Title: Growth Rates of Diseases
1Growth Rates of Diseases
- Nadia Ali, Sara Koropchak, Katharine Pei, Daphne
2Area of Small Pox Distribution
A person with smallpox, no matter where they are
infected, will eventually experience a
distribution as shown in this picture each dot
represents 1.7 pox.
3Distribution of HIV/AID across the globe.
4 The rate of decline drastically
decreased after the vaccinations were instated.
5(VAPP stands for Vaccine Associated Paralytic
Polio) This graph compares the total number of
people paralyzed by polio with the number of
people who contacted VAPP.
6Diphtheria Rate
7Pertussis Rate
8This graph shows the distribution of Polio across
different regions. Southeast Asia is where Polio
is the highest.
9TB in the US has declined over the past 10 years,
however it is not eradicated due to developing
strains that have become resistant to traditional
Logistic eq y (38331.2744)/(13.1854
10-6(e(.1294))) Cases of TB per year 1991-2001
11TB Clinic
12Public Service Announcements and Women and
Children in TB Clinic
13The spikes in 1946 and 1993 follow after soldiers
returned from war. This influx of men helped
spread Syphilis.
Logistic eq y 842697.37610.9714x Decrease of
number of Syphilis cases
15Public Service Announcements for Syphilis
- Library of Congress
- Center for Disease Control
- Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center
- U.S. Census Bureau
- Whale Medical
- Informed Choice
- International Polio Network