Title: Enterprise Streaming Where ROI Means Survival 14 Big Surprises
1Enterprise Streaming Where ROI Means
Survival14 Big Surprises
- Rich Seidner
- VP, Research Analysis
- Streaming Media, Inc.
2ROI Research
- Why ROI? Because its now about survival.
- Research participants from
- more than 200 companies
- from 50 industries
- in 10 countries
- 111 respondents provided in-depth data
- This is not about how our industry uses streaming
3Part I Investment
- Why do companies stream?
- What are their primary streaming applications?
- How much are companies spending?
- What are the main cost factors?
- How much do companies stream?
- What do streams cost?
- When did companies deploy streaming?
4Q1 Why Do Companies Stream?
- Cost savings, Revenue, Productivity (money)
- More customers,Web stickiness, Duration
(frequency, reach, duration) - More customers, Customer satisfaction, Web
stickiness (customer) - Revenue, Communication, Brand (mixed)
- Communication, Productivity Morale (employee)
- Communication, Productivity, Timeliness (quality)
5A1 Why Do Companies Stream?
- Cost savings, Revenue, Productivity (money)
- More customers,Web stickiness, Duration
(frequency, reach, duration) - More customers, Customer satisfaction, Web
stickiness (customer) - Revenue, Communication, Brand
- Communication, Productivity Morale (employee)
- Communication, Productivity, Timeliness (quality)
6A1 Why Do Companies Stream?
7A1 Why Do Companies Stream?
- Desired benefits vary by streaming application
8Q2 What Are the Primary Applications?
- Advertising Marketing
- Content
- Corporate Communication
- Entertainment
- Surveillance
- Training
- Web conferencing
9A2 What Are the Primary Applications?
- Advertising Marketing
- Content
- Corporate Communication
- Entertainment
- Surveillance
- Training
- Web conferencing
10A2 What Are the Primary Applications?
11A2 What Are the Primary Applications?
12A2 What Are the Primary Applications?
13Q3 How Much Do Companies Spend Annually On
- 10,000
- 50,000
- 100,000
- 250,000
- 500,000
- 750,000
- 1,000,000
14A3 How Much Do Companies Spend Annually On
- 10,000
- 50,000
- 100,000
- 250,000
- 500,000
- 750,000
- 1,000,000
15A3 How Much Do Companies Spend Annually On
- Its a trick question, because it depends on
company size. But - The average spending of all respondents is
1,000,000. - And the median spending is 400,000 CHECK
- Their spending averages just 2 of 1 of annual
revenue CHECK
16A3 How Much Do Companies Spend Annually On
17A3 How Much Do Companies Spend Annually On
18Q4 Whats the Biggest Cost Factor in Enterprise
- Equipment
- Network
- Outsource (encoding, streaming, storage )
- Production
- Staff
19A4 Whats the Biggest Cost Factor in Enterprise
- Equipment
- Network
- Outsource (encoding, streaming, storage )
- Production
- Staff
20A4 Whats the Biggest Cost Factor in Enterprise
21Table 5.2 Training Cost Factors
22A4 Whats the Biggest Cost Factor in Enterprise
- Network costs are usually underestimated
- Production costs do not include production that
would be done in any case for other media - Staff Equipment are 70 of spending, which
means this is an opportunity for products
services - Outsourcing is a teensy percentage of spending
which means that it is also an opportunity for
service providers.
23Q5 How Much Do Companies Stream (on average)?
- 0.1 Hours / Person / Year for 10,000 People
- 0.2 Hours / Person /Year for 20,000 People
- 0.4 Hours / Person /Year for 25,000 People
- 0.6 Hours / Person /Year for 30,000 People
- 0.8 Hours / Person /Year for 35,000 People
- 1.0 Hours / Person /Year for 40,000 People
24A5 How Much Do Companies Stream (on average)?
- 0.1 Hours / Person / Year for 10,000 People
- 0.2 Hours / Person /Year for 20,000 People
- 0.4 Hours / Person /Year for 25,000 People
- 0.6 Hours / Person /Year for 30,000 People
- 0.8 Hours / Person /Year for 35,000 People
- 1.0 Hours / Person /Year for 40,000 People
25A5 How Much Do Companies Stream (on average)?
26Table 5.3 Streamed Training Per Person
27Q6 What Does a StreamHour Cost?
- 1 / Hour
- 2 / Hour
- 5 / Hour
- 10 / Hour
- 20/ Hour
- 50 / Hour
- 100 / Hour
28A6 What Does a StreamHour Cost?
- 1 / Hour
- 2 / Hour
- 5 / Hour
- 10 / Hour
- 20/ Hour
- 50 / Hour
- 100 / Hour
29A6 What Does a StreamHour Cost?
30A6 What Does a StreamHour Cost?
- Cost depends on the mix of audio and video
- Unit cost (per hour, per person) largely depends
on use of capacity - Sweet spot is
- 0-2 Hour for audio,
- 10-20 / Hour for video
31Q7 When Did Companies Deploy Streaming?
32A7 When Did Companies Deploy Streaming?
33A7 When Did Companies Deploy Streaming?
- 98 of respondents deployed their streaming
Y2000-Y2001 - Streaming technology has been around for 8 years,
but its just now becoming mainstream! - 150 of the Fortune200 corporations stream at
their public websites
34Part II Return (on investment)
- Whats the ROI for Training?
- Whats the ROI for Advertising Marketing?
- Whats the ROI for Corporate Communications
- Whats the ROI for Entertainment?
- What are the actual results so far?
35ROI is about all of the benefits
- ROI varies by streaming application
- Training
- Advertising
- Content
- Entertainment
- 97 of respondents dont measure their streaming
36Q8 Whats the ROI for Training?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
37A8 Whats the ROI for Training?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
- It all depends The answer is really all of the
38A8 Whats the ROI for Training?
- Cost savings are a primary tangible benefit of
stream-training, but cost savings depends on
several variable factors - How many people need to travel
- Cost of travel
- Cost per stream-hour
39A8 Whats the ROI for Training?
- Sales and Marketing executives love using
streaming for new product launches - It saves considerable travel time for the sales
team - It reaches more employees
- It can be shared with business partners and
40A8 Whats the ROI for Training?
- Case studies in the report
- Network equipment maker reduces costs by a factor
of 7 - Semiconductor maker saves 400,000 annually
- Storage appliance maker keeps sales people happy
- Professional association profits from
certification training - Business school competes against it rivals
- Telecom network saves 5.5 Million annually
41Q9 Whats the ROI for Advertising and Marketing?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
42A9 Whats the ROI for Advertising and Marketing?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
- Companies generate significant revenue increases.
43A9 Whats the ROI for Advertising and Marketing?
- Increased revenue is the primary tangible benefit
of streamed advertising. But many respondents
told us streaming also delivers these benefits - Streaming increases reach
- Streaming improves brand
- Streaming lowers sales costs
- And thereby lowers the cost of customer
acquisition - Streaming allows tracking of marketing collateral
44A9 Whats the ROI for Advertising and Marketing?
- Case studies in the report
- BYOBroadcast proves the ROI of streamed
advertising - Chalk Network reports sales conversion rate of 5
8 - Major online music service profits from barter
- PepsiCo reaches 1.1M consumers with its Brittney
Spears ads - slp3D reduces cost of customer acquisition for
its clients - Research Stream adds real-time market
intelligence - Top online book-seller, increases sales and
customer satisfaction
45Q10 Whats the ROI for Corporate Communications?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
46A10 Whats the ROI for Corporate Communications?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
- It all depends The answer is really all of the
47A10 Whats the ROI for Corporate Communications?
- Pretty much the same story as for
streamed-training. - Cost savings are a primary tangible benefit of
stream-corporate communications, but cost savings
depends on several variable factors - How many people need to travel
- Cost of travel
- Cost per stream-hour
48A10 Whats the ROI for Corporate Communications?
- Senior executives love using streaming for
reaching employees - It gets the information there immediately
- It reaches more employees
- It can be shared with business partners and
49A10 Whats the ROI for Corporate Communications?
- Case studies in the report
- Big Five accounting firm drives client services
- Hewlett Packard deploys enterprise-wide streaming
- Streaming service provider gains significant
competitive edge - Chevron Oil Company runs corporate compliance for
31,000 employees at 8,500 gas stations - German production company streams PR
communication for publicly traded companies
50Q11 Whats the ROI for Entertainment?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
51A11 Whats the ROI for Entertainment?
- 50
- 100
- 200
- 500
- 1,000
- 1,500
52A11 Whats the ROI for Entertainment?
53A11 Whats the ROI for Entertainment?
54Q12 What Actual Results Are Companies Getting?
- Mostly positive
- Mostly negative
- Too soon to tell
- It depends
55A12 What Actual Results Are Companies Getting?
- Mostly positive
- Mostly negative
- Too soon to tell
- It depends on application
56(No Transcript)
57Part III The Whole Enchilada
- How big is the market?
- Whats the market growth?
58Q13 How Big is the Enterprise Streaming Market?
- 0M - 100M
- 100M - 200M
- 200M - 400M
- 400M - 600M
- 600M - 800M
59A13 How Big is the Enterprise Streaming Market?
- Answer No-one knows
- 111 respondents spent 104M which does not
include any company with streaming products and
services so its at least double this size,
most probably more. - Were researching the facts.
60Q14 What Is the Streaming Market Growth?
61A14 What Is the Streaming Market Growth?
- These measures indicate significant market
growth - Spending is up 100 CHECK
- People served is up 200 CHECK
- Stream Hours is up 300 CHECK
- Bytes transferred are up 400 CHECK
- Companies using streaming is up xx CHECK
62What Will It Take for Your Business to Survive?
- Streaming Media offers resources that can help
you - Streaming Media events
- Streamingmedia.com
- Streaming Media Magazine
- Streaming Media Newsletter
- Streaming Media Research
- Newsgroups
63If you want a free copy of these slides,please
email rich_at_streamingmedia.com