Title: How To Say What You Want
1How To Say What You Want
- Light is trapped in an optical fiber if it
strikes the sides of the fiber at angles greater
than the critical angle for the core-cladding
interface - The core must have a higher index of refraction
than the cladding for total internal reflection
to occur. - The numerical aperture (NA) of a fiber relates
the maximum angle of incidence on the front of
the fiber to the indices of refraction of the
fiber - NA n0 sin qm (n12 - n22)1/2.
3Review (cont.)
- Any periodic function of frequency f0 can be
expressed as a sum over frequency of sinusoidal
waves having frequencies equal to nf0, where n is
an integer. The sum is called the Fourier series
of the function, and a plot of amplitude
(coefficient of each sin/cos term) vs. frequency
is called the Fourier spectrum of the function. - Any non-periodic function (so frequency f0 ?0)
can be expressed as an integral over frequency of
sinusoidal waves having frequencies. The
integral is called the Fourier transform of the
function, and a plot of amplitude vs. frequency
is called the Fourier spectrum of the function. - The Fourier spectrum of a wider pulse will be
narrower than that of a narrow pulse, so it has a
smaller bandwidth.
4How do we send signals?
- Radio antenna (AM frequencies around 1000 kHz, FM
frequencies around 100 MHz) - TV antenna (VHF frequencies are around 100 MHz,
on either side of FM frequencies, UHF frequencies
around 500 MHz) - These are public transmissions, and so the
carrier frequencies are set and regulated - Coaxial cable
- Optical waveguides
These are private transmissions, and sent over
range of frequencies
5Optical waveguides pros and cons
- Message remains private
- Flexibility
- Low Loss
- Insensitive to EM interference
- Very high bandwidth
- Expensive to connect to every house
- Require electricity-to-light converters
- Either multi-modal, or less efficient (better
coupling makes this less relevant)
6Chromatic Dispersion
- Index of refraction is dependent on wavelength.
- Typical materials exhibit higher indices of
refraction for lower wavelengths (higher
energies) - Thus violet light bends the most through a prism
or water and appears on the outside of a rainbow.
7Optical Fiber Dispersion/Attenuation
- Dispersion means spreading
- Signals in a fiber will have several sources of
dispersion - Chromatic
- Material index of refraction depends on
wavelength (prism) - Waveguide some of wave travels through cladding
with different index of refraction (primarily
single-mode) leads to wavelength-dependent
effects - Modal different modes travel different paths
and so require different amounts of time to
travel down fiber (CUPS) - Also have attenuation/loss due to
scattering/absorption by fiber material, which
depends on wavelength/frequency
8Modes in Optical Fibers
- Modes in a fiber are specific field distributions
that are independent of the length traveled down
the fiber. However, these modes travel at
slightly different speeds which matters more with
longer fibers. - Fields of modes look like harmonics of standing
9Modes Combine to Give Path of Light
- To add Mode 1 and Mode 2, must add fields.
- BUT, modes travel at different speeds, so sum of
fields changes as go down the fiber - Result is one of the paths light will take
Mode 2
Mode 1
Intensity Pattern of Sum
- (Figures adapted from Photonics not to scale)
10Modes in Optical Fibers (cont.)
- Modes are like sines and cosines in Fourier
series each path that light takes down a fiber
can be expressed as a sum of modes. - Can make a single-mode fiber by
- reducing diameter of fiber so smaller cone of
light enters - reducing NA of fiber so smaller cone of light is
11What Exactly Is Bandwidth, and Why Do We Care?
- A range of frequencies
- Generally found by taking the frequencies with
amplitudes more than half the maximum amplitude
(e.g., on a Fourier spectrum) - Bandwidth for a medium is the range of
frequencies which can pass through that medium
with a minimum of separation - Sampling theory says that a signal transmitting N
different amplitudes per second requires a
bandwidth of at least N/2 BgtN/2 - Usually this ideal is not achieved, and the
required bandwidth is larger - Grant says B approx N
12Some ways to modulate signals
- Amplitude modulation
- A signal with a constant carrier frequency is
sent - The original signal becomes the amplitude of the
transmitted signal - Since the transmitted signal is not a simple sine
wave, it has a bandwidth of Fourier components - Frequency modulation
- A signal with a constant carrier frequency is
sent - The original signal becomes the change in
frequency of the transmitted signal - Since the transmitted signal is not a simple sine
wave, it has a bandwidth of Fourier components - FM is easier to amplify, since only the frequency
determines the signal.
13Schemes for Encoding
- ASCII - The American Standard Code for
Information Interchange is a standard seven-bit
code that was proposed in 1963, and finalized in
1968. ASCII was established to achieve
compatibility between various types of data
processing equipment. - ASCII is the common code for microcomputer
equipment. The standard ASCII character set
consists of 128 decimal numbers ranging from zero
through 127 assigned to letters, numbers,
punctuation marks, and the most common special
characters. The Extended ASCII Character Set also
consists of 128 decimal numbers and ranges from
128 through 255.
14(No Transcript)
15Pulses and Data
- Can represent binary data with pulses in a
variety of ways - 10110 could look like . . .
Notice that the NRZ takes half the time of the
others for the same pulse widths
- No physical change is instantaneous
- If change is too slow, wont have time to rise
before needs to fall - Results in data loss
- Since rise is generally exponential, we define
rise time to be time from 10 of max value to
90 of max fall time is time from 90 to 10 - To be able to resolve data, the rise time and
fall time must be less than 70 of the bit width
17What exactly is a decibel?
- A ratio, often of power
- BUT, in logarithmic form
- dB 10 log (P2/P1)
- e.g., if my received signal is 1/10 as big as my
transmitted signal, my gain would be - gain dB 10 log (1/10) -10
- The minus sign denotes loss, or a second power
less than the initial power
18Why care about decibels?
- Signal-to-noise ratios are often given in
decibels - You want the signal to be larger than the noise,
so the ratio (in dB) should be positive - For digital data, we use bit error rate, not
signal-to-noise - Bit error rate is ratio of wrong bits to total
bits - it should be small, whereas SNR should be
large - Bit error rate can be expressed as a plain
number, or in decibels
19Before the next class, . . .
- Read On-Line Reading on Interference and
Diffraction - Do Reading Quiz
- Finish Homework 7 (start 8)
- Do Activity 06 Evaluation by Midnight tonight.