) Alias (codename)
_________________ 1. Assume weve collected the
following measurements for a continuous variable
1, 4, 3, 5, 7, 3. What is the mode, median, and
mean of these scores? (There is no need to use a
calculator to answer this question.) 1, 3, 3, 4,
5, 7 median is 3.5, mode is 3, and mean is
6/23 2. If we were interested in knowing how many
UIC students support the U-Pass, which of the
following questions are we asking (a) univariate
descriptive, (b) univariate causal, (c)
multivariate descriptive, or (d) multivariate
causal. aunivariate descriptive
4Quiz 7 (April 2, 2003) Name ___________________
______ (as you think it appears on university
records) Alias (codename) _________________ 1.
If you had scores for two continuous variables,
what quantitative index might you use to
summarize the relationship between those
variables? correlation or r 2. What kind of
graph should be used to illustrate the
relationship between a categorical variable and a
continuous variable? a bargraph