Advanced RealTime Shader Techniques - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Advanced RealTime Shader Techniques


Advanced Real-Time Shader Techniques Siggraph 2003, San Diego, CA. Overview ... Problems that RenderMonkey solves for you. Real-time shader creation using ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Advanced RealTime Shader Techniques

Advanced Real-Time Shader Techniques
  • Natalya Tatarchuk
  • 3D Application Research Group
  • ATI Research

  • Problems that RenderMonkey solves for you
  • Real-time shader creation using RenderMonkey
    development environment
  • Building an effect from scratch
  • Efficient HLSL shaders tips and tricks
  • Advanced Shader Examples

RenderMonkey Addresses the Needs of Real-Time
Effect Developers
  • Shaders are more than just assembly code
  • Encapsulating shaders can be complex
  • Cannot deliver shader-based effects using a
    standard mechanism
  • Solve problems for shader development
  • Designing software on emerging hardware is
  • Lack of currently existing tools for full shader
  • Need a collaboration tool for artists and
    programmers for shader creation

Designed for Extensibility
  • Flexible framework design
  • Evolves with the graphics API
  • Allows easy incorporation of existing APIs
  • Full DirectX 9.0 support, including Microsoft
  • Extensible framework to support emerging HL
  • OpenGL 2.0 Shading Language Prototype

Making Your Shader Development More Effective
  • Simplifies shader creation
  • Fast prototyping and debugging of new graphics
  • Helps you share graphics effects with other
    developers and artists
  • Easy integration of effects into existing
  • Quickly create new components using our flexible
  • A communication tool between artists and

Program Your Shaders Using Our Intuitive,
Convenient IDE
Workspace View
Creating a Shader-based Effect Using RenderMonkey
  • Setup all your effect parameters
  • Variables
  • Stream mapping
  • Models and textures
  • Rendering states
  • Create your vertex and pixel shaders
  • Link RenderMonkey parameter nodes to your shaders
    as necessary
  • Compile and explore!

Phong Illumination Example
Classic lighting equation example
where each of the lighting contribution
components can be computed as follows
RenderMonkey Run-Time Database Overview
  • Encapsulate all effect data in a single text file
  • Each Effect Workspace consists of
  • Effect Group(s)
  • Effect(s)
  • Pass(es)
  • Render State
  • Pixel Shader
  • Vertex Shader
  • Geometry
  • Textures
  • Variables, notes and stream mapping nodes

RenderMonkey Database Uses Standard XML File
  • Allows easy data representation
  • Industry standard
  • User-extensible
  • Parsers are readily available
  • User-readable file format
  • Easily add Perl scripts to post-process your
  • Published DTD for RenderMonkey XML allows robust
    file validation
  • Describes all effect-related information
  • Shader code
  • Render states
  • Models / texture information
  • Rendering states
  • Import and export easily from your native formats
  • Use our parser and run-time format
  • Write an exporter / importer plug-in (Example
    Our Microsoft FX Exporter)

Workspace View Your Window into Our Database
  • All effect data organized in a hierarchical
    Workspacetree view
  • Node rules enforce correct datarelationships
  • Full Cut / Copy / Paste / Undo
  • Easily identify node data typesby their icons
  • Quickly identify invalid data
  • Easy perusal of data values via automatic

Effect Group Nodes
  • Group related effects in one container
  • Provides mechanism for dealing with a lot of
  • Facilitate fallback versions of same effect
  • Group shaders by type, pick the first one that
  • How you group effects is entirely up to you

Effect Nodes
  • Encompass all information needed to implement a
    real time visual effect
  • Composed of one or more passes
  • Inherit data and states from a Default Effect
  • Used to set a known starting state for all

Data Scope and Traversal
  • Store common effect data in the default effect
  • All other effects inherit data from it
  • Easy to share data from a common point
  • Common rendering states
  • Common vertex and pixel Shaders
  • Effects dont inherit data from other effects in
    the workspace
  • Common data that should be global to the effects
  • Stream mapping
  • Texture variables
  • Model variables
  • Variable scope is similar to C-style variable
  • Data validation occurs upward through passes in
    the effect then upward through passes in the
    default effect

Pass Nodes
  • Every pass is a draw call
  • Passes inherit data from previous pass within the
  • First pass inherits from default effect
  • A typical pass contains
  • A vertex and pixel shader pair (either HLSL or
    ASM) (required)
  • Render state block
  • Render states are inherited from pass to pass
  • Texture objects
  • Must reference a valid texture variable
  • Each texture object stores associated texture
  • Geometry model reference (required)
  • Stream mapping reference (required)
  • May also contain nodes of other types (variables,
  • Different geometry can be used in each pass

Variable Nodes
  • Parameters to your shaders
  • More intuitive way of dealing with constant store
  • Give shader constants meaningful names and types
  • Manipulate shader constants using convenient GUI
  • Supported variable types
  • Matrices - Vectors
  • Scalars - Colors
  • Textures - Strings (Notes)

Pre-defined Variables Help You Set Up Your
Shaders Quickly
  • RenderMonkey IDE calculates their values at
  • Provide a set of commonly used parameters
  • View projection matrix
  • View matrix
  • Inverse view matrix
  • Projection matrix
  • View direction vector
  • View position vector
  • Time, time cycle period
  • cos_time, sin_time, tan_time
  • and more

Edit Shader Parameters Using GUI Widgets via
Editor plug-ins
  • Utilize knowledge of the variable type for
  • Color Editor
  • Vector Editor
  • Matrix Editor
  • Scalar Editor
  • Edit variables with custom widgets easy to
    create your own
  • Only accept changes you are happy with

Phong Illumination Parameters
  • Ambient, diffuse, and specular light
  • Coefficients
  • Color intensities
  • Can be expressed as shader constants
  • Normal, view and reflection vectors
  • Normal vector is one of vertex shader inputs
  • View and reflection vectors are computed
  • Specular reflection parameter
  • Also can be expressed as a shader constant

Simplified Stream Mapping Setup
  • Setup each stream using theStream Mapping
  • A stream mapping node can be created at any
    point in the workspace
  • Stream mapping nodes can be shared by multiple
  • Multiple references to a stream mapping node can
    be created throughout the workspace
  • Each pass must have its own stream mapping

Full Support for DirectX 9.0 Shader Models
  • Assembly shaders
  • Vertex shader versions 1.0/1.1 2.0
  • Pixel shader versions 1.0/1.1/1.3/1.4 2.0
  • Integrated HLSL support
  • Supported compilation targetsvs_1_0,
    vs_2_0ps_1_x and ps_2_0
  • Future support for shader versions 2_0_sw, 2_0_x,
    and 3_0

Edit Shaders Using Specialized Editors
  • Tabbed view allows editing multiple passesin the
  • Easy switching between vertex and pixel shaders
    in the pass
  • Full support for standard Windows editor
  • Undo / Cut / Copy / Paste / Font settings
  • Automatic syntax coloring of shader code
  • Separate syntax rules for HLSL and ASM shaders
  • Type your code, compile and see instant results!

Assembly Shader Editor Plug-in
  • Easily link RenderMonkey variable nodes to
    constant store registers
  • Syntax colored for shader assembly language
  • Automatically maintains count of ALU and texture
    ops in your shader as you type!
  • Allows saving shader code to text files

HLSL Shader Editor Plug-in
  • Allows incredible ease of shader creation
  • Simple interface links RenderMonkey nodes to
    HLSL variables andsamplers
  • Link vectors, colors, scalars and matricesto
    variable parameters
  • Link texture objects to samplers
  • Control target and entry points for your shaders

Specular Lighting Vertex Shader
  • struct VS_OUTPUT
  • float4 Pos POSITION
  • float3 Normal TEXCOORD0
  • float3 Light TEXCOORD1
  • float3 View TEXCOORD2
  • VS_OUTPUT main( float4 Pos POSITION, float3
    Norm NORMAL )
  • Out.Pos mul( view_proj_matrix, Pos ) //
    Transformed position
  • Out.Normal normalize( mul(view_matrix, Norm)
    ) // Normal
  • Out.Light normalize(-lightDir) // Light
  • float3 Pview mul( view_matrix, Pos ) //
    Compute view position

Specular Lighting Pixel Shader
  • float4 ambient
  • float4 diffuse
  • float4 specular
  • float Ka
  • float Ks
  • float Kd
  • float N
  • float4 main( float4 Diff COLOR0, float3
    Normal TEXCOORD0,
  • float3 Light TEXCOORD1, float3
    View TEXCOORD2 )
  • // Compute the reflection vector
  • float3vReflect normalize(2dot(Normal,
    Light)Normal - Light)
  • // Final color is composed of ambient, diffuse
    and specular
  • // contributions
  • float4 FinalColor Ka ambient
  • Kd diffuse dot(
    Normal, Light )
  • Ks specular pow( max(
    dot( vReflect,

Linking Variable Nodes to Constant Store
Registers is Easy
  • Use constant store editor
  • Bind a constant storage register to a variable
    from the effect workspace
  • Preview the incoming values

Read All Application Messages in a Single Place -
The Output Module
  • Output the results of shader compilation and
    application messages
  • Linked with the shader editor for compilation
    error highlighting
  • View messages from the renderer of your effect
  • Notifies you whenever resources are created
    (textures loaded, shaders compiled)

Integrated Compile Time Error Reporting
Simplifies Shader Creation
  • Compilation errors displayedin the output module
  • Double-clicking on the errorhighlights the line
    containingerroneous code in the editor
  • Optional compilation of a single shader, all
    shaders in active effect or all shaders in the

Interactively Preview Your Effects in the Viewer
  • All changes to the shaderor its parameters
    modify the rendered image in real time
  • DirectX 9.0 preview
  • HAL / REF
  • Customize the preview
  • Standard trackball navigation
  • Customizable settings for camera and clear colors
  • A set of preset views (Front / Back / Side / etc)

Setup All Render States in the Render State
Editor Plug-in
  • Modify any render state within a particular pass
  • Render states are inherited
  • From previous passes in the effect
  • From the default effect
  • Great for exploring the results of changing a
    render state a useful learning tool

Using Textures in a RenderMonkey Effect
  • Texture variables can beshared between
  • Support the following texturetypes
  • 1D, 2D texture maps (JPEG,TGA, BMP formats)
  • Cube maps (DDS)
  • Volume textures (DDS)
  • Dynamic renderable textures
  • Texture objects belong to apass node
  • Reference a texture variable to sample from
  • Store all related texture and sampler states
  • Maps directly to HLSL samplers

Texture and Sampler State Editing
  • Specify texture and sampler state values
    (filtering, clamping, etc) for each texture
    node within a pass
  • Texture and samplerstates are bundled together
    in one editor
  • State changes modify rendered output in real time

Dynamic Texture Rendering Example
  • Direct output of one or more passes to a texture
  • Sample from that texture to create interesting
  • Scene post-processing
  • Depth of Field
  • Gaussian Blur
  • Tone Mapping
  • HDR Rendering
  • Other image processing techniques

Rendering to a Texture Using RenderMonkey
  • Simple to setup
  • Special texture variable type
  • Renderable Texture
  • Direct pass output to a texture
  • Use Render Target node to link to a Renderable
  • Modify parameters using appropriate editors
  • Render Target Editor
  • Renderable Texture Editor

Customize Renderable Texture
  • Specify desired texture format
  • Select from a variety of formats
  • Control texture dimensions
  • Width and Heightor
  • Tie the texture size to viewport dimensions
  • Specify whether mip maps will be generated

Control Render Target Parameters
  • Modify parameters to suit your needs
  • Specify whether the textureshould be cleared
  • Specify clear color
  • Toggle whether the depth buffer should be
  • Specify the depth clear value

Develop Shaders With Your Artists
  • Use the Artist Editor Interface to explore
  • Expose the power of programmable shaders to
    artists and designers
  • Programmers and Artists living in harmony!
  • View workspace using Art tab
  • Only view data relevant to the artists
  • Programmers can select which data is
  • Provides look and feel of GUI widgets artists are
    familiar with
  • See changes in real time

Edit All Artist Parameters Using a Single
  • Programmer has control of what parameters can be
  • Flag variables as artist-editable as needed
  • Artist modifies only specified variables
  • Use the Artist Editor interface
  • Data organization follows the effect structure
  • Variables are grouped in tab sheets by
    passes/effects they belong to
  • Artists can tweak parameters and instantly see
  • Modify vectors, scalars, colors using convenient

Artist Editor Interface
  • Writing optimal HLSL code
  • Compiling issues
  • Optimization strategies
  • Code structure pointers
  • HLSL Shader Examples
  • Multi-layer car paint effect
  • Translucent Iridescent Shader
  • Überlight Shader

Why use HLSL?
  • Faster, easier effect development
  • Instant readability of your shader code
  • Better code re-use and maintainability
  • Optimization
  • Added benefit of HLSL compiler optimizations
  • Still helps to know whats under the hood
  • Industry standard which will run on cards from
    any vendor
  • Current and future industry direction
  • Increase your ability to iterate on a given
    shader design, resulting in better looking games
  • Conveniently manage shader permutations

Compile Targets
  • Legal HLSL is still independent of compile target
  • But having an HLSL shader doesnt mean it will
    always run on any hardware!
  • Currently supported compile targets
  • vs_1_1, vs_2_0, vs_2_sw
  • ps_1_1, ps_1_2, ps_1_3, ps_1_4, ps_2_0, ps_2_sw
  • Compilation is vendor-independent and is done by
    a D3DX component that Microsoft can update
    independent of the runtime release schedule

Compilation Failure
  • The obvious program errors (bad syntax, etc)
  • Compile target specific reasons your shader is
    too complex for the selected target
  • Not enough resources in the selected target
  • Uses too many registers (temporaries, for
  • Too many resulting asm instructions for the
    compile target
  • Lack of capability in the target
  • Such as trying to sample a texture in vs_1_1
  • Using dynamic branching when unsupported in the
  • Sampling texture too many times for the target
    (Example more than 6 for ps_1_4)
  • Compiler provides useful messages

Use Disassembly for Hints
  • Very helpful for understanding relationship
    between compile targets and code generation
  • Disassembly output provides valuable hints when
    compiling down to an older compile target
  • If successfully compiled for a more recent target
    (eg. ps_2_0), look at the disassembly output for
    hints when failing to compile to an older target
    (eg. ps_1_4)
  • Check out instruction count for ALU and tex ops
  • Figure out how HLSL instructions get mapped to

Getting Disassembly Output for Your Shaders
  • Directly use FXC
  • Compile for any target desired
  • Compile both individual shader files and full
  • Various input arguments
  • Allow to turn shader optimizations on / off
  • Specify different entry points
  • Enable / disable generating debug information

Easier Path to Disassembly
  • Use RenderMonkey while developing shaders
  • See your changes in real-time
  • Disassembly output is updated every time a
    shader is compiled
  • Displays count for ALUand texture ops, as well
    as the limits forthe selected target
  • Can save resulting assembly code into text file

Optimizing HLSL Shaders
  • Dont forget you are running on a vector
  • Do your computations at the most efficient
  • Dont do something per-pixel that you can do
  • Dont perform computation in a shader that you
    can precompute in the app
  • Use HLSL intrinsic functions
  • Helps hardware to optimize your shaders
  • Know your intrinsics and how they map to asm,
    especially asm modifiers

HLSL Syntax Not Limited
  • The HLSL code you write is not limited by the
    compile target you choose
  • You can always use loops, subroutines, if-else
    statements etc
  • If not natively supported in the selected compile
    target, the compiler will still try to generate
  • Loops will be unrolled
  • Subroutines will be inlined
  • If else statements will execute both branches,
    selecting appropriate output as the result
  • Code generation is dependent upon compile target
  • Use appropriate data types to improve instruction
  • Store your data in a vector when needed
  • However, using appropriate data types helps
    compiler do better job at optimizing your code

Using If Statement in HLSL
  • Can have large performance implications
  • Lack of branching support in most asm models
  • Both sides of an if statement will be executed
  • The output is chosen based on which side of the
    if would have been taken
  • Optimization is different than in the CPU
    programming world

Example of Using If in Vs_1_1
If ( Threshold gt 0.0 ) Out.Position
Value1else Out.Position Value2
generates following assembly output
// calculate lerp value based on Value gt 0 mov
r1.w, c2.x slt r0.w, c3.x, r1.w // lerp between
Value1 and Value2 mov r7, -c1 add r2, r7, c0 mad
oPos, r0.w, r2, c1
Example of Function Inlining
// Bias and double a value to take it from 0..1
range to -1..1 range float4 bx2(float x)
return 2.0f x - 1.0f float4 main( float4
tc0 TEXCOORD0, float4 tc1
TEXCOORD1, float4 tc2 TEXCOORD2,
float4 tc3 TEXCOORD3) COLOR
// Sample noise map three times with different
// texture coordinates float4 noise0
tex2D(fire_distortion, tc1) float4 noise1
tex2D(fire_distortion, tc2) float4 noise2
tex2D(fire_distortion, tc3) // Weighted sum
of signed noise float4 noiseSum bx2(noise0)
bx2(noise1) distortion_amount1
bx2(noise2) distortion_amount2 //
Perturb base coordinates in direction of noiseSum
as function of height (y) float4
perturbedBaseCoords tc0 noiseSum (tc0.y

height_attenuation.y) // Sample base and
opacity maps with perturbed coordinates float4
base tex2D(fire_base, perturbedBaseCoords)
float4 opacity tex2D(fire_opacity,
perturbedBaseCoords) return base opacity
Code Permutations By Compiling Out Portions of
the Code
Scalar and Vector Data Types Optimization Notes
  • Scalar data types are not all natively supported
    in hardware
  • i.e. integers are emulated on float hardware
  • Not all targets have native half and none
    currently have double
  • Can apply swizzles to vector types
  • float2 vec pos.xy
  • But!
  • Not all targets have fully flexible swizzles
  • Acquaint yourself with the swizzles native to the
    relevant compile targets (particularly ps_2_0 and

Integer Data Type
  • Added to make relative addressing more efficient
  • Using floats for addressing purposes without
    defined truncation rules can result in incorrect
    access to arrays.
  • All inputs used as ints should be defined as ints
    in your shader

Example of Integer Data Type Usage
  • Matrix palette indices for skinning
  • Declaring variable as an int is a free
    operation gt no truncation occurs
  • Using a float and casting it to an int or using
    directly gt truncation will happen

Real-World Shader Examples
  • Will present several case studies of developing
    shaders used in ATIs demos
  • Multi-tone car paint effect
  • Translucent iridescent effect
  • Classic überlight example
  • Examples are presented as RenderMonkeyTM
  • Distributed publicly with version 1.0 release

Multi-Tone Car Paint
Multi-Tone Car Paint Effect
  • Multi-tone base color layer
  • Microflake layer simulation
  • Clear gloss coat
  • Dynamically Blurred Reflections

Car Paint Layers Build Up
Multi-Tone Base Color
Microflake Layer
Clear gloss coat
Final Color Composite
Multi-Tone Base Paint Layer
  • View-dependent lerpingbetween three paintcolors
  • Normal from appearancepreserving
    simplificationprocess, N
  • Uses subtractive tone to control overall color

Multi-Tone Base Coat Vertex Shader
VS_OUTPUT main( float4 Pos POSITION,
float3 Normal NORMAL,
float2 Tex TEXCOORD0,
float3 Tangent TANGENT, float3
(VS_OUTPUT) 0 // Propagate transformed
position out Out.Pos mul( view_proj_matrix,
Pos ) // Compute view vector Out.View
normalize( mul(inv_view_matrix,
float4( 0, 0, 0, 1)) - Pos ) //
Propagate texture coordinates Out.Tex Tex
// Propagate tangent, binormal, and normal
vectors to pixel shader Out.Normal
Normal Out.Tangent Tangent
Out.Binormal Binormal return Out
Multi-Tone Base Coat Pixel Shader
float4 main( float4 Diff COLOR0, float2
Tex TEXCOORD0, float3 Tangent
TEXCOORD1, float3 Binormal TEXCOORD2,
float3 Normal TEXCOORD3, float3 View
TEXCOORD4 ) COLOR float3 vNormal
tex2D( normalMap, Tex ) vNormal 2 vNormal
- 1.0 float3 vView normalize( View )
float3x3 mTangentToWorld transpose( float3x3(
Binormal, Normal )) float3
vNormalWorld normalize( mul(mTangentToWorld,v
Normal)) float fNdotV saturate( dot(
vNormalWorld, vView ) ) float fNdotVSq
fNdotV fNdotV float4 paintColor fNdotV
fNdotVSq paintColorMid
fNdotVSq fNdotVSq paintColor2
return float4( paintColor.rgb, 1.0 )
Microflake Layer
Microflake Deposit Layer
  • Simulating light interaction resulting from
    metallic flakes suspended in the enamel coat of
    the paint
  • Uses high frequency normalized vector noise map
    (Nn) which is repeated across the surface of the

Computing Microflake Layer Normals
  • Start out by using normal vector fetched from
    the normal map, N
  • Using the high frequency noise map, compute
    perturbed normal Np
  • Simulate two layers of microflake deposits by
    computing perturbed normals Np1 and Np2

where c b
where a ltlt b
Microflake Layer Pixel Shader
  • float4 main(float4 Diff COLOR0, float2
    Tex TEXCOORD0, float3 Tangent
    TEXCOORD1, float3 Binormal TEXCOORD2,
    float3 Normal TEXCOORD3, float3 View
    TEXCOORD4, float3 SparkleTex
  • fetch and signed scale the normal fetched
    from the normal map
  • float3 vFlakesNormal 2 tex2D(
    microflakeNMap, SparkleTex ) - 1
  • float3 vNp1 microflakePerturbationA
    vFlakesNormal normalPerturbation
  • float3 vNp2 microflakePerturbation (
    vFlakesNormal vNormal )
  • float3 vView normalize( View )
  • float3x3 mTangentToWorld transpose( float3x3(
    Tangent, Binormal,
    Normal ))
  • float3 vNp1World normalize( mul(
    mTangentToWorld, vNp1) )
  • float fFresnel1 saturate( dot( vNp1World,
    vView ))
  • float3 vNp2World normalize( mul(
    mTangentToWorld, vNp2 ))
  • float fFresnel2 saturate( dot( vNp2World,
    vView ))
  • float fFresnel1Sq fFresnel1 fFresnel1
  • float4 paintColor fFresnel1 flakeColor
    fFresnel1Sq flakeColor
    fFresnel1Sq fFresnel1Sq flakeColor
    pow( fFresnel2, 16 )

Clear Gloss Coat
Dynamically Blurred Reflections
Blurred Reflections
Dynamic Blurring of Environment Map Reflections
  • A gloss map can be supplied to specify the
    regions where reflections can be blurred
  • Use bias when sampling the environment map to
    vary blurriness of the resulting reflections
  • Use texCUBEbias for to access the cubic
    environment map
  • For rough specular, the bias is high, causing a
    blurring effect
  • Can also convert color fetched from environment
    map to luminance in rough trim areas

Clear Gloss Coat Pixel Shader
  • float4 ps_main( ... / same inputs as in the
    previous shader / )
  • // ... use normal in world space (see
    Multi-tone pixel shader)
  • // Compute reflection vector
  • float fFresnel saturate(dot( vNormalWorld,
  • float3 vReflection 2 vNormalWorld fFresnel
    - vView
  • float fEnvBias glossLevel
  • // Sample environment map using this reflection
    vector and bias
  • float4 envMap texCUBEbias( showroomMap,
    float4( vReflection,
    fEnvBias ) )
  • // Premultiply by alpha
  • envMap.rgb envMap.rgb envMap.a
  • // Brighten the environment map sampling result
  • envMap.rgb brightnessFactor

Compositing Multi-Tone Base Layer and Microflake
  • Base color and flake effect are derived from Np1
    and Np2 using the following polynomial
  • color0(Np1V) color1(Np1V)2 color2(Np1V)4

Base Color
Compositing Final Look
... // Compute final paint color combines
all layers of paint as well// as two layers of
microflakes float fFresnel1Sq fFresnel1
fFresnel1 float4 paintColor fFresnel1
paintColor0 fFresnel1Sq
paintColorMid fFresnel1Sq
fFresnel1Sq paintColor2
pow( fFresnel2, 16 ) flakeLayerColor //
Combine result of environment map reflection with
the paint // color float fEnvContribution
1.0 - 0.5 fNdotV // Assemble the final
look float4 finalColor finalColor.a
1.0finalColor.rgb envMap fEnvContribution
paintColor return finalColor
Original Hand-Tuned Assembly
Car Paint Shader HLSL Compiler Disassembly Output
Full Result of the Application of Multi-Layer
Paint to Car Body
Translucent Iridescent Shader Butterfly Wings
Translucent Iridescent Shader Butterfly Wings
  • Simulates translucency of delicate butterfly
  • Wings glow from scattered reflected light
  • Similar to the effect of softly backlit rice
  • Displays subtle iridescent lighting
  • Similar to rainbow pattern on the surface of soap
  • Caused by the interference of light waves
    resulting from multiple reflections of light off
    of surfaces of varying thickness
  • Combines gloss, opacity and normal maps for a
    multi-layered final look
  • Gloss map contributes to satiny highlights
  • Opacity map allows portions of wings to be
  • Normal map is used to give wings a bump-mapped

RenderMonkey Butterfly Wings Shader Example
  • Parameters that contribute to the translucency
    and iridescence look
  • Light position and scene ambient color
  • Translucency coefficient
  • Gloss scale and bias
  • Scale and bias for speed of iridescence change
  • WorkspaceHLSL_IridescentButterly.xml

Translucent Iridescent Shader Algorithm Basic
  • Compute light, view and halfway vectors in
    tangent space
  • Load base texture map, gloss map, opacity map and
    normal map
  • Compute diffusely reflected light
  • Compute scattered illumination contribution
  • Adjust for transparency of wings
  • Compute iridescence contribution
  • Add gloss highlights
  • Assemble final color

Translucent Iridescent Shader Vertex Shader
  • ..
  • // Propagate input texture coordinates
  • Out.Tex Tex
  • // Define tangent space matrix
  • float3x3 mTangentSpace
  • mTangentSpace0 Tangent
  • mTangentSpace1 Binormal
  • mTangentSpace2 Normal
  • // Compute the light vector (object space)
  • float3 vLight normalize( mul(
    inv_view_matrix, lightPos ) - Pos )
  • // Output light vector in tangent space
  • Out.Light mul( mTangentSpace, vLight )
  • // Compute the view vector (object space)
  • float3 vView normalize( mul(
    inv_view_matrix, float4(0,0,0,1)) - Pos )

Translucent Iridescent Shader Loading
float3 vNormal, baseColor float fGloss,
fTranslucency // Load normal and gloss
map float4( vNormal, fGloss ) tex2D(
bump_glossMap, Tex ) // Load base and opacity
map float4 (baseColor, fTranslucency) tex2D(
base_opacityMap, Tex )
Diffuse Illumination For Translucency
float3 scatteredIllumination saturate(dot(-vNorm
al, Light))
fTranslucency translucencyCoeff float3
diffuseContribution saturate(dot(vNormal,Light
)) ambient baseColor
scatteredIllumination diffuseContribution
Adding Opacity to ButterlyWings
  • Resulted color is modulated by the opacity value
    to add
  • transparency to the wings

// Premultiply alpha blend to avoid clamping the
highlights baseColor fOpacity

Making Butterfly Wings Iridescent
// Compute index into the iridescence gradient
map, which // consists of NV coefficient float
fGradientIndex dot( vNormal, View)
iridescence_speed_scale iridescence_speed_bias
// Load the iridescence value from the gradient
map float4 iridescence tex1D( gradientMap,
fGradientIndex )
Assembling Final Color
// Compute glossy highlights using values from
gloss map float fGlossValue fGloss (
saturate( dot( vNormal, Half ))
gloss_scale gloss_bias ) // Assemble the
final color for the wings baseColor
fGlossValue iridescence
HLSL Disassembly Comparison to the Hand-Tuned
12 ALU 3 Texture 15 Total
15 ALU 3 Texture 18 Total
Example of Translucent Iridescent Shader
Optimization Study Überlight
  • Flexible light described in JGT article Lighting
    Controls for Computer Cinematography by Ronen
    Barzel of Pixar
  • Überlight is procedural and has many controls
  • light type, intensity, light color, cuton,
    cutoff, near edge, far edge, falloff, falloff
    distance, max intensity, parallel rays, shearx,
    sheary, width, height, width edge, height edge,
    roundness and beam distribution
  • Code here is based upon the public domain
    RenderMan implementation by Larry Gritz

Überlight Spotlight Mode
  • Spotlight mode defines a procedural volume with
    smooth boundaries
  • Shape of spotlight is made up of two nested
    superellipses which are swept along direction of
  • Also has smooth cuton and cutoff planes
  • Can tune parameters to get all sorts of looks

Überlight Spotlight Volume
Roundness ½
Überlight Spotlight Volume
Outer swept superellipse
Roundness 1
Inner swept superellipse
Original clipSuperellipse() routine
  • Computes attenuation as a function of a points
    position in the swept superellipse.
  • Directly ported from original RenderMan source
  • Compiles to 42 cycles in ps_2_0, 40 cycles on R3x0

float clipSuperellipse ( float3 Q,
// Test point on the x-y plane float
a, // Inner superellipse float
b, float A, // Outer
superellipse float B,
float roundness) // Same roundness for both
ellipses float x abs(Q.x), y abs(Q.y)
float re 2/roundness // roundness
exponent float q a b pow (pow(bx, re)
pow(ay, re), -1/re) float r A B pow
(pow(Bx, re) pow(Ay, re), -1/re) return
smoothstep (q, r, 1)
Vectorized Version
  • Precompute functions of roundness in app
  • Vectorize abs() and all of the multiplications
  • Compiles to 33 cycles in ps_2_0, 28 cycles on

float clipSuperellipse ( float2 Q,
// Test point on the x-y plane
float4 aABb, // Dimensions of superellipses
float2 r) // Two precomputed
functions of roundness float2 qr, Qabs
abs(Q) float2 bx_Bx Qabs.x aABb.wzyx
// Swizzle to unpack bB float2 ay_Ay Qabs.y
aABb qr.x pow (pow(bx_Bx.x, r.x)
pow(ay_Ay.x, r.x), r.y) qr.y pow
(pow(bx_Bx.y, r.x) pow(ay_Ay.y, r.x), r.y)
qr aABb aABb.wzyx return smoothstep
(qr.x, qr.y, 1)
smoothstep() function
  • Standard function in procedural shading
  • Intrinsics built into RenderMan and DirectX HLSL

C implementation
float smoothstep (float edge0, float edge1, float
x) if (x lt edge0) return 0 if (x
gt edge1) return 1 // Scale/bias into
0..1 range x (x - edge0) / (edge1 -
edge0) return x x (3 - 2 x)
HLSL implementation
  • The free saturate handles x outside of
    edge0..edge1 range

float smoothstep (float edge0, float edge1, float
x) // Scale, bias and saturate x to 0..1
range x saturate((x - edge0) / (edge1
edge0)) // Evaluate polynomial return x
x (3 2 x)
Vectorized HLSL Implementation
  • With these optimizations, the entire spotlight
    volume computation of überlight compiles to 47
    cycles in ps_2_0, 41 cycles on R3x0

float3 smoothstep3 (float3 edge0, float3 edge1,
float3 OneOverWidth, float3
x) // Scale, bias and saturate x to 0..1
range x saturate( (x - edge0) OneOverWidth
) // Evaluate polynomial return x x
(3 2 x)
float3 smoothstep3 (float3 edge0, float3 edge1,
float3 OneOverWidth, float3
x) // Scale, bias and saturate x to 0..1
range x saturate( (x - edge0) OneOverWidth
) // Evaluate polynomial return x x
(3 2 x)
  • RenderMonkey IDE is a powerful, intuitive
    environment for developing shaders
  • Prototype your shaders quickly
  • Explore all parameters for your shaders using
    convenient GUI widgets
  • Let your artists tweak shader parameters to find
    the desired look
  • Develop shaders with your artists!

Presentation Summary
  • Building effects in real-time with RenderMonkey
  • Writing optimal HLSL code
  • Shader Examples
  • Shipped with RenderMonkey version 1.0see

HLSL Car Paint.xml
HLSL Iridescent Butterfly.xmll
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