Title: Cancer Surveillance in Shanghai
1Cancer Surveillance in Shanghai
- Ying Zheng, MD, MS
- Shanghai Cancer Registry
- Shanghai Municipal Center for Disease Prevention
and Control - NAACCR Annual Meeting
- Denver, Colorado, June, 2008
2General Information of the Cancer Registries in
Mainland of China
- First Cancer Registry in China was established
at Linxian county in Henan province in 1959. - The Linxian County had one of the highest
incidence rate of esophageal cancer in the
world. - Hard of swallowing disease had been an endemic
disease for generations in the Linxian county.
3Cancer Registries in China in Recent 20 Years
Data source The National Office for Cancer
Prevention, Control and Research of China (NOCPCR)
4 Mainland China 48 Cancer registries
Covered 20 provinces 75.27Million (5.96)
129,300Km2 (1.38)
27 registries affiliate with hospitals or
Institutes 21 in CDC
Data source NOCPCR
5New Cases Coding in 2003 in Mainland China
Data source NOCPCR
6Percentage of Microscopically Verified Cases in
Mainland China, 2003
Data source NOCPCR
7Cancer Registry Data of Mainland China
- Low population coverage
- Quality of data unbalanced and unstable
- gt Lack of quality control
- - Missing Reports
- - Inaccurate discharge diagnoses
- gt Lack of stable financial support
- gt Lack of technical support
- gt Lack of training
- Data interpretation and further mining
8Some Facts about Shanghai (2005)
- Area 6340.5 square kilometers
- Administrative divisions 18 districts and 1
county - Population 13.60 million
- 50.25 Male, 49.75
Female - Age over 60 19.58
Data source Shanghai Municipal Statistics Bureau
9Three Leading Causes of Death in Shanghai
Cardiovascular Cerebrovascular
10Cancer Registry in Shanghai - History
- 1960s
- gt Established by Shanghai Municipal Health Bureau
through the Cancer Registry Amendment Act - gt Cancer Reporting Procedure in Shanghai was
issued - gt Date collection system only covered the 9 urban
districts - gt Supported by research funds
11Cancer Registry in Shanghai - History
- 1980s
- gt Establish network
- gt Budget from the government
- 2001.12
- gt Shanghai Cancer Registry was expanded to cover
- all administrative divisions (18 districts
and 1 county) - gt Budget 400,000/year
12Cancer Registry Network
175 Hospitals
19 District CDC
Municipal CDC
Data Input Check Coding Death Certificate check
Administration Technical support Case
207 Community Health Service Center
Home care Regular follow-up
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14Information System for Cancer Registry and
Patient Follow-up
- Cancer registry database over 360,000 cases
recorded - Patient follow-up
- gt All patient are active followed until death
- gt Active follow-up home visit or telephone visit
at least once a year - gt The first visit happens within 1-2 months after
diagnosed normally
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16(No Transcript)
17 Cancer Registry in Shanghai - Quality Assurance
- Registration guidelines (IACR)
- Registrar training
- - Disease classification (ICD-10, ICD-0-2)
- - Cancer related terminology
- - Cancer diagnosis and treatment
- - Computer and network skill
- - Epidemiology and statistics
- Quality control audit
18Cancer Registry in Shanghai Data Application
- Annual report and a recent 30 year report
- Reports, educational materials
- CI5
- Urban area, about 6.5 M
19Cancer Registries of China in CI5
20Cancer Registry in Shanghai Data Application
- Cancer epidemiology researches
- Case control studies on lung cancer, breast
cancer, endometrial cancer for the urban Chinese
women. - The Shanghai Breast Cancer Study
- gt 1500 pairs of cases and controls
- gt 5000 breast cancer cases cohort since 2002
- Provide cancer information for other studies
- gt The Shanghai Womens Health Study
- gt The Shanghai Mens Health Study
212005 Shanghai Cancer Incidence, Male
1 Rate are per 100,000 and adjusted using World
population standard. 2 US rates are for
222005 Shanghai Cancer Incidence, Female
1 Rate are per 100,000 and adjusted using World
population standard. 2 US rates are for
232005 Shanghai Cancer Mortality, Male
1 Rate are per 100,000 and adjusted using World
population standard. 2 US rates are for
242005 Shanghai Cancer Mortality, Female
1 Rate are per 100,000 and adjusted using World
population standard. 2 US rates are for
25Age-adjusted (Word Standard) Cancer Incidence
Rates by Gender, Shanghai Urban,1973-2005
26Age-adjusted (Word Standard) Cancer Incidence
Rates of Selected Cancers, Shanghai
Urban,1973-2005. Male
27Age-adjusted (Word Standard) Cancer Incidence
Rates of Selected Cancers, Shanghai
Urban,1973-2005. Male
28Age-adjusted (Word Standard) Cancer Incidence
Rates of Selected Cancers, Shanghai
Urban,1973-2005. Female
29Age-adjusted (Word Standard) Cancer Incidence
Rates of Selected Cancers, Shanghai
Urban,1973-2005. Female
30(No Transcript)
31Shanghai Cancer Survivors
- Prevalence, 2006-12-31
- Total 178, 813 (1.3)
- Male 79,288 (1.2)
- Female 99,525 (1.5)
- Home or telephone visit, 2006
- Total 153 465 in 209708 (73.2)
32Anatomic Site Distribution of Cancer Survivors by
Sex, Shanghai, 2006
- All sites 79288 99525
- Site Cases Site Cases
- Stomach 12488 15.75 Breast 29098 29.24
- Lung 9182 11.58 Colon 8521 8.56
- Colon 7842 9.89 Stomach 7352 7.39
- Rectum 6303 7.95 Thyroid gland 6143
6.17 - Bladder 5564 7.02 Rectum 5748 5.78
- Prostate 4614 5.82 Lung 4642 4.66
- Liver 3847 4.85 Corpus uteri 4597 4.62
- Kidney 2960 3.73 Brain, CNS 4372 4.39
- Brain, CNS 2833 3.57 Ovary 4073 4.09
- Nasopharynx 2570 3.24 Cervix uteri 2861
33- Contact me
- Ying Zheng
- yzheng_at_scdc.sh.cn
- 86-21-627587101418
- 86-21-62087109