Title: TURBO PROTOCOL Software To Manage Your GCRC Protocol Data
1TURBO PROTOCOLSoftware To Manage YourGCRC
Protocol Data
Helix Computer Systems 700 Harris Street, Suite
205 Charlottesville, VA 22903 (434) 963-4900
Turbo Protocol is an application program
originally designed and written at the University
of Virginia General Clinical Research Center
beginning in 1995. This comprehensive suite of
software helps to organize and manage the
life-cycle of all a Centers protocols beginning
with the submission by the Principal
Investigator day-to-day tasks like patient
scheduling and the end stages of a five-year
grant renewal. There are three main modules that
make up Turbo Protocol 1.Protocol Database
Suite Authoring and approval of the basic
protocol. 2.Nursing and Census Suite Allow key
personnel to input procedural information,
schedule patients and resources, pre-admit
patients and provide a census of the patient
population. 3.Metabolic Kitchen Suite Create a
meal preparation schedule based on protocol and
patient schedules. Licensing was granted to Helix
by the University of Virginia in 2000.
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3Turbo Protocol Management Suite III
- Suite III is the Metabolic Kitchen Suite.
- Kitchen Protocol Manager (KPRO) (Figure 1)
- Allows the kitchen staff to create diet flow
sheets, orders and notes on an admission/visit
basis. - Prints a diet face sheet that is used in
conjunction with the Protocol Package. - Meals List
- Used by kitchen staff for the preparation of
scheduled daily meals per PADS and as determined
by the admission/visit type specified in KPRO. - Adds unscheduled meals.
- Diet Fix
- Edits diet flow sheets.
- Updates changes to Meals Lists.
- Changes protocol diets for patients.
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4Kitchen Protocol Manager - KPRO - Main
KPRO allows the dietitian to add, edit and delete
diet flow sheet information for all
protocols. Scroll to locate the protocol from the
available list. Highlight protocol and click
View Protocol button
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5KRPO Add Diet
Add new admission/visit type OR work with the
admission/visit types added by the nursing
staff. To add a new diet flow sheet, double click
the flow sheet field. Flow sheet information is
defaulted to NO until a new flow sheet is added.
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6KPRO Diet Flow Sheet
Diet flow sheet screen allows the dietitian to
add new information for each admission type. List
boxes at the top of the form allow the dietitian
to point and click to add new diet data. Diet
flow sheets print in a grid format (similar to MS
Excel). Flow sheets can be saved as templates and
reused for in other admissions or protocols.
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7KPRO General Diet Notes
General Diet Notes (regarding the entire
protocol) can be added from this screen. General
Diet Notes are printed by clicking the Print Face
Sheet button on the Main form.
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8KPRO Diet Face Sheet
The Diet Face Sheet is a summary page regarding
the protocols diet information.
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9KPRO Status Information
By clicking the Status button on the main form
the dietitian can view the status/approval
information about the protocol. This form is
also available to the administration staff
(through TPAP) and the nursing staff (through
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10Meals List Program
The dietitian and metabolic chefs use the Meals
List program to organize and plan the preparation
of daily meals. This program Displays or prints
daily meal reports. These reports are sorted by
meals and display patient names, protocol numbers
and special diet information. Display or print
tomorrow's Constant diet meals to facilitate
advance preparation. Automates post-meal tracking
of meals served. Allows the user to add
unscheduled patient meals.
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11Meals List Report
Meals List report for March 11th and 12th.
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12Meals List Program
Meals Served screen. The user double clicks the
meal served then clicks the discard button. The
meal is then deleted from this form. This
post-meal activity is related to keeping accurate
inventory of meals served. Unscheduled Meals are
also added through this screen by clicking the
Add Unschedule button to open the Unscheduled
Meals screen.
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13Meals List Add Meal
The user locates the patient name in the patient
list then adds necessary meal information. Click
Add Meal button to have the meal added to the
Meals Served screen.
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14Diet Fix Program
The Diet Fix (or Diet Editor) program allows the
dietitian to edit the patients diet sheet or
change the patients protocol diet.
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15Please contact Helix Computer Systems for more
informationHelix Computer Systems700 Harris
Street, Suite 205Charlottesville, VA 22903(434)
963-4900 ext. 4Tony OBrienorNatasha Veitch
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