Title: Minimalism
1Minimalism Painting after the end of
Painting Michael Fried, Art and Objecthood,
1967 Peter Bürger, Theory of the Avant-garde,
1984 in English 1974 in German Frank Stella Ad
Reinhardt Donald Judd Tony Smith Dan Flavin Carl
Andre Carl Andres floor pieces Ad
Reinhardt Robert Ryman Agnes Martin De-skillin
g Readymade
2Dan Flavin, Monument 4 for those who have been
killed in ambush, 1966
Robert Ryman, Surface Veil, 1970
3Donald Judd, Untitled (box with trough), 1963
Andy Warhol, Marilyn Diptych, 1962
4Claes Oldenburg, Soft Toilet, 1966
Dan Flavin, The diagonal of May 25, 1963 (to
Constantin Brancusi), 1963
5Robert Morris, Corner Piece, 1964
Vladimir Tatlin, Corner Counter-Relief, 1915
6Vladimir Tatlin, Model for the Monument to the
Third International, 1919-20
Dan Flavin, Monument to Tatlin, 1969
7Alexander Rodchenko, Wooden Constructions, 1921
Carl Andre, (right) Unfinished Pyramid (left)
Pyramid (Square Plan), c. 1959
8Robert Filliou, Galerie Légitime, c. 1962-63
Dan Flavin, Untitled, 1966
9Tony Smith, Die, 1962
Alexander Calder, Spiral, 1958
10Anthony Caro, Prairie, 1967
Donald Judd, Untitled, 1967
11Carl Andre, Lever, 1966
Constantin Brancusi, Endless Column, 1937
12Carl Andre, Lead Piece (144 plates of lead ),
Carl Andre, Magnesium Square, 1969
13Ad Reinhardt, Abstract Painting, Blue, 1952
Frank Stella, Die Fahne Hoch!, 1959
14Ad Reinhardt, Abstract Painting, Blue, 1952
Ad Reinhardt, Abstract Painting, No. 5, 1962
15Alexander Rodchenko, Triptych Pure Colors Red,
Yellow, Blue, 1921
Ad Reinhardt, Abstract Painting, No. 5, 1962
16Frank Stella, Zambesi, 1959
Frank Stella, Die Fahne Hoch!, 1959
17Pablo Picasso, Violin, 1912-13
Frank Stella, Die Fahne Hoch!, 1959
18Jasper Johns, Flag, 1954-55
Frank Stella, Die Fahne Hoch!, 1959
19Frank Stella, Zambesi, 1959
Frank Stella, Gezira, 1960
20Jasper Johns, Flag, 1954-55
Frank Stella, Die Fahne Hoch!, 1959
21Frank Stella, De La Nada Vida A La Nada Muerte,
1965, (metal powdered in polymer emulsion on
Frank Stella, Ophir, 1960-61, (copper paint on
22Joseph Stella, Empress of India, 1965
Piet Mondrian, Composition 2, 1922
23Agnes Martin, Leaf, 1965
Agnes Martin, The Peach, 1964 (oil and graphite
on paper)
24Agnes Martin, Leaf (detail), 1965
25Agnes Martin, White Flower, 1962
Agnes Martin, Milk River, 1963
26Sol LeWitt, Modular Structure, 1966
Agnes Martin, Leaf, 1965
27Agnes Martin, Morning, 1965
Agnes Martin, Gratitude, 2001
28Robert Ryman, Untitled, 1958
Robert Ryman, Untitled, 1958
29Robert Ryman, Untitled, 1961
Robert Ryman, Pace, 1984
30Carl Andre, Equivalent (VIII), 1966
Andy Warhol, Triple Elvis, 1962