Title: Loon Mortality in Michigan
1Loon Mortality in Michigan 1987-2004
Thomas M. Cooley Michigan Department of Natural
Resources Rose Lake Wildlife Disease Lab
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4Loon Mortality Factors
Sources of Lead
1 with fish hooks 3 with fish hooks 1 with
monofilament line entanglement
- Jig 22
- Sinker 7
- Unidentifiable lead pieces 5
- Split shot 3
- Lure (jig) 4
- Spent lead shot 1
- None seen 3
5 1Drowning 2Lead Poisoning 3Trauma 4Aspergillos
is 5Starvation/Malnutrition/Dehydration 6Mercury
Poisoning 7Neonatal Death/Hatching
Defect 8Pulmonary Congestion / Edema
9Abcess 10Visceral Gout 11Type E
Botulism 12Organochlorine Poisoning 13Boron
Toxicity 14Hemorrhagic Enteritis 15Pericarditis
16No Diagnosis
6Total Loon Mortality (total204)
- those that had a known collection location 168
- Great Lakes 97
- Inland lakes/rivers/sewage treatment lagoons 68
- Either Great Lakes or Inland Lakes 1
- On Land 2
7Lead Poisoning 45 deaths
- those that had a known collection location 38
8Lead Poisoning 45 deaths
- those that had a known collection location 38
9Lead Poisoning 45 deaths
- those that had a known collection location 38
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19Unidentifiable Pieces of Lead
21Loon Mortality Attributed to Lead Poisoning in
the Great Lakes
22Drowning 46 deaths
- those that had a known collection location 40
- Great Lakes 34
- Inland lakes/sewage treatment lagoons 6
23Trauma 48 deaths
- of those that had a known collection location 43
24Loon Mortality by Age
25Adults 148 deaths
- Drowning 40
- Lead Poisoning 30
- Trauma 32
- Aspergillosis 17
- Starvation/Malnutrition/Dehydration 8
- Mercury Poisoning 5
- Abscess 1
- Visceral Gout 1
- Organochlorine Poisoning 1
- Boron Toxicity 1
- Hemorrhagic Enteritis 1
- Pericarditis 1
- No Diagnosis 10
26Juveniles/Sub-Adults 47 deaths
- Drowning 5
- Lead Poisoning 15
- Trauma 16 (Fish hooks-3)
- Aspergillosis 4
- Starvation/Malnutrition/Dehydration 1
- Pulmonary Congestion/Edema 2
- Type E Botulism 1
- No Diagnosis 3
27Chicks 9 deaths
- Drowning 1
- Neonatal Death/Hatching Defects 5
- Starvation/Malnutrition/Dehydration 2
- Pulmonary Congestion 1
28Loon Mortality
Lead and Drowning Deaths (by Month and County)
Ray Rustem Natural Heritage Unit Supervisor
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31Lead Poisoning Occurrences in Common Loons (Gavia
immer) in Michigan (1987-2004)
32Drowning Locations of Common Loons (Gavia
immer) in Michigan (1987-2004)