Title: Residential Hazards in Children A Neglected Public Health Problem
1Residential Hazards in ChildrenA Neglected
Public Health Problem
2The connection between health and the dwelling
of the population is one of the most important
that exists. Florence Nightingale
3Residential Hazards
- Lead Toxicity
- Asthma and Indoor Allergens
- Hazards of Tobacco Smoke
- Housing Deaths and Injuries
4Lead Toxicity
5Sequela of Childhood Lead Poisoning
Perlstein MA, Attala R. Clinical Pediatrics
6Mental Health Problems in Children by Tooth Lead
Needleman HL, et al. NEJM 1979301163.
7Blood Lead Levels Considered Elevated by the
Centers for Disease Control
Blood Lead Level (mg/dL)
8Percent of Preschool Children Exceeding Selected
Blood Lead Levels, NHANES II - III
Pirkle JL, et al. Environ Health Perspect
9Lead Toxicity - Still A Major Public Health
- Lead toxicity remains epidemic in many parts of
United States. - Major environmental justice problem.
- Evidence of adverse effects below 10 ?g/dL.
- Systemic toxicant associated with numerous
adverse conditions and diseases in humans.
10Blood Lead Levels gt 10 µg/dL among Children in
Rochester, 1995
11Distribution of Blood Lead Levels among Black and
White Children
Blood Lead Levels (?g/dL)
Lanphear BP. AJPH 1996 861460-1463.
12Blood Lead Concentration by Reading Scores in
U.S. children
Reading Score
Blood Lead (?g/dL)
13Canfield R, et al. NEJM 20033481517-1526.
14Body Burdens of Lead in Ancient Peoples, Typical
American and Overt Lead Poisoning
15Association of Blood Lead Levels and Delinquency
in Adolescents
Dietrich KN. Neurotoxicology Teratology
16Relationship of Lead Exposure and Murder Rate
(/100,000) in the U.S.
Nevin R. Environmental Research 2000831-22
18The Prevalence of Asthma in US Children
Akinbami, et al. AJE 200315899-104.
19Asthma Mortality Rate (per 10,000) by Race of
Child, United States 1995
Mortality Rate (/10,000)
Age (years)
Anderson RN. Monthly Vital Statistics
Report4511 (supplement 2).
20Indoor Allergens and Asthma
21Causal Relation of Allergens and Asthma The IOM
22Residential Risk Factors for Asthma in U.S.
Children and Adolescents
23Hospitalization for Asthma by Exposure to
Cockroach and Sensitization
Hospitalization in Past Year
Rosenstreich DL. NEJM 19973361356-1363.
24Factors associated with Der p 1 Concentration
(?g/g) on Bedroom Floor
Carpeted Floors
Ratio of Geometric Mean
Wickens K. Clin Exp Allergy 1997271077-1085.
25Carpet Production in the US
Millions of Square Yards
Introduction of Synthetic Fibers
26Tobacco Exposure in Children
27Asthma Exacerbations in the prior 12 months by
Urine Cotinine
No. of exacerbations
Chilmonczyk NEJM 19933281665-1669.
28Residential Risk Factors for Asthma in U.S.
29Lifetime Exposure to Environmental Tobacco Smoke
and Behavioral Problems
Mean Problem Score
Fergusson DM. Pediatrics 199392815-822.
30Risk of Premature Birth by Exposure to
Environmental Tobacco Smoke
Adjusted Odds Ratio
Hair Nicotine (?g/g)
Jaakkola JJK. Env Health Persp
31ResidentialInjuries in Children
32Fatal Injuries by place of occurrence in US
children lt 19 years, 1985-1997
Home 62
Other 26
Unspecified 12
Nagaraja J, et al. (submitted)
33Percent of Injury-related Deaths that occur in
the Home by Childs Age
p value for trend lt 0.01
Percent Deaths in Home
Age of Children (years)
Nagaraja J, et al. (submitted)
34Fatal Residential Injuries among U.S. Children,
1985 to 1997
Mortality Rate (/100,000)
Nagaraja J et al. (in progress).
35Fatal Residential Injuries among U.S. Children by
Race, 1985 to 1997
Mortality Rate (/100,000)
Nagaraja J et al. (in progress).
36Children Cant Fly
37Injuries from Window FallsNew York City,
Window Guard Regulation
38Until effective standards for the domestic
environment are devised, it is likely that
children will continue to be employed as
biological indicators of substandard housing.