Title: U'S' Consulting Onscreen Presentation Template
1 HHS-Connect Executive Summary
2 Vision
To break information silos through the use of
modernized technology and coordinated agency
practices to more efficiently and effectively
provide Health and Human Services to New Yorkers.
Guiding Principles
- Establish a Client-Centric Approach
- Increase and Manage Accessibility of Information
- Improve Accountability
- Utilize Modern and Flexible Technology
3The Problem
Currently HHS agencies are limited in their
ability to share information, which constrains
their ability to improve service delivery and
associated decision making. Specific limitations
- Limited client-centric approach to service
delivery reduces accessibility to services,
transparency in government procedures and
accountability for outcomes of common clients - Inadequate data sharing capabilities decrease the
ability of City agencies to view clients
holistically, tailor services to their specific
needs and identify persons at-risk in a timely
fashion - Manual and/or redundant business processes for
key activities such as data entry, data matching
and application processing result in increased
cost per transaction and slow service delivery
which in turn make for low client satisfaction
and poor worker morale - No common standards across agencies for critical
areas such as IT security, data confidentiality,
middleware, etc. make it difficult for agencies
to feel confident about sharing information with
other agencies
Addressing the above through a well-conceived
business and rigorous technology transformation
effort will lead to a better served population
that is more self-sufficient in the long term
4The Solution
Creation of an Office of the CIO under the Deputy
Mayor for HHS to oversee technology strategy and
architecture within the HHS portfolio of agencies
- Creation of first domain specific CIO position
- Launch of HHS-Connect, a proposed solution for
connecting the dots between agencies,
providers, and clients - Proposed solution is based on data integration
and exchange between existing systems
(approximately 80 disparate case management
systems are currently in use) - Deliver innovative solutions, by bringing Web
2.0, collaborative, and social networking
technologies to City workers - Create a common data model within the HHS domain
- Develop enterprise case management capacity for
HHS agencies - Create a virtual integrated case file, using a
common client index and document image management
tools. - Reengineer and streamline business processes
across agencies - Create an ability to measure outcomes based on
holistic view of clients across agencies - Leverage existing IT assets for increased returns
to NYC and our clients
5Technology Architecture Solution
6Progress To-Date and Future Milestones
The first year of the project will yield two
significant deliverables which will increase the
transparency, accountability, accessibility to
NYCs HHS clients In year two, HHS-Connect will
build on this foundation by implementing a Common
Client Index and Document Image Management tools.
7HHS-Connect Roadmap
8 Ive always believed in the power of technology
to make government more open and
accessible. -Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg
Make every day count!