Title: The%20Transactional%20Interpretation%20of%20Quantum%20Mechanics
1The Transactional Interpretationof Quantum
- John G. Cramer
- Professor of Physics
- Department of Physics
- University of Washington
- Seattle, Washington, USA
Presented atGeorgetown University Washington,
D.C. October 2, 2000
2Recent Research at RHIC
g 60 b 0.99986
g 60 b -0.99986
- RHIC Au Au
- collision at
- 130 Gev/nucleon
- measured with
- the STAR
- time projection
- Chamber on
- June 24, 2000.
- Colllisions may
- resemble the 1st microsecond of the Big Bang.
- What is Quantum Mechanics?
- What is an Interpretation?
- Example F m a
- Listening to the formalism
- Lessons from EM
- Maxwells Wave Equation
- Wheeler-Feynman Electrodynamics Advanced Waves
- The Transactional Interpretation of QM
- The Logic of the Transactional Interpretation
- The Quantum Transactional Model
- Paradoxes
- The Quantum Bubble
- Schrödingers Cat
- Wheelers Delayed Choice
- The Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Paradox
- Application of TI to Quantum Experiments
- Conclusion
4Theories andInterpretations
5What is Quantum Mechanics?
- Quantum mechanics is a theory that is ourcurrent
standard model for describingthe behavior of
matter and energy at thesmallest scales
(photons, atoms, nuclei,quarks, gluons, leptons,
). - Like all theories, it consists of amathematical
formalism and aninterpretation of that
formalism. - However, while the formalism has beenaccepted
and used for 75 years, itsinterpretation remains
a matter of controversy anddebate, and there are
several rival interpretationson the market.
6Example of an Interpretation Newtons 2nd Law
7Example of an Interpretation Newtons 2nd Law
- Interpretation The vector force on a bodyis
proportional to the product of its scalar mass,
which is positive, and the 2nd time derivative
of its vector position.
8Example of an Interpretation Newtons 2nd Law
- Interpretation The vector force on a bodyis
proportional to the product of its scalar mass,
which is positive, and the 2nd time derivative
of its vector position.
- What this Interpretation does
- It relates the formalism to physical observables
- It avoids paradoxes that arise when mlt0.
- It insures that Fa.
9What is an Interpretation?
- The interpretation of a formalism should
- Provide links between the mathematical symbols of
the formalism and elements of the physical world
10What is an Interpretation?
- The interpretation of a formalism should
- Provide links between the mathematical symbols of
the formalism and elements of the physical world - Neutralize the paradoxes all of them
11What is an Interpretation?
- The interpretation of a formalism should
- Provide links between the mathematical symbols of
the formalism and elements of the physical world - Neutralize the paradoxes all of them
- Provide tools for visualization or for
speculation and extension.
12What is an Interpretation?
- The interpretation of a formalism should
- Provide links between the mathematical symbols of
the formalism and elements of the physical world - Neutralize the paradoxes all of them
- Provide tools for visualization or for
speculation and extension.
- It should not make its own testable
predictions! - It should not have its own sub-formalism!
13Listening to the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
- Consider a quantum matrix element
- ltSgt òv y S y dr3 ltf S igt
- a y - y sandwich. What does this suggest?
14Listening to the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
- Consider a quantum matrix element
- ltSgt òv y S y dr3 ltf S igt
- a y - y sandwich. What does this suggest?
Hint The complex conjugation in y is the
Wigner operator for time reversal.
15Listening to the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
- Consider a quantum matrix element
- ltSgt òv y S y dr3 ltf S igt
- a y - y sandwich. What does this suggest?
Hint The complex conjugation in y is the
Wigner operator for time reversal. If y is a
retarded wave, then y is an advanced wave.
16Listening to the Formalism of Quantum Mechanics
- Consider a quantum matrix element
- ltSgt òv y S y dr3 ltf S igt
- a y - y sandwich. What does this suggest?
Hint The complex conjugation in y is the
Wigner operator for time reversal. If y is a
retarded wave, then y is an advanced wave. If
y A ei(kr-wt) then y A ei(-krwt)
(retarded) (advanced)
17Lessons fromClassical EM
18Maxwells Electromagnetic Wave Equation
- Ñ2 Fi 1/c2 2Fi /t2
- This is a 2nd order differential equation, which
has two time solutions, retarded and advanced.
19Maxwells Electromagnetic Wave Equation
- Ñ2 Fi 1/c2 2Fi /t2
- This is a 2nd order differential equation, which
has two time solutions, retarded and advanced.
Conventional Approach Choose only the retarded
solution(a causality boundary condition).
20Maxwells Electromagnetic Wave Equation
- Ñ2 Fi 1/c2 2Fi /t2
- This is a 2nd order differential equation, which
has two time solutions, retarded and advanced.
Conventional Approach Choose only the retarded
solution(a causality boundary condition).
Wheeler-Feynman Approach Use ½ retarded and ½
advanced(time symmetry).
21Lessons fromWheeler-FeynmanAbsorber Theory
22A Classical Wheeler-Feynman Electromagnetic
- The emitter sends retarded and advanced waves.
It offersto transfer energy.
23A Classical Wheeler-Feynman Electromagnetic
- The emitter sends retarded and advanced waves.
It offersto transfer energy. - The absorber responds with an advanced wave
thatconfirms the transaction.
24A Classical Wheeler-Feynman Electromagnetic
- The emitter sends retarded and advanced waves.
It offersto transfer energy. - The absorber responds with an advanced wave
thatconfirms the transaction. - The loose ends cancel and disappear, and energy
is transferred.
25The TransactionalInterpretation ofQuantum
26The Logic of theTransactional Interpretation
- Interpret Maxwells waveequation as a
relativisticquantum wave equation(for mrest
27The Logic of theTransactional Interpretation
- Interpret Maxwells waveequation as a
relativisticquantum wave equation(for mrest
0). - Interpret the relativisticKlein-Gordon and
Diracequations (for mrest gt 0)
28The Logic of theTransactional Interpretation
- Interpret Maxwells waveequation as a
relativisticquantum wave equation(for mrest
0). - Interpret the relativisticKlein-Gordon and
Diracequations (for mrest gt 0) - Interpret the Schrödinger equation as a
non-relativistic reduction of the K-G and
Diracequations (for mrest gt 0).
29The QuantumTransactional Model
- Step 1 The emitter sendsout an offer wave Y.
30The QuantumTransactional Model
- Step 1 The emitter sendsout an offer wave Y.
Step 2 The absorber responds with a
confirmation wave Y.
31The QuantumTransactional Model
- Step 1 The emitter sendsout an offer wave Y.
Step 2 The absorber responds with a
confirmation wave Y.
Step 3 The process repeats until energy and
momentum is transferred and the transaction is
completed (wave function collapse).
32The Transactional Interpretation and
Wave-Particle Duality
- The completed transactionprojects out only that
partof the offer wave that had been reinforced
by theconfirmation wave. - Therefore, the transactionis, in effect, a
projectionoperator. - This explains wave-particleduality.
33The Transactional Interpretation and the Born
Probability Law
- Starting from EM and the Wheeler-Feynman
approach, the E-fieldecho that the emitter
receivesfrom the absorber is the productof the
retarded-wave E-field atthe absorber and the
advanced-wave E-field at the emitter.
34The Transactional Interpretation and the Born
Probability Law
- Starting from EM and the Wheeler-Feynman
approach, the E-fieldecho that the emitter
receivesfrom the absorber is the productof the
retarded-wave E-field atthe absorber and the
advanced-wave E-field at the emitter. - Translating this to quantummechanical terms, the
echothat the emitter receives fromeach
potential absorber is yy,leading to the Born
Probability Law.
35The Role of the Observer inthe Transactional
- In the Copenhagen interpretation,observers have
a special role as the collapsers of wave
functions. This leads to problems, e.g., in
quantum cosmology where no observers are present.
36The Role of the Observer inthe Transactional
- In the Copenhagen interpretation,observers have
a special role as the collapsers of wave
functions. This leads to problems, e.g., in
quantum cosmology where no observers are present.
- In the transactional interpretation, transactions
involving an observer are the same as any other
37The Role of the Observer inthe Transactional
- In the Copenhagen interpretation,observers have
a special role as the collapsers of wave
functions. This leads to problems, e.g., in
quantum cosmology where no observers are present.
- In the transactional interpretation, transactions
involving an observer are the same as any other
transactions. - Thus, the observer-centric aspects of the
Copenhagen interpretation are avoided.
39Paradox 1The Quantum Bubble
Situation A photon is emitted from an
isotropic source.
40Paradox 1The Quantum Bubble
Situation A photon is emitted from an
isotropic source.
- Question (Albert Einstein)
- If a photon is detected at Detector A, how does
the photons wave function at the location of
Detectors B C know that it should vanish?
41Paradox 1The Quantum Bubble
Situation A photon is emitted from an
isotropic source.
- Question (Albert Einstein)
- If a photon is detected at Detector A, how does
the photons wave function at the location of
Detectors B C know that it should vanish?
42Paradox 1 Application of the Transactional
Interpretationto the Quantum Bubble
- A transaction developsbetween the source
anddetector A, transferring the energy there and
blocking any similar transfer to the other
potential detectors, due to the 1-photon
boundary condition. - The transactional handshakes acts nonlocally to
answer Einsteins question. - This is an extension of Pilot-Wave idea of
43Paradox 2Schrödingers Cat
- Experiment A cat isplaced in a sealed
boxcontaining a devicethat has a 50
probabilityof killing the cat.
44Paradox 2Schrödingers Cat
- Experiment A cat isplaced in a sealed
boxcontaining a devicethat has a 50
probabilityof killing the cat. - Question 1 When does thewave function
collapse?What is the wave functionof the cat
just before thebox is opened? (Y ½ dead ½
45Paradox 2Schrödingers Cat
- Experiment A cat isplaced in a sealed
boxcontaining a devicethat has a 50
probabilityof killing the cat. - Question 1 When does thewave function
collapse?What is the wave functionof the cat
just before thebox is opened? (Y ½ dead ½
Question 2 If we observe Schrödinger, what is
his wavefunction during the experiment? When
does it collapse?
46Paradox 2 Application of the Transactional
Interpretationto Schrödingers Cat
- A transaction eitherdevelops between thesource
and the detector,or else it does not. Ifit
does, the transactionforms nonlocally, notat
some particular time. - Therefore, asking whenthe wave
functioncollapsed was asking the wrong question.
47Paradox 3Wheelers Delayed Choice
- A source emits one photon. Its wave function
passes through two slits, producing interference.
48Paradox 3Wheelers Delayed Choice
- A source emits one photon. Its wave function
passes through two slits, producing interference. - The observer can choose to either(a) measure
the interference pattern (wavelength) at E
49Paradox 3Wheelers Delayed Choice
- A source emits one photon. Its wave function
passes through two slits, producing interference. - The observer can choose to either(a) measure
the interference pattern (wavelength) at E or(b)
measure the slit position with telescopes T1 and
50Paradox 3Wheelers Delayed Choice
- A source emits one photon. Its wave function
passes through two slits, producing interference. - The observer can choose to either(a) measure
the interference pattern (wavelength) at E or(b)
measure the slit position with telescopes T1 and
T2. - He decides which to do after the photon has
passed the slits.
51Paradox 3 Application of the Transactional
- If plate E is up, atransaction forms betweenE
and the source S andinvolves waves
passingthrough both slits.
52Paradox 3 Application of the Transactional
- If plate E is up, atransaction forms betweenE
and the source S andinvolves waves
passingthrough both slits. - If the plate E is down, atransaction forms
betweentelescope T1 or T2 and thesource S, and
involves wavespassing through only one slit.
53Paradox 3 Application of the Transactional
- If plate E is up, atransaction forms betweenE
and the source S. - If the plate E is down, atransaction forms
betweenone of the telescopes(T1, T2) and the
source S. - In either case, when thedecision was made
54Paradox 4 EPR ExperimentsMalus and Furry
- An EPR Experiment measures the correlated
polarizations of a pairof entangled photons,
obeyingMalus Law P(qrel) Cos2qrel
55Paradox 4 EPR ExperimentsMalus and Furry
- An EPR Experiment measures the correlated
polarizations of a pairof entangled photons,
obeyingMalus Law P(qrel) Cos2qrel - The measurement gives the same resultas if both
filters were in the same arm.
56Paradox 4 EPR ExperimentsMalus and Furry
- An EPR Experiment measures the correlated
polarizations of a pairof entangled photons,
obeyingMalus Law P(qrel) Cos2qrel - The measurement gives the same resultas if both
filters were in the same arm. - Furry proposed to place both photons inthe same
random polarization state.This gives a different
and weaker correlation.
57 Paradox 4 Application of the Transactional
Interpretation to EPR
- An EPR experiment requires a consistent double
advanced-retarded handshake between the emitter
and the two detectors.
58 Paradox 4 Application of the Transactional
Interpretation to EPR
- An EPR experiment requires aconsistent double
advanced-retarded handshake betweenthe emitter
and the twodetectors. - The lines of communicationare not spacelike
butnegative and positivetimelike. While
spacelikecommunication hasrelativity problems,
timelike communication does not.
59Faster Than Light?
60Is FTL CommunicationPossible with EPR
- Question Can the choice of measurementsat D1
telegraph information as themeasurement outcome
at D2?
61Is FTL CommunicationPossible with EPR
- Question Can the choice of measurementsat D1
telegraph information as themeasurement outcome
at D2? - Answer No! Operators for measurementsD1 and D2
commute. D1, D20. Choiceof measurements at
D1 has no observableconsequences at D2.
(Eberhards Theorem)
62Is FTL CommunicationPossible with EPR
- Question Can the choice of measurementsat D1
telegraph information as themeasurement outcome
at D2? - Answer No! Operators for measurementsD1 and D2
commute. D1, D20. Choiceof measurements at
D1 has no observableconsequences at D2.
(Eberhards Theorem) - Levels of EPR Communication
- Enforce conservation laws (Yes)
63Is FTL CommunicationPossible with EPR
- Question Can the choice of measurementsat D1
telegraph information as themeasurement outcome
at D2? - Answer No! Operators for measurementsD1 and D2
commute. D1, D20. Choiceof measurements at
D1 has no observableconsequences at D2.
(Eberhards Theorem) - Levels of EPR Communication
- Enforce conservation laws (Yes)
- Talk observer-to-observer (No!) Unless
nonlinear QM?!)
64Conclusions (Part 1)
- The Transactional Interpretation isvisible in
the quantum formalism - It involves fewer independentassumptions than
its alternatives. - It solves the quantum paradoxesall of them.
- It explains wave-function collapse, wave-particle
duality, and nonlocality. - ERP communication FTL is not possible!
65ApplicationAn Interaction-FreeMeasurement
66Elitzur-VaidmannInteraction-Free Measurements
- Suppose you are given a set of photon-activatedbo
mbs, which will explode when a singlephoton
touches their optically sensitive triggers.
67Elitzur-VaidmannInteraction-Free Measurements
- Suppose you are given a set of photon-activatedbo
mbs, which will explode when a singlephoton
touches their optically sensitive trigger. - However, some fraction of the bombs are duds
whichwill freely pass an incident photon without
68Elitzur-VaidmannInteraction-Free Measurements
- Suppose you are given a set of photon-activatedbo
mbs, which will explode when a singlephoton
touches their optically sensitive triggers. - However, some fraction of the bombs are duds
which will freely pass an incident photon without
exploding. - Your assignment is to sort the bombs into live
and dud categories. How can you do this
without exploding all the live bombs?
69Elitzur-VaidmannInteraction-Free Measurements
- Suppose you are given a set of photon-activatedbo
mbs, which will explode when a singlephoton
touches their optically sensitive trigger. - However, some fraction of the bombs are duds
whichwill freely pass an incident photon without
exploding. - Your assignment is to sort the bombs into live
and dud categories. How can you do this
without exploding allthe live bombs? - Classically, the task is impossible. All live
bombs explode!
70Elitzur-VaidmannInteraction-Free Measurements
- Suppose you are given a set of photon-activatedbo
mbs, which will explode when a singlephoton
touches their optically sensitive triggers. - However, some fraction of the bombs are duds
which will freely pass an incident photon without
exploding. - Your assignment is to sort the bombs into live
and dud categories. How can you do this
without exploding all the live bombs? - Classically, the task is impossible. All live
bombs explode! - However, using quantum mechanics, you can do it!
71The Mach-Zender Interferometer
- A Mach-Zender intereferometersplits a light beam
at S1 intotwo paths, A and B, havingequal
lengths, and recombinesthe beams at S2. All the
lightgoes to detector D1 because the beams
interfere destructively at detector D2.
72The Mach-Zender Interferometer
- A Mach-Zender intereferometersplits a light beam
at S1 intotwo paths, A and B, havingequal
lengths, and recombinesthe beams at S2. All the
lightgoes to detector D1 because the beams
interfere destructively at detector D2.
D1 LS1rArS2tD1 and LS1tBrS2rD1 gt in
73The Mach-Zender Interferometer
- A Mach-Zender intereferometersplits a light beam
at S1 intotwo paths, A and B, havingequal
lengths, and recombinesthe beams at S2. All the
lightgoes to detector D1 because the beams
interfere destructively at detector D2.
D1 LS1rArS2tD1 and LS1tBrS2rD1 gt in
phase D2 LS1rArS2rD2 and LS1tBrS2tD2
gt out of phase
74A M-Z Inteferometer withan Opaque Object in Beam
- If an opaque object is placed inbeam A, the
light on path Bgoes equally to detectors D1and
75A M-Z Inteferometer withan Opaque Object in Beam
- If an opaque object is placed inbeam A, the
light on path Bgoes equally to detectors D1and
D2. - This is because there is now no interference, and
splitter S2 divides the incident light equally
between the two detector paths.
76A M-Z Inteferometer withan Opaque Object in Beam
- If an opaque object is placed inbeam A, the
light on path Bgoes equally to detectors D1and
D2. - This is because there is now no interference, and
splitter S2 divides the incident light equally
between the two detector paths. - Therefore, detection of a photon at D2 (or an
explosion) signals that a bomb has been placed in
path A.
77How to Sort the Bombs
- Send in a photon with thebomb in A. If it is a
dud,the photon will alwaysgo to D1. If it is a
livebomb, ½ of the time thebomb will explode, ¼
ofthe time it will go to D1 and ¼ of the time to
78How to Sort the Bombs
- Send in a photon with thebomb in A. If it is a
dud,the photon will alwaysgo to D1. If it is a
livebomb, ½ of the time thebomb will explode, ¼
ofthe time it will go to D1 and ¼ of the time to
D2. - Therefore, on each D1 signal, send in another
photon.On a D2 signal, stop, you have a live
bomb!After 10 or so D1 signals, stop, you have a
dud bomb! By this process, you will find
unexploded 1/3 of the live bombs and will explode
2/3 of the live bombs.
79Quantum Knowledge
- Thus, we have used quantummechanics to gain a
kind ofknowledge (i.e., whichunexploded bombs
are live)that is not accessible to us
80Quantum Knowledge
- Thus, we have used quantummechanics to gain a
kind ofknowledge (i.e., whichunexploded bombs
are live)that is not accessible to us
classically. - Further, we have detected the presence of an
object (the live bomb), without a single photon
having interacted with that object. Only the
possibility of an interaction was required for
the measurement.
81Quantum Knowledge
- Thus, we have used quantummechanics to gain a
kind ofknowledge (i.e., whichunexploded bombs
are live)that is not accessible to us
classically. - Further, we have detected the presence of an
object (the live bomb), without a single photon
having interacted with that object. Only the
possibility of an interaction was required for
the measurement. - Q How can we understand this curious quantum
82Quantum Knowledge
- Thus, we have used quantummechanics to gain a
kind ofknowledge (i.e., whichunexploded bombs
are live)that is not accessible to us
classically. - Further, we have detected the presence of an
object (the live bomb), without a single photon
having interacted with that object. Only the
possibility of an interaction was required for
the measurement. - Q How can we understand this curious quantum
behavior? - A Apply the transactional interpretation.
83Transactions for No Object
- There are two allowed paths between the light
source L and the detector D1.
84Transactions for No Object
- There are two allowed paths between the light
source L and the detector D1. If the paths have
equal lengths, the offer waves y to D1 will
interfere constructively, while the offer y waves
to D2 interfere destructively and cancel.
85Transactions for No Object
- There are two allowed paths between the light
source L and the detector D1. If the paths have
equal lengths, the offer waves y to D1 will
interfere constructively, while the offer y waves
to D2 interfere destructively and cancel. The
confirmation waves y traveling back to L along
both paths back to L will confirm the transaction.
86Transactions with Bomb Present (1)
- An offer wave from L on path A will reach the
bomb. An offer wave on path B reaching S2 will
split equally, reaching each detector with ½
87Transactions with Bomb Present (2)
- The bomb will return a confirmation wave on path
A. Detectors D1 and D2 will each return
confirmation waves, both to L and to the back
side of the bomb. The amplitudes of the
confirmation waves at L will be ½ from the bomb
and ¼ from each of the detectors, and a
transaction will form based on those amplitudes.
88Transactions with Bomb Present (3)
- Therefore, when the bomb does not explode, it is
nevertheless probed by virtual offer and
confirmation waves from both sides. - The bomb must be capable of interaction with
these waves, even though no interaction takes
place (because no transaction forms).
89ApplicationThe QuantumXeno Effect
90Quantum Xeno Effect Improvementof
Interaction-Free Measurements
- Kwait, et al, have devisedan improved scheme
forinteraction-freemeasurements that canhave
efficienciesapproaching 100. - Their trick is to use thequantum Xeno effect to
probe the bomb with weak waves many times. The
incident photon runs around anoptical racetrack
N times, until it is deflected out.
91Efficiency of the Xeno Interaction-Free
- If the object is present,the emerging photonat
DH will be detectedwith a probabilityPD
Cos2N(p/2N). - The photon will interactwith the object with
aprobability PR 1 - PD 1 - Cos2N(p/2N).When
N is large, PD 1 - (p/2)2/N and PR (p/2)2/N.
Therefore, the interaction probability decreases
as 1/N.
92Offer Waveswith No Object in the V Beam
- This shows an unfolding of the Xeno apparatus
when no object is present in the V beam. In this
case the photon wave is split into horizontal (H)
and vertical (V) components, and then recombined.
The successive R filters each rotate the plane
of polarization by p/2N. The photon emerges with
V polarization.
93Offer Waveswith an Object in the V Beam
- This shows an unfolding of the Xeno apparatus
when an object is present in the V beam. In this
case the photon wave is repratedly reset to
horizontal (H) polarization. The photon emerges
with H polarization.
94Confirmation Waveswith an Object in the V Beam
- This shows the confirmation waves for an
unfolding of the Xeno apparatus when an object is
present in the V beam. In this case the photon
wave is reset to horizontal (H) polarization. The
wave returns to the source L with theH
polarization of the initial offer wave.
95Conclusions (Part 2)
- The Transactional Interpretation can account for
the non-classical information provided by
interaction-free-measurements. - The roles of the virtual offer and confirmation
waves in probing theobject being measured
lends supportto the transactional view of the
process. - The examples shows the power of the
interpretation in dealing with counter-intuitive
quantum optics results.
96Applications of the Transactional Interpretation
of Quantum Mechanics
- John G. Cramer
- Professor of Physics
- Department of Physics
- University of Washington
- Seattle, Washington, USA
Presented at theBreakthrough Physics Lecture
SeriesMarshall Space Flight Center Marshall,
Alabama August 17, 2000