Title: Sustainability
1Sustainable University
2Sustainable University
- University whose long term prospect for
continuing to exist is good such a university
behaves in ways that sustain the integrity and
biodiversity of the local and planetary
ecosystems upon which all life depends - a university whose core values include respect
for the biota and natural processes, mindfulness
of place, living within planetary limits,
accounting for full costs, and civic
responsibility. - the kind of university that Penn State Erie is
striving to become.
PSErie Jan. 2002
3Ecologically Literate
- Understand basic ecological processes
- Appreciate planetary limits
- Able to evaluate the impacts of their life-style
choices on the environment
- We believe that we have a responsibility to
foster and build a respect for the environment - 1) appreciating the place of humans and
institutions within their surroundings - 2) committing to live within our environmental
limits and consider the full cost of our
endeavors and - 3) assuming a leadership role in communicating
and teaching civic responsibility.
PSErie Jan. 2002
- Penn State Behrends Sustainability Task Force
will develop and implement strategies and develop
related programs for campus practices and
policies that affect sustainability within the
college community.
PSErie Jan. 2002
- Penn State Behrend will have a student, faculty,
and staff community that is educated about and
committed to establishing and maintaining a
responsible relationship with the fixed and
finite natural resources on which we depend.
PSErie Jan. 2002
7Web Sites
- UB Green
- http//wings.buffalo.edu/ubgreen/
- Worldometers
- http//www.osearth.com/resources/worldometers
- Material Resources Waste Disposal
- Energy
- Land
- Water
- Food
- Transportation
- Building Environment
- Community
- Research
- Decision Making
10Material Resources Waste Disposal
- We consume DAILY
- 115 lb. Basic materials
- 40 lb. Petroleum coal
- 29 lb. Minerals
- 26 lb. Agricultural products
- 20 lb. Forestry products
11(No Transcript)
12Material Resources Waste Disposal
- Paper consumption
- University publications
- Student class needs
- If we use 2000 tons/yr. then 4000 m3 of wood
necessary then 3200 acres of forest - Recycled paper use ????
13Material Resources Waste Disposal
- Solid Waste
- Go to Landfill
- Food food wraps
- Plastic
- Metals
- Recycling Efforts
- Glass
- Paper products
- Aluminum cans
14Minimize Solid Waste
- Reduce the amount of paper and the amount of
paper that enters the waste stream - Increase the percentage of waste paper recycled
- Identify and implement alternatives to paper use
incentives to lower usage - Identify sensible electronic alternatives to
paper use
Goal 3 PSErie Jan.2002
15Minimize Solid Waste
- Investigate possibilities for composting waste
paper - Explore the possibility of buying and using more
recycled paper
Goal 3 PSErie Jan.2002
16Material Resources Waste Disposal
- Reduce
- Reuse
- Repair
- Recycle
- Fossil fuel dependency
- (total per capita consumption)
- Commuters
- Heating Cooling buildings
- Lighting
- Type of energy and emission form
- CO2, particulates, NOx, SOx, CO
- Conservation Initiatives
- Use public transit and carpool
- Building temperature control
- Lighting retrofit
- Motion sensors
- Use of alternative energy sources
- Solar, heat pumps cogeneration
19Reduce Energy Use Promote Cleaner Fuels
- further reducing energy use for lighting by
installing additional motion sensor units or
lighting timers - encouraging car-pooling and bus use
- replacing college-owned gas-powered vehicles with
electric or hybrid versions - developing projects that involve energy
generation through cogeneration, tapping natural
gas, or using alternative sources like solar or
wind power.
Goal 1 PSErie Jan.2002
- Water Consumption
- Student water budget
- Showers - 4-5 gal./ min.
- Toilets 3.5 gal./flush
- Bathroom faucets 2.5 gal./min.
- Washers 35 gal./load
21Conserve Water Use
- Since 1996, annual water consumption at PSU
Behrend increased from approx. 2.7 mcf to approx.
3.8 mcf. - We would like to see per capita water use
decrease by 25 percent over the next decade.
Goal 2 PSErie Jan.2002
22Conserve Water Use
- Adopt a proactive approach for water conservation
in our food service practices - Example Incorporating high efficiency
dishwashing machines in the dining halls. - Continue to provide water conservation measures
in our housingsuch as low-flow shower nozzles - Plumbing maintenance (water leaks) issues should
also be a priority
Goal 2 PSErie Jan.2002
23Conserve Water Use
- Laundry contractor provide water-efficient
washing machines - Design future facilities with the ability to
capture rainwater to be used for clothes washing
and toilet flushing - Re-use gray water for irrigating athletic fields
and common grounds on campus
Goal 2 PSErie Jan.2002
- Healthy Diet
- Food guide pyramid five star system
- Low waste
- Regional perspective
- Purchasing policies
- Ecological sustainable farming practices
- Education in food production practices, packaging
and labor practices
25Reduce Waste of Food Encourage Healthy Diets
- Improvement of processes related to waste
reduction, composting, recycling, and food
purchasing policies in college dining facilities. - Reusable food and beverage containers
- Provide vegetarian alternatives.
- Use a dietician and publicity to educate the
college community about food health issues. - Reduce food waste by reducing portion sizes,
investigating options for recycling waste
Goal 4 PSErie Jan.2002
26(No Transcript)
- Value of native biota
- Native vs. exotic plants on campus
- Percent of campus land covered by Impervious
Surfaces - Pesticide Use in Lawn Care
- Respect natural processes
- Conserve green space
28Consider the following
- In the US, an area the size of PA is covered by
turf grass - We add more synthetic fertilizer to our lawns
than India uses for all its crops - We spend more per acre to maintain our lawns than
we spend on crops - We use 10x more chem. pesticides per acre than
farmers apply to their fields
Goal 5 PSErie Jan.2002
- Petrolium-based transportation hidden costs
- Land loss due to roads
- Green space converted to parking space
- Car generated pollution
- Public transportation Utilization
- Traffic calming road design
31(No Transcript)
- We need to create a university that exhibits the
characteristics of a healthy and responsible
community. - A sustainable community is
- Ecologically literate
- Safe
- Healthy
This education and stewardship effort is being
coordinated and conducted by an education and
stewardship committee composed of faculty
members, staff, and students.
Goal 7 PSErie Jan.2002
34(No Transcript)
- To keep in existence keep up
- To maintain specifically to provide sustenance
or nourishment for SYN. Support sustaina/ble
adj. sus.tain/er n.
36Project Organization
- What is the current source of our energy?
- How do we use this energy?
- How can we reduce our dependence on fossil
fuels? - Can we become energy independent?
38Current Status
- Electricity use 2000-2001 14385000KWH
- 3.5 /KWH
- Natural Gas 2000-2001 215,400 CF
- .53 /CF
- Students Faculty Staff
- Full time 3270 179 389
- Part time 530 78 118
39Computers on campus (a minimum 1050,
excluding student PCs)
- Weekends when computers are not in use they
should be turned off - During the week all computers should be set for
sleep mode
40Short-Term Goals
- Reduce the energy demand for lighting
- Electronic strikers on all gas pilots.
- Audit of all old motors on campus
- Evaluate thermostatic controls for heating and
cooling. - Boiler replacement in NICK
Goal 1 PSErie Jan.2002
41Short-Term Goals
- F. Encourage car-pooling and bus use (offer
rebates for bus use or add free bus pass to fees) - G. Become more bicycle moped friendly
- H. Work on reducing our dependence on the auto
and establish a park and ride system complete
with shuttle car pool lanes
Goal 1 PSErie Jan.2002
42Long-Term Goals
- A. Build wind-turbines install solar panels
- B. Magnetic switches on dorm windows to
control HVAC - C. Use of cogeneration (In Reed specifically)
- D. Double pane glass in Science, Nick and Reed
Goal 1 PSErie Jan.2002
43Long-Term Goals
- E. Determine the feasibility of natural gas
wells and cogeneration - F. When the Bayfront Highway is complete, work
with EMTA to increase ridership on busses. - G. Replace maintenance vehicles, mowers, snow
blowers, leaf blowers etc. with hybrid or
electric vehicles and machines.
Goal 1 PSErie Jan.2002
- Reduce energy consumption by 5 by 2004
- Become energy efficient to the point that we
produce ALL our energy needs on-site. - Do this in steps alternative energy production
5 by 2004, 25 by 2006 and 75 by 2008. - Reduce campus dependence on the auto by 25
Goal 1 PSErie Jan.2002