Title: Body Image and Children
1Body Image and Children
- Creating a Body Friendly Environment
Current Issues Influencing Factors Body
Dissatisfaction Overall Personal Wellbeing
York Region Health Services, December 2002
2Workshop Outline
- Introduction - Current Issues
- Factors Influencing Body Image
- Body Image Continuum
- Parents - Overall Personal Well Being
- Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Conclusion
3Body Image Dissatisfaction of Respondents Who
Do Not Like How Their Body Looks
Halton Region - October 2001
4Fear of Fat of Respondents Who are Afraid of
Becoming Fat or Fatter
Halton Region - October 2001
5Weight Control Behaviours of Respondents Who
Skip Meals A Lot to All the Time
Halton Region - October 2001
6Weight Control Behaviours of Respondents Who
Avoid Eating When Hungry
Halton Region - October 2001
7Weight Control Behaviours of Respondents Who
Are Trying to Lose Weight
Halton Region - October 2001
8Weight Control Behaviours of Respondents Who
Are Trying to Gain Weight
Halton Region - October 2001
9Frequency of Exercise of Frequency of Exercise
Halton Region - October 2001
10Body Image Dissatisfaction
- 27 of girls 12 - 18 years reported disordered
attitudes about food - 20 of these girls were 12 - 14 years
- dieting was the most prevalent weight loss
strategy - 12 of girls 12 - 14 report binge-eating and 5
report self-induced vomiting -
- Jennifer Jones, Disordered eating attitudes and
behaviours in teenaged girls a school based
study 2001
11Factors Influencing Body Image
- Society and the Media
- Peers
- Puberty and Adolescence
- Role Models - Parents, Family(heredity) Teachers,
and Coaches
12Influence of Society
- Prior to the 20th Century
- Roaring 20s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1970s - 1980s
- 1990s - 2000 -
13Influence of the Media
- Media plays a major role in everyone's life
- Media delivers the message that thin is in
- Media promise of what your life will be like if
you are a certain type
14Influence of the Media
- Media creates a distorted image of reality
- normalizes glamorizes what is a abnormal
- creates false impression that all women and men
are the same - sends the message that one must continually
improve and is never good enough - uses technology to alter and create an image
15Influence of Peers
- Influence of friends increases
- Emphasis on fitting in and being alike
- Self absorbed
- Focus girls - how they look
- boys - what they can do
16Influence of Puberty
- Girls
- natural weight gain necessary for shifts away
from society's ideal body shape - Boys
- natural weight gain shifts towards society's
ideal body shape - Developmental tasks of adolescence
17Influence of Role Models
- Adults influence a childs body image through
their words and actions by - being critical of ones own body and appearance
- focusing on appearance rather than ability and
behaviours - using numbers i.e. BMI, body fat, size, weight
as a measure of health or success - encouraging the concept of one ideal body type
18Influence of Role Models - family
- Connectedness - term used to describe how youth
feel about their social environment, including
relationships with friends, family and the school
environment. - Positive contributes to
19Body Image Continuum
- Body/Self Body Image Weight
Compulsive/ Anorexia/ - Acceptance Dissatisfaction
Preoccupation/ Emotional Bulimia/ - Yo-Yo
Dieting/ Eating Binge Eating - Disorder
- Adapted from chart prepared by Carla
Rice, 1995
20Body Image Dissatisfaction
- May lead to unhealthy eating
- behaviours as means to cope with
- stress, anxiety, emotions and family problems
- fears of not measuring up to the unnatural images
presented in the media - pressure from parents and coaches
- a fear of becoming fat
21Why be Concerned?
- Disordered eating affects learning outcomes
- All ethnic, cultural and socioeconomic groups are
affected - Seen in younger children, although we are more
22Promote Overall Personal Well-Being
- Promote Healthy Eating
- Promote Physical Activity
- Self-Esteem and Feeling Good About Yourself
- education
- validation
- acceptance
- reassurance
23Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Help understand their change in appearance
- talk about how their body is changing (puberty)
- that changes occur at different rates and times
- cannot influence DNA or metabolism
- Be a positive role model
- be aware of your own dieting behaviours
- think about comments - people of different
sizes - consider complements you make
24Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Banish teasing
- juding people by size or weight is unacceptable -
cannot control these elements - do not associate size with personality, such as
overweight are lazy or out of control and
thin are happy and successful - Encourage children to advocate for themselves
- teach skills to respond to comments make about
25Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Show unconditional love
- discuss what makes a good friend, neighbour or
student - value each child for unique abilities
- Talk about insides rather than outsides
- focus on what qualities are important
- focus on the process not the end result
- avoid using labels of fat, skinny, hippy
26Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Read between the lines
- stop and listen when children use statements such
as I am so fat - encourage them to talk about what they did at
school - Watch the pitch
- critique the messages of the media
- discuss the goals behind advertizing
- share principles of computer alteration
27Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Take the focus away from numbers
- do not discuss weight, BMI, size of clothes
- talk about how a healthy body, fueled by healthy
food and exercise, works best - Resist any temptation to put a child on a diet
- 95 of people who lose weight regain it in 1-5
years - encourage eating differently (CFG), not less
28Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Make mealtimes pleasant and nutritious
- parent provides what (food) and when (meal and
snack times) - child determines what (peas vs. carrots) and how
much - encourage children to respond to normal cues of
being full and being hungry - make mealtimes fun and relaxing
- remember there are no good or bad foods
- do not use food as a punishment or reward
29Create a Body Friendly Environment
- Explore different types of activities
- role model a healthy lifestyle, such as walking,
fitness - share physical activity with your children
- learn a new skill or hobby with your child
- encourage physical activity vs. participation in
team sports - emphasize enjoyment vs. achievement
30Create a Body Friendly Environment