Title: Epidemiology of Substance Abuse
1Epidemiology of Substance Abuse
- September 9, 2005
- Cathy Callahan, MD, MPH
- Community and Rural Preventive Medicine
- Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine
Any chemical, other than food or water, which
brings about significant psychological or
physiological changes in the user.
3Categories of drugs of abuse
- Alcohol
- Marijuana
- Cocaine
- Heroin
- Hallucinogens
- Inhalants
- Non-medical use of prescription drugs pain
relievers, tranquilizers, stimulants, and
4What percent of the population currently uses
illicit drugs?
5What percent of the population currently uses
illicit drugs?
- 8.3 or 1/12 people over the age of 12
- gt3 of the following
- Tolerance
- Withdrawal
- Significant time spent to obtain substance
- Other activities decreased or stopped
- Use despite recurrent social or interpersonal
problems - Unsuccessful desire to cut down
- Substance taken in larger amounts or longer
duration than intended
American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ed 4.
7Substance abuse
- gt1 or more of the following
- Use causing failures at work, school or home
- Use despite situations in which it is physically
hazardous - Use despite recurrent social or interpersonal
problems as a result of use - Recurrent legal problems
American Psychiatric Association Diagnostic and
Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, ed 4.
8Why do people use drugs?
- Social interaction
- Euphoria
- Religious/ceremonial
- Medical
- Stress
- Self-medication
- Dependence
- Rebelliousness
- Increase Confidence
- Curiosity
- Coping skill
- Experimentation
- Recreation
- Early use
- Federal Government's lead agency for improving
the quality and availability of substance abuse
prevention, addiction treatment, and mental
health services
10National Survey on Drug Use Health
- Prevalence, patterns and consequences of the use
and abuse of - Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Illicit drugs
11Monitoring the Future Survey funded by the
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), at the
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
- Conducted by the University of Michigan
- Tracks 8th and 12th graders' illicit drug use and
attitudes towards drugs - 2001 surveyed 44,000 students in 424 schools
across the nation
12Epidemiology of Substance Abuse
- Early Use and initiation of use
- Alcohol abuse
13Early drug use
14Prediction of future abuse
- Early drinkers are 4x more likely to develop
alcoholism than those who begin to consume
alcohol at age 21 - 85 of current adult smokers, began smoking
before age 21 - Substance use progression
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug
Dependence. Alcoholism and alcohol-related
problems a sobering look. NCADD Fact Sheet.
Available online http//ncadd.org/pubs/fsproblems
Epps RP et al. Tobacco use among
adolescentsstrategies for prevention. Pediatr
Clin North Am 199542(2)389-399
15Increased risk
- Homicide
- Suicide
- Motor vehicle crashes
- Fatal motor vehicle crashes
- Poor school performance
Summary of findings from the 2000 National
Household Survey on Drug Abuse (NHSDA Series
H-13, DHHS Publication No. SMA 01-3549). Rockville
, MD Author.
16Primary prevention is more effective than
substance abuse recovery
- 40-45 of patients are compliant in substance
abuse treatment - Compliance with other chronic diseases is similar
- Behavioral changes are necessary in addition to
use of medications and counseling - Often patients require multiple episodes of
treatment - Long term management with physician involvement
is optimum - Patient more likely to be successful in treatment
- Less psychiatric problems
- More social supports
- Access to cognitive and financial resources
- Legal and employment motivators/consequences
American Society of Addiction Medicine,
Principles of Addiction Medicine, 2001.
17Adolescent drugs of abuse
Partnership attitude tracking survey, 2004.
18Any Illicit Drug Use in Past Month among Youths
Aged 12 to 17, by State
Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002 and
2003 NSDUHs
19Adolescent drugs of abuse
Partnership attitude tracking survey, 2004.
20Annual Number of New Marijuana Users
2002 and 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH
- Average age of marijuana initiates 17
- 1.7 million new users under age 18 (thats 2/3 of
all users) - 53 were female
22Adolescent drugs of abuse
Partnership attitude tracking survey, 2004.
23Inhalant use
24Percentages of Youths Aged 12 to 17Reporting
Lifetime Use of Inhalants, by Inhalant, 2002
- Estimated 10.5 percent of youths aged 12 to 17,
(2.6 million youths) had used one or more
inhalants in their lifetime - More likely to use marijuana, hallucinogens,
cocaine, and prescription drugs non-medically
2002 NSDUH
26Adolescent drugs of abuse
Partnership attitude tracking survey, 2004.
27Generation Rx
28Generation Rx
Partnership attitude tracking survey, 2004.
29Common prescription drugs of abuse
- Opoids
- Oxycontin, Darvon, Vicodin, Dilaudid)
- Depressants
- Valium, Xanax
- Stimulants
- Dexedrine, Ritalin
30Annual Numbers of New Non-medical Users of Pain
Relievers 19652002
31Prescription drug use
- 43 of new users were younger than 18
- One in 5 adolescents has used hydrocodone
(Vicodin ) in the past year - One in 10 has used stimulants (Ritalin and/or
NIDA's 2003 Monitoring the Future
32Complications of prescription drug abuse
- Physical dependence and addiction
- Paranoia
- Death
- Dangerously high body temperatures
- Irregular heartbeat
33Adolescent drugs of abuse
Partnership attitude tracking survey, 2004.
- "MDMA" or methylenedioxymethamphetamine
35Annual Numbers of New Users of Ecstasy, LSD, and
PCP 19652002
2002 and 2003 National Survey on Drug Use and
Health (NSDUH
36What is it?
- Chemical made in home labs
- Chemicals such as caffeine, dextromethorphan
(cough syrup), amphetamines, and even cocaine
combined - Can cause addiction.
- Initiation of ectasy peaked in 2001 and is
declining (from 1.8 million in 2001 to 1.1
million) - 2/3 of new ectasy users are gt age 18
- LSD use has also declined
38Other illicit drugs
- Cocaine
- Average age of first use 20 years.
- In 2002, 1.1 million persons used cocaine for the
first time. - Heroin
- Average age of first use gt18 years
39Youth Prevention-Related Measures
- Perceptions of risk
- Availability of substances
- Perceived parental disapproval
- Attitudes about school
- Involvement in delinquent behavior
- Participation in religious and other activities
- Exposure to substance prevention messages
40Relationship of religious beliefs and illicit
substance abuse
Percent who used illicit drugs
41Relationship between parental disapproval and
drug abuse
Percent who used illicit drugs
42Relationship between school and activity
participation and illicit drug use
Percent who used illicit drugs
43What about drug prevention programs?
44Relationship between drug prevention programs and
illicit drug use
Percent who used illicit drugs
45Does adolescent drug use mirror trends in the US?
46Past Month Illicit Drug Use, by Age 2002
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. (2004). Results from the 2003
National Survey on Drug Use and Health National
Findings (Office of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series
H25, DHHS Publication No. SMA 043964).
Rockville, MD.
47Past Month Use of Selected Illicit Drugs among
Persons Aged 12 or Older 2002
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. (2004). Results from the 2003
National Survey on Drug Use and Health National
Findings (Office of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series
H25, DHHS Publication No. SMA 043964).
Rockville, MD.
- Adolescents are more likely than older adults to
initiate use of - Alcohol
- Tobacco
- Marijuana
- Prescription drug abuse among adolescents is
- Youth prevention measures that may impact
adolescent drug use are - Parental disapproval
- Importance of religious beliefs
- Involvement in school
- Drug prevention programs
50What is the third leading cause of preventable
death in the U.S.?
- In 2001, an estimated 4.7 million Americans under
age 21 used alcohol for the first time including
3.8 million (73 percent) under age 18.
- The average age when youth first try alcohol is
11 years for boys and 13 years for girls. The
average age at which Americans begin drinking
regularly is 15.9 years old.
- Alcohol contributes to 100,000 deaths annually,
making it the third leading cause of preventable
mortality in the US, after tobacco and
diet/activity patterns.
Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of
potential life lost--United States, 2001.SO -
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2004 Sep
55Alcohol abuse
- Current use at least one drink in last 30 days
- Binge use at least 5 or more drinks on one
occasion in last 30 days - Heavy use at least 5 or more drinks on the same
occasion on at least 5 different days in the last
30 days
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. (2004). Results from the 2003
National Survey on Drug Use and Health National
Findings (Office of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series
H25, DHHS Publication No. SMA 043964).
Rockville, MD.
56What are the health risks?
- Oncologic aerodigestive, liver and breast
- Cardiovascular Hypertension, cardiomyopathy
- Hematologic anemia, thrombocytopenia
- Neurologic Wernickes encephalopathy, peripheral
neuropathy, dementia - Gastrointestinal cirrhosis, pancreatitis,
esophago-gastritis, peptic ulcers - Fetal alcohol syndrome
- Malnutrition thiamine and folate deficiency
- http//ncadd.org/pubs/fsproblems.html, NCADD fact
57Alcohol is associated with.
- Illicit drug use
- Tobacco use
- Homicide
- Suicide
- Motor vehicle crashes and fatalities
58Alcohol and motor vehicles
- 40 percent of all traffic fatalities were
alcohol-related 16,653 fatalities - 3 out of every 10 people will at some point be
involved in an alcohol-related crash - Alcohol use was associated with 20 to 37 percent
of emergency room trauma cases in 1998.
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration
(NHTSA). Traffic Safety Facts 2000 Alcohol.
http//www.nhtsa.dot.gov (Accessed 3/7/05
59Costs of alcohol use 185 billion (1998)
- 2.3 million years of productive life lost
- Drug abuse treatment
- Associated diseases and comorbidities
- Crime
- Maternal abuse and neglect
- Food stamps and other federal/state benefits
- Foster care
- Loss of work time
Alcohol-attributable deaths and years of
potential life lost--United States, 2001.SO -
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2004 Sep
2453(37)866-70.Department of Health and Human
Services (DHHS). Healthy People 2010 Conference
Edition. DHHS, 2000
60Current, Binge, and Heavy Alcohol Use, by Age
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. (2004). Results from the 2003
National Survey on Drug Use and Health National
Findings (Office of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series
H25, DHHS Publication No. SMA 043964).
Rockville, MD.
61Current, Binge, and Heavy Alcohol Use among
Persons Aged 12 or Older, by Race/Ethnicity
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. (2004). Results from the 2003
National Survey on Drug Use and Health National
Findings (Office of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series
H25, DHHS Publication No. SMA 043964).
Rockville, MD.
62Alcohol Use in Past Month among Persons Aged 12
or Older, by State
- Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002 and
2003 NSDUHs
63Binge Alcohol Use in Past Month among Persons
Aged 18 to 25, by State
Percentages, Annual Averages Based on 2002 and
2003 NSDUHs
64Heavy Alcohol Use, by College Attendance and Age
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Administration. (2004). Results from the 2003
National Survey on Drug Use and Health National
Findings (Office of Applied Studies, NSDUH Series
H25, DHHS Publication No. SMA 043964).
Rockville, MD.
- Alcoholism is the third leading cause of
preventable death (after obesity and tobacco) in
the US - Binge and heavy alcohol use is most prevalent
among white, young adults - Alcohol increases a persons risk for multiple
health and social problems