Title: Monte Carlo Methods and Statistical Physics
1Monte Carlo Methods and Statistical Physics
- Mathematical Biology Lecture 4
- James A. Glazier
- (Partially Based on Koonin and Meredith,
Computational Physics, Chapter 8)
2- Monte Carlo Methods Use Statistical Physics
Techniques to Solve Problems that are Difficult
or Inconvenient to Solve Deterministically. - Two Basic Applications
- Evaluation of Complex Multidimensional Integrals
(e.g. in Statistical Mechanics) 1950s - Optimization of Problems where the Deterministic
Problem is Algorithmically Hard (NP Completee.g.
the Traveling Salesman Problem) 1970s. - Both Applications Important in Biology.
3Example Thermodynamic Partition Function
- For a Gas of N Atoms at Temperature 1/b,
Interacting Pairwise through a Potential V(r),
the Partition Function
- Suppose We need to Evaluate Z Numerically with 10
Steps/Integration. - Then Have 103N Exponentials to Evaluate.
- The Current Fastest Computer is About
1012 Operations/Second. One Year 3 x 107
Seconds. So One Year 3 x 1019 Operations. - In One Year Could Evaluate Z for about 7 atoms!
- This Result is Pretty Hopeless. There Must Be a
Better Way.
4Normal Deterministic Integration
- Subdivide 0,1 into N Evenly Spaced Intervals of
width Dx1/N. Then
5Error EstimateContinued
2) Convergence is Slow while for Normal
Deterministic Integration
However, Comparison Isnt Fair. Suppose You Fix
the Number of Subdomains in the Integral to be
N. In d Dimensions Each Deterministic
Sub-Integral has N1/d Intervals. So the Net Error
is So, if dgt4 the Monte Carlo Method is
6Error Estimate
- How Good is the Estimate?
- For a constant Function, the Error is 0 for Both
Deterministic and Monte Carlo Integration. - Two Rather Strange Consequences
- In Normal Integration, Error is 0 for Straight
Lines. - In Monte Carlo Integration, Errors Differ for
Straight Lines Depending on Slope (Worse for
Steeper Lines). If -
7Monte Carlo Integration
- Use the Idea of the Integral as an Average
- Before We Solved by Subdividing 0,1 into Evenly
Spaced Intervals, but could Equally Well Pick
Positions Where We Evaluate f(x) Randomly
Chosen to be Uniform Random. So
Approximates I Note Need a Good Random Number
Generator for this Method to Work. See
(Vetterling, Press, Numerical Recipies)
- Like Normal Integration, Monte Carlo Integration
Can Have Problems. - Suppose You have N Delta
- Functions Scattered over
- the Unit Interval.
- However, the Probability of Hitting a Delta
Function is 0, so IN0. - For Sharply-Peaked Functions, the Random Sample
is a Bad Estimate (Standard Numerical Integration
doesnt Work Well Either)
9Weight Functions
- Can Improve Estimates by Picking the Random
Points Intelligently, to Have More Points Where
f(x) is Large and Few Where f(x) is Small. - Let w(x) be a Weight Function Such That
- For Deterministic Integration,
- the Weight Function has No Effect
- Let
- Then
- Alternatively, Pick
- So All We have to do is Pick x According to the
Distribution w(x) and Divide f(x) by that
10Weight FunctionsContinued
- If
- Why Not Just Let w(x) f(x)? Then Need to Solve
the Integral to Invert y(x) to Obtain x(y) or to
Pick x According to w(x). But Stripping Linear
Drift is Easy and Always Helps. - In d dimensions have
- So
- Which is Hard to Invert, so Need to Pick
Directly (Though, Again Can Strip Drift).
- Let
- And
- Then
- When You Cant Invert y(x) Refer to Large
Literature on How to Generate With the
Needed Distribution.
12Metropolis Algorithm
- Originally a Way to Derive Statistics for
Canonical Ensemble in Statistical Mechanics. - A Way to Pick the According to the Weight
- Function in a very high dimensional
space. - Idea Pick any x0 and do a Random Walk
- Subject to Constraints Such that the Probability
of a - Walker at has
- Problems
- 1) Convergence can be Very Slow.
- 2) Result can be Wrong.
- 3) Variance Not Known.
- For any State Generate a New Trial State
. Usually (Not Necessary) Assume that is
Not Too Far From . I.e. that it lies within
a ball of Radius d gt0 of - Let
- If r1 then Accept the Trial
- If rlt1 then Accept the Trial with Probability r.
I.e. Pick a Random Number ??0,1. - If ?ltr then Accept
- Otherwise Reject
- Repeat.
- May Not Sample Entire Space.
- If d Too Small Explore only Small Region Around
. - If d Too Big Probability of Acceptance Near 0.
Inefficient. - If Regions of High w Linked by Regions of Very
Low w Never See Other Regions. - If w Sharply Peaked Tend to Get Stuck Near
Maximum. - Sequence of Not Statistically Independent,
so Cannot Estimate Error. - Fixes
- Use Multiple Replicas. Many Different , Which
Together Sample the Whole Space. - Pick d So that the Acceptance Probability is ½
(Optimal). - Run Many Steps Before Starting to Sample.
15Convergence Theorem
- Theorem
- Proof Consider Many Independent Walkers Starting
from Every Possible Point and Let Them Run For a
Long Time. Let be the Density of
Walkers at Point . - Consider Two Points and . Let
be the Probability for a Single Walker to
Jump from to . - Rate of Jumps from to is
- Rate of Jumps from to is
- So the Net Change in is
16Convergence TheoremContinued
- At Equilibrium
- So if
- And if
- So Always Tends to its Equilibrium
Value Monotonically and the Rate of Convergence
is Linear in the Deviation - Implies that System is Perfectly Damped.
- This Result is the Fundamental Justification for
Using the Metropolis Algorithm to Calculate
Nonequilibrium and Kinetic Phenomena.
17Convergence TheoremConclusion
- Need to Evaluate
- If is Allowed, So is
. (Detailed Balance). I.e. - So
- While if
- So Always.
- Normalizing by the Total Number of Walkers
? - Note that This Result is Independent of How You
Choose Given , - As Long as Your Algorithm Has Nonzero Transition
Probabilities for All Initial Conditions and
Obeys Detailed Balance (Second Line Above).