ANGOLA - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Angolan Government's Program for Demobilization and Reintegration (PGDR) of ... Train local personnel in the confection of individualized aids for daily life ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes


  • - ARPESD -
  • From the Medical to the Social Model
  • an inclusive development strategy
  • Rosangela Berman Bieler
  • Inter-American Institute on Disability
    Inclusive Development

  • The Angolan Governments Program for
    Demobilization and Reintegration (PGDR) of
    Ex-Combatants is being implemented at the
    National level by the Institute of
    Socio-Professional Re-integration of
    Ex-Combatants (IRSEM) in order to provide
    assistance in facilitating economic and social
    integration of 138,000 Ex-Combatants.
  • As part of the PGDR, the ASSISTANCE FOR THE
    on providing direct attention in the area of
    assistive devices, medical rehabilitation,
    psychosocial support and professional
    rehabilitation to this group of beneficiaries.
    Attention is to be provided in the areas of
    skills development, income-generating activities,
    micro-finance, business development services and
    support to local communities in which persons
    with severe disabilities live.

  • IRSEM has developed a strategy inclusive of the
    abovementioned activities that will focus on the
    ultimate successful reintegration of persons with
    disabilities into their respective communities.
  • The objective of the project is to deliver
    technical assistance to IRSEM to create
    conditions for social integration and physical
    rehabilitation in order to minimize dependency on
    specialized services and enhance transition into
    mainstream society.

Goals of the Project
  • To support up to 1,000 beneficiaries with severe
    disabilities, identified by IRSEM, de-mobilized
    from the Bicesse, Lusaka and Luena accords (750
    former-military 250 civilians).
  • To assess all the available services that may
    support the beneficiaries of the project.
  • To provide support for the resolutions of key
    problems that may generate exclusion
  • To work with each beneficiary and to establish
    individual rehabilitation plans

Implementation Provinces
  • - Luanda
  • Benguela
  • Kuando Kubango
  • Lubango
  • Huambo

Expected Results
  • Beneficiaries have their proper individual
    rehabilitation plans
  • Potential services in Angola are
    identified/defined, including rehabilitation and
    other services that may be offered by the
  • Beneficiaries are referred to available
    services meeting individual needs
  • Obstacles to access of services are removed
    and services are offered
  • Quality integral rehabilitation services are
  • Human Rights of beneficiaries with severe
    disabilities are taken into consideration and
  • Rehabilitation and reintegration services for
    people with disabilitiescontinue being provided
    monitored by IRSEM after the conclusion of the

Objectives of the Consultancy
  • Design and facilitate training of community
    agents and beneficiaries, on daily life
    activities and independent living for persons
    with severe disabilities. This item includes the
    identification/development of tools and resources
    for diagnosis, training, monitoring and
    evaluation, from the perspective of the family
    and the community
  • Participate in the identification and selection
    of the initial purchase of materials and
    assistive devices for persons with severe
  • Design, facilitate and evaluate training
    workshops that focus on capacity building of
    national rehabilitation teams in the areas of
    assessment and service provision, under a
    Disability Social Model and an inclusive
    development approach

Objectives of the Consultancy
  • Participate in key rehabilitation and planning
    meetings with critical project partners
  • Participate in the evaluation process and the
    preparation of final reports of the Project
  • Propose future interventions for the inclusion of
    persons with severe disabilities, to be
    considered within the Angolan public policies on
    Health, Education, Social Protection, Employment,
    Infrastructure, Poverty Reduction and Civil and
    Social Participation.

Objectives of the Consultancy
  • Work with the project team and critical partners
    for the development and adoption of a common
    conceptual framework and strategies for the
    project, under an inclusive development approach,
    that can be incorporated transversally in all the
    activities related to the project
  • Promote and contribute to the full integration of
    persons with severe disabilities into all
    components of the project activities inclusive of
    project strategy, project implementation
    methodology and evaluation approaches
  • Contribute to the development of an inclusive
    project methodology that addresses all of the
    critical components such as needs assessment and
    mapping, participant assessments, development of
    individualized rehabilitation plans, monitoring
    and evaluation systems and contracting of service
    delivery, etc.
  • Design and facilitate assessment and planning
    workshops with potential partners working in
    Angola, in the field of community based
    development and rehabilitation, as well as on

(No Transcript)
Functional Diversity
Equal Opportunities
To guarantee a fair selection, all will have the
same exact test climb up on that tree.
Access to Food
  • Access to Water Sanitation

  • Access to Electricity

Access to Infrastructure
  • Access to Housing

Access to Education
Access to Health Prevention (including HIV-AIDS)
  • Access to Social Safety Nets

Access to Equipment Assistive Devices
Appropriate Mobility Aids
maintenance, cost X benefit sustainability
  • Access to transportation

Access to Employment Social Inclusion
Identity, Voice, Empowerment, Participation
Proposed Inclusion Strategy
  • 1- focus the interventions in the community
  • 2- include people with disabilities in the center
    of the process
  • Among the beneficiaries they should be the ones
    interviewed and not somebody else in the family
    or community
  • Among the ARPESD staff/contractors they should
    be involved as agents for data collection and
    other activities of the project they (and their
    organizations) should benefit as much as
    possible, from all training and capacity building
    opportunities offered by the project.

On general strategic aspects
  • Avoid medical approaches and prioritize social
    approaches, of integral attention and inclusion
  • Avoid the focus in the activities of
    medical-professional assessments/evaluations and
    increase an approach based in a primary care
    attention level, in the community   
  • Avoid assistancial approach and invest in the
    establishment of local capacity (in Angola)
  • Develop data collection, attention, monitoring
    and evaluation instruments for all the stages and
    activities of the project, that use the social
    and human rights approaches, as well as the
    concepts of functionality, equalization of
    opportunities and inclusive development 

On beneficiary Participation
  • Avoid create segregated/special spaces and
    activities, that may strengthen discrimination,
    stigma and exclusion       
  • Prioritize independent living/personal autonomy
    and peer-support strategies on daily life
    activities training, trauma counseling, etc
  • Identify partners and alliances in the disability
    area, especially between representative entities
    of Persons with Disabilities, and integrate
    People with Disabilities also as staff,
    technicians in different stages and activities of
    the project       
  • Prioritize the active participation of the
    users/beneficiaries, keeping them as subject, in
    the center of the activities of the project, as
    well as in the decision making processes       
  • Invest project resources in removal of
    architectural barriers and the promotion of
    accessibility (built spaces, Communication ICT

On Flexibility and Viability
  • To work with existing mechanisms, structures,
    programs and alliances, inside of the regular
    systems of the country       
  • To identify existing opportunities to integrate
    the project with other existing related
    activities/in progress, in order to generate
    synergies, continuity and support to the
    undertaken actions (example current project on
    income generation, being conducted by LARDEF - a
    local disability NGO, now in its 3rd year of

On training and capacity building
  • 1- Training module for internal ARPESD selected
    staff/agents (to include questionnaire and other
    info specifically related to ARPESD)
  • 2- Training module for internal and/or
    "outside"/community persons and NGOs to include
    info on inclusive development concepts and
  • The contents of this second training module may
    cover the following
  • Trauma Counseling (involving also the 10
    Psychologists that are now graduating in Angola) 
  • - The concepts of Inclusion Personal Autonomy
    and Independent Living Daily life activities
    Personal Assistance Assistive Technology
    Accessibility Universal Design.

On knowledge transfer access to Resources
  • Set up descenteralized assistive technology show
    rooms in different locations of the country
    (urban and rural provinces) and of the system
    (rehabilitation centers, special/inclusive
    schools, general/specialized hospitals of the
  • Train local personnel in the confection of
    individualized aids for daily life activities and
    independent living, including pressure relief
    cushions, costomized sitting and hand adaptations
    for holding pens, forks, brushes, etc
  • Include products catalogues and different devices
    both on low and high cost assistive
    technologies, available locally and/or from
    around the world, informing vendors and cost
  • Train personnel (nurses, Intensive Care, rehab)
    of, at least, one general (military) hospital of
    the Country on trauma/spinal cord injury
    emergency attention and treatment.

On sustainability capacity building
  • Promote training to develop local capacity in
    simplified - low cost and good quality -
    assistive technologies, including those crafted,
    developed with local materials   
  • Invest extra /not used resources in training
    courses to government professionals, NGOs/DPOs,
    contractors, self-employees and consumers in
    Angola, with consultants who can speak
    Portuguese, using methodologies of training of
    trainers in areas such as        
  • Visual impairments orientation and
    mobility/assistive technologies        
  • Hearing Impairments education and communication/
    assistive technologies
  • Deaf-Blind person education and communication
    orientation and mobility/assistive technologies
  • Mobility Impairments activities of the daily
    life/assistive technologies        
    Accessibility and Design Universal

Outreach Strategy
  • While making all efforts to cover all individual
    beneficiaries, identified by the project, even
    the ones isolated in rural areas or areas of
    difficult access, the project should prioritize
    attention to groups/comunities of users in
    existance in the country and invest in actions
    and services that may benefit - not only the
    induividuals with disabilities but also respond
    to the needs and collective demands of the
    community where they reside

Awareness Raising
  • In all stages and actions of project
    implementation (local, provincial, national), try
    to change the mentality with demonstration
    practical experiences
  • Through the promotion of training activities with
    IRSEM, partners, organizations of persons with
    disabilities, government officers, academia, etc
  • Based on the social model and inclusive
    development approach, design and conduct
    assessments/evaluations for preparation of the
    individual rehab plan
  • Train the National and Provincial
    Rehabilitation Managers in the social model and
    inclusive development approach
  • Other actions that will be pertinent and/or

Building an Evidence Base
  • Document all the stages of evaluation and
    attention to the user       
  • Identify, document and disseminate good/bad
    practices in social inclusion       
  • Undertake and/or support, and/or stimulate
    activities that lead to local sustainable
    development and to the creation of inclusive
    public policies       
  • Develop a social communication strategy and
    identify opportunities in the media to promote
    social inclusion and the philosophy of Inclusive
  • Contribute to the dissemination, ratification and
    implementation of the International Convention of
    the Rights of the Persons with Disabilities, and
    to the practice of the social and human rights
    model in Angola.

Monitoring Evaluation
  • ARPESD had a very limited implementation period
    (about 6 months). All the data collection and
    evaluation tools utilized by the project should
    serve as the basis for the monitoring and
    evaluation (ME) indicators to be developed with
    the ARPESD team and IRSEM so the projects
    activities can be monitored and evaluated every
    year, for 3-5 years after the completion of the
    project. The ME tools may include indicators
    based in the beneficiaries and also based in the
    services and environment accessibility of the
    community, city, province, country.
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