Title: Diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus
1Diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus
2Diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus
- 1. Jaws
- 2. Temporomandibular joint
- 3. Maxillary sinus
31. Diseases of jaws
- 1a. Genetic diseases
- 1b. Metabolic diseases
- 1c. Diseases of unknown origin
- 1d. Inflammations
- 1e. Cysts
- 1f. Tumors
41a. Genetic diseases
- Osteogenesis imperfecta
- Achondroplasia
- Cleidocranial dysplasia
- Cherubism
51a. Genetic diseases
- Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone d.)
- AD inheritance
- defect of biosynthesis of collagen I
- thin bones without cortex - ? fragile
- ? multiple fractures ? dwarfism
- blue sclera deafness
61a. Genetic diseases
- Achondroplasia
- most common genetic skeletal disease
- short-limbed dwarf with normal trunk and head
- failure of cartilage proliferation in epiphyses
- protrusive mandible ? malocclusion
71a. Genetic diseases
- Cleidocranial dysplasia
- defective formation of clavicles
- retrusion of maxilla
- delayed eruption of permanent teeth
81a. Genetic diseases
- Cherubism
- AD inheritance, ? boys
- painless symmetrical swelling of mandible angle
- at 2-4 years
- rapid growth until puberty ? regression
- Mi fibrous tissue haemorrhage multinucleated
giant cells woven bone
91. Diseases of jaws
- 1a. Genetic diseases
- 1b. Metabolic diseases
- 1c. Diseases of unknown origin
- 1d. Inflammations
- 1e. Cysts
- 1f. Tumors
101b. Metabolic diseases
- Rickets
- vitamin D deficiency during bone development
- infancy
- wide fontanels bossing of frontal and parietal
eminences - Gigantism and acromegaly
- ? mandibular condyle ? prognathism
- macroglossia
111. Diseases of jaws
- 1a. Genetic diseases
- 1b. Metabolic diseases
- 1c. Diseases of unknown origin
- 1d. Inflammations
- 1e. Cysts
- 1f. Tumors
121c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Pagets disease of bone
- Fibro-osseous lesions
131c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Pagets disease of bone (osteitis deformans)
- past middle age
- common RTG finding x clinically silent
- ? ethiology (viral)
- axial skeleton
- skull vault maxilla
- symmetric enlargement of alveolar processes
fusion of teeth to sclerotic bone ? difficult
141c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Pagets disease of bone (osteitis deformans)
- resorption (osteoclasts) ? irregular new bone
formation (osteoblats) - Mi irregular mosaic bone trabeculae
- ? osteoblasts and osteoclasts vascularity
- result thick spongy bone marrow fibrosis
- complication osteosarcoma (rare)
151c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Fibro-osseous lesions
- Fibrous dysplasia
- monostotic
- polyostotic
- Cemento-osseous dysplasia
- periapical cemental dysplasia
- focal cemento-osseous dysplasia
- florid cemento-osseous dysplasia
161c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Monostotic fibrous dysplasia
- painless, poorly circumscribed bone swelling
- in childhood
- self-limiting
- F M ... 11
- ? maxilla ? malocclusion
171c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia
- several bones
- F M 31
- Albrights syndrome skin pigmentation
sexual precocity - Mi fibrous tissue woven bone trabeculae
without osteoblasts lining
181c. Diseases of unknown origin
- Cemento-osseous dysplasia
- of periodontal ligament origin, same process
- periapical cemental dysplasia
- F M 10 1
- asymptomatic lesion
- lower I
191c. Diseases of unknown origin
- florid cemento-osseous dysplasia (gigantiform
cementoma) - florid form of PCD
- symmetric lesions in all quadrants
- focal cemento-osseous dysplasia
- Mi cellular fibrous tissue cementum-like
tissue ? calcification
201. Diseases of jaws
- 1a. Genetic diseases
- 1b. Metabolic diseases
- 1c. Diseases of unknown origin
- 1d. Inflammations
- 1e. Cysts
- 1f. Tumors
211d. Inflammations
- acute osteomyelitis
- chronic osteomyelitis
- alveolar osteitis
221d. Inflammations
- Acute osteomyelitis
- sources periapical infection, open fractures
- oral anaerobes, mixed infection
- adult males
- mandible
- clinically severe deep-seating pain, swelling,
teeth tenderness, regional lymphadenopathy - fever leucocytosis
231d. Inflammations
- Acute osteomyelitis
- suppurative inflammation in marrow spaces ?
compression of blood vessels ? bone necrosis ?
sequestrum - ? subperiostal area ? perforation ? fistulas to
skin and oral mucosa - complications fracture
- ? chronic osteomyelitis
241d. Inflammations
- Chronic osteomyelitis
- de novo x low-grade infection
- Chronic focal sclerosing OM
- young people with carious lower 1. M
- Diffuse sclerosing OM
- old people, superinfection of florid COD
251d. Inflammations
- Chronic osteomyelitis with productive periostitis
(Garrés OM) - young people, lower 1. M
- ? reactive new bone formation
261d. Inflammations
- Alveolar osteitis (dry socket)
- sources excessive extraction trauma, low blood
supply - after extraction of 3. M
- ? females
- destruction of clot by fibrinolytic enzymes
infection and food in contact with bone ?
necrosis ? granulation tissue
271. Diseases of jaws
- 1a. Genetic diseases
- 1b. Metabolic diseases
- 1c. Diseases of unknown origin
- 1d. Inflammations
- 1e. Cysts
- 1f. Tumors
281e. Cysts
- Odontogenic
- Non-odontogenic
- Pseudocysts
- Solitary bone cyst
- Aneurysmal bone cyst
291e. Pseudocysts
- Solitary bone cyst (simple, traumatic)
- ? ethiology
- F M 3 2
- lt 25 years
- painless swelling of mandible
- RTG cavity expands between teeth roots
- Mi NO epithelial lining wall fibrous tissue
301e. Pseudocysts
- Aneurysmal bone cyst
- rare in jaws
- between 10 20 years
- painless swelling of mandible
- Mi many blood-filled spaces without lining
wall fibrous tissue
311. Diseases of jaws
- 1a. Genetic diseases
- 1b. Metabolic diseases
- 1c. Diseases of unknown origin
- 1d. Inflammations
- 1e. Cysts
- 1f. Tumors
321f. Tumors
- Odontogenic
- Non-odontogenic
33Non-odontogenic tumors
- Primary benign x malignant
- bone
- cartilage
- other
- Secondary metastases
34Non-odontogenic tumors
- Benign primary tumors
- osteoma
- osteochondroma
- central giant cell granuloma
- cemento-ossifying fibroma - rare
- haemangioma - rare
35Non-odontogenic tumors
- Osteoma x Exostosis
- torus palatinus posterior midline of hard palate
- torus mandibularis lingual aspect of mandible
opposite to mental foramne, bilateral - hard swelling
- Mi compact or cancellous bone
- Gardners syndrome - AD inheritance
- multiple osteomas polyposis coli ? malignancy
36Non-odontogenic tumors
- Osteochondroma
- cartilage-capped osteoma
- hard bony protuberance
- coronoid or condylar procces
- joint dysfunction
37Non-odontogenic tumors
- Giant cell granuloma
- hyperplastic lesion, developmental ???
- lt 20 years
- F M 2 1
- anterior mandible
- RTG rounded cyst-like area
- Mi vascular fibrous tissue giant cells
bleeding hemosiderin - recurrency after incomplete removal
38Non-odontogenic tumors
- Osteosarcoma
- ? malignant, ? common primary non-od. neoplasm
- irradiation, Pagets disease
- 30 - 40 years, males
- body of mandible
- irregular firm swelling ? painfull
- Mi osteoid formation atypical osteoblasts
cartilage fibrous tissue
39Non-odontogenic tumors
- Osteosarcoma
- rapid local growth early metastases (lungs)
- 50 recurrency in 1st year
- 5-year survival 40 (? 5 cm)
40Non-odontogenic tumors
- Chondrosarcoma
- 45 years
- anterior maxilla
- painfull irregular swelling
- Mi cartilage tissue with pleomorphic,
binucleated chondrocytes mitoses - locally aggressive metastases (lungs)
41Non-odontogenic tumors
- Rare tumors
- Ewings sarcoma
- Multiple myeloma
- Langerhanscell histiocytosis
42Non-odontogenic tumors
- Secondary tumors haematogenous metastases
- breast
- lungs
- prostate
- thyroid
- kidney
43Diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus
- 1. Jaws
- 2. Temporomandibular joint
- 3. Maxillary sinus
442. Temporomandibular joint
- Trismus - inability to open mouth fully
- inflammation
- injuries
- tetanus
- Ankylosis - permanent limitation of movement
- fibrosis
- congenital
- trauma
- arthritis
- tumors
452. Temporomandibular joint
- Osteoarthritis
- metabolic defect of art. cartilage - defective
- old people
- pain, minimal symptoms
462. Temporomandibular joint
- Rheumatoid arthitis - multisystemic disease
- antibodies (rheumatoid factors)
- females, 25 - 45 years
- symmetrical involvement of smaller joints
- crepitation, little pain
- inflammation of synovia - granulation tissue
(pannus) - Osteochondroma
- Condylar hyperplasia
47Diseases of jaws and maxillary sinus
- 1. Jaws
- 2. Temporomandibular joint
- 3. Maxillary sinus
483. Maxillary sinus
- Inflammation - sinusitis
- acute x chronic x hypersensitive
- rhinogenic x odontogenic
- periapical inflammation of P or M
- long oro-antral communication
- pain percussion sensitivity
493. Maxillary sinus
- Inflammation
- Mi respiratory epithelium ? squamous
metaplasia - thickened basal membrane
- infiltrate - acute - neutrophils
- - chronic - lymphocytes plasma
cells - - hypersensitive - eosinophils
503. Maxillary sinus
- Oro-antral communication
- after extraction of P or M
- nose-blowing test
- root or tooth in sinus
- prolaps of antral mucosa
513. Maxillary sinus
- Antral cysts
- from mucous glands
- asymptomatic
- disappear spontaneously
- odontogenic cysts
- radicular, residual
523. Maxillary sinus
- Tumors
- squamous cell carcioma
- males gt 50 years
- advanced stage local spread
- nose obstruction, nose bleeding
- paresthesia of infraorbital nerve
- visual disturbances
- poor prognosis