Title: Viruses
2What is a Virus?
- Tiny particles that can invade cells
3Characteristics of a virus
- Cannot preform all the functions of living cells
- Shares reproductive function with other cells
- Need the help of hosts
- Living things that provide a home and/or food for
a parasite - Parasite an organism that survives by living on
or in a host organism, thus harming it
4Structure of a Virus
- Core of Hereditary Material
- Controls the production of new viruses
- Protein Coat
- Encloses and protects virus
- Identify and attatch to host cell
5Virus reproduction
- 1) injecting their genes into a host cell
- 2) fusing with the host cell wall OR
- 3) being engulfed by the host cell.
- Look on Page 133 of your Text
6Viruses and Humans
- Cause a huge number of human diseases form the
annoying to the deadly - Weakened or killed viruses are made into vaccines
- Put hereditary material into viruses to put this
information into healthy cells in the future
may cure hereditary disorders (diabetes)
7T4 bacteriophage
The T4 bacteriophage is a virus that invades
bacterial cells. The phage attaches to a
bacterium's cell wall via its "tails" (the green
spikes at the end of the blue columns). It then
punches a hole in the cell wall and injects its
genes into the bacterium through the syringe-like
blue column. The viral genes are packaged in the
yellow phage "heads." The viral genes commandeer
the bacterium's cellular machinery and instruct
it to begin making new virus parts. These parts
assemble to form new viruses, which eventually
become so crowded that they burst the bacterium
and head off to invade other cells.
8Homework? YEP!!
- Read Page 129-135
- Complete section review questions on page 135.
Title, date and place in notebook right after
these notes. - Due next class
- Using reference materials from the library or the
web prepare a report on one of the following
10Staphylococcus aureus (Staph) Escherichia
coli (E.coli) Mycoplasma pneumoniae
(Pneumonia) Human Immunodeficiency Virus
(AIDS) Rhinovirus (Common Cold)
Myobacterium tuberculosis (TB) Rubrivirus
(Rubella or German Measles) Filovirus
(Ebola, Hemorrhagic Fever) Enterococcus
faecalis (Strep). Salmonella typhimurium
(Food Poisoning) Influenza Virus (Flu)
Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme Disease)
Hantavirus (Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome)
Flavivirus (Dengue Fever)
11What to do
- Include Information about what causes the disease
- Include Information on how the disease is
transmitted to human beings - Include the symptoms of the disease
- Include the types of treatment
- Include information on the parts of the world it
is most prevalent
12What to Remember
- Title page with a photo of your chosen
microbe/virus (disease), Name and Date - Introductory paragraph, Main body of the paper
and conclusion - Proof read for grammar and spelling
- Bibliography page (at least 3 sources)
- Typed, 12-14 font, 1.5-2 spaces between lines
- 2-5 pages in length.
13How will I be graded?
- Title page 5 points
- Content 25 points
- Grammar 5 points
- Spelling 5 points
- Bibliography
- 5 points
- Paper Structure
- 5 points
14When is it due?
15Part 2 In Class presentation
- Present the information in your paper to the
class - Produce a visual aid to help in the understanding
of your material during your presentation (ex
overhead transparency with highlights or a poster
with photos/illustrations that correspond to your
16Presentation will be graded..
- Visual Aid5 points for neatness5 points for
corresponding with your material - Eye Contact 5 points
- Voice Projection 5 points
- http//commtechlab.msu.edu/sites/dlc-me/zoo/index.
html - http//www.microbeworld.org/
- http//www.umsl.edu/microbes/articles.html
- http//www.amnh.org/exhibitions/epidemic/
- http//www.pfizer.com/rd/microbes/