Title: The Texas Medical Rangers are
1The Texas Medical Rangers are
- Part of your Texas State Guard
- Now organizing the Houston Medical Response Group
- Organizing other response groups across Texas
2Joint Texas Military Forces
- Gov. Rick Perry, C-in-C
- Assisted by the
- Texas Adjutant General
- Texas Army National Guard
- Texas Air National Guard
- Texas State Guard
3The Houston Medical Response Group
- A Proud Unit of the
- Texas Medical Rangers
- which is the Medical Reserve Corps
- Of the Texas State Guard
- Of the Joint Texas Military Forces
4Texas State Guard
- Army side 6 brigades
- Air Force Side Air Wing
- Texas Medical Rangers one brigade
5TXSG Medical Reserve Corps
- One Brigade
- Commanded by MG Harold Timboe MD Rtd
- -- former CG Walter Reed Army Medical Center
- -- now VP -- University of Texas Health
Science Center at San Antonio Medical School
6Texas State Guard Medical Reserve Corps
- Nickname is Texas Medical Rangers
- One Brigade with six groups subordinate to it
- Groups are structured similar to battalions, with
full strength at about 200 each - Some groups have or will have separate
companies at other city locations
7TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- Houston Medical Reserve Corps is now organizing
locally -
- CO is COL Scott Lillibridge MD TXSG, professor
at UT School of Public Health in Houston -
- XO is LTC Robert Morecook PhD TXSG, Psychology
Professor, Houston Community College
8TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- The Medical Reserve Corps movement is nationwide
- Some units are civilian
- Some units are military
- Military units include TX, VT
9TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- MRCs are unpaid volunteers
- Are associated with the Surgeon Generals Office
for general guidance - but the MRC of the TX State Guard is under the
governors operational control.
10TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- Mission provide licensed public health
support volunteers and technical support
expertise in response to large scale disasters,
supplementing public health authorities of the
Texas Department of State Health Services.
11TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- NOT first responders, but back-up personnel when
first or second responders are overwhelmed - Unpaid military volunteers
- Goal move out on 12 hour notice
- Wear the Texas Army-style uniform prior
service AF may wear AF-style uniform
12TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- Local groups will likely NOT respond locally, but
at other in-state locations - Mileage may be paid to some events, not
guaranteed - Workmans compensation is provided when on State
Active Duty - May not be called to federal duty
13TXSG Medical Reserve Corps The Texas Medical
- Excellent for retirees, because --
- -- Professional liability insurance is not
needed by the individual if acting within the
scope of their license or duties -- as the person
is a state employee
14Houston Medical Response Group
- Capabilities Planned
- Weapons of Mass Destruction Medical Response
Augmentation Team - Veterinary Response Team
- Critical Incident Stress Management Team Stress
prevention and treatment - Trauma Stability Support Augmentation
- -More-
15Houston Medical Response Group
- Capabilities -- continued
- Health Care Treatment and Counseling
- Manning Alternate Treatment Facilities on an
Augmentation Basis - Health Care Call Center Manning
- Other possible missions
- Support of State Guard Shelter Program
- School incident response
16Houston Medical Response Group
- Recruiting
- Physicians, Dentists, Veterinarians
- Nurses
- Psychologists other mental health
- Pharmacists
- Paramedics, EMTs
- Support Personnel
17Houston Medical Response Group
- Time Commitment
- Monthly meeting approximately four hours
- Occasional Saturday training
- Three days active training annually
- Occasional training with other organizations,
such as Red Cross
18Texas Medical Rangersof theTexas State Guard
19Our Web Page is
- swc2.hccs.edu/texasmedicalrangers