Title: Adaptive ContextAware Services
1Adaptive Context-Aware Services
Objectives key problems
Participants Industry Partners
- Results
- An architecture for context transportation,
processing and management with configurable
protection. - A way to protect the users privacy during
context information exchange. - A mechanism to establish local interaction using
a stock Bluetooth device like a modern mobile
telephone. - The explicit representation of context
information and policies that enable direct
manipulation using - Transformations (XSL/XPATH)
- User-level editing
- An implementation with
- Context acquisition from hardware sensors (Mica
Motes) - Context publishing, rewriting and republishing
(SIP presence) - Application with context-based call re-routing
- Impact on Mobile and Wireless Systems (e.g. 3GPP)
- Exploit heterogenous wireless infrastructure
- Allow service integration at the edge (e.g. P2P)
- Enable service discovery, multi-device in wide
area (wireless) networks
Core Issues Context management Context Modelling,
Context data acquistion, Context propagation,
Abstracting from measurements, Privacy
issues. Adaptive interaction of users with
services Service description, Service discovery,
Service aggregation, Service composition. Adapti
ve Communication Path selection
Adaptive user interaction with services
Smart adaptive infrastructure
Seamless adaptive services
2Adaptive Context-Aware Services
Context sensing
Context processing
Context utilization
- Context Service
- Serves context information to applications
- Client of other context services
- Policy-based access
- Owned/managed by
- User (personal)
- Location
- Function or task
- Organisation
- ...
Properly abstracted, context information can be
used by applications and middlewares to
dynamically adapt to changes in the environment
and users behaviors. With service decomposition
the user perceives a single end-to-end service,
but in reality context information regarding
services, content and present middleware is used
to bridge the request across several intermediate
Context information originates in sensors.
Sensors measure features of the physical world
like temperature or acceleration or logical
properties of a computer system. We have used
wireless sensor platforms and exploited Bluetooth
to acquire context information.
Place Context Node
Person Context Node
1. Triggering
Local Services
User Device
User Device
2. Subscribe
3. Notify
List of Users in proximity
0. Bootstrapping using VCard Exchange
Bluetooth Detector (User Device)
Applications subscribe for context information
from their designated context service. The
context service resolves the requests into
re-subscriptions at remote context services.
Wireless Sensor Platforms (Temp., Light, Noise
level etc)