Title: Academic Services for StudentAthletes
1Academic Services for Student-Athletes
2SABRE CENTREStudent-Athletes Building Resources
through Education
Academic Services for Student-Athletes
- Mission Statement
- The mission of Academic Services for
Student-Athletes (ASSA) is to support UCF
student-athletes academic development while
exceeding satisfactory progress towards their
degree. ASSA collaborates with the UCF Athletics
Association, Student Development and Enrollment
Services, and the University of Central Floridas
colleges, faculty and student support services.
Student-athletes are expected to take personal
responsibility for their academic success by
engaging in proactive programming, open and
honest communication, and structured support
3SABRE CENTREStudent-Athletes Building Resources
through Education
Academic Services for Student-Athletes
- Mark Gumble Director of Academic Services for
Student-Athletes - Kristy Belden Associate Director, Football,
Mens Womens Golf - Sarah Hill Assistant Director, Womens
Basketball, Womens Soccer Novice Rowing - Jennifer Alger Assistant Director, Baseball,
Mens Basketball Volleyball
4SABRE CENTREStudent-Athletes Building Resources
through Education
Academic Services for Student-Athletes
- Lindsey Black Advisor, Football, Womens
Tennis, Spirit Squads - Eric Coleman Advisor, Softball, Womens Track
and Field, Tutoring Program - Shelby Ball Advisor, Mens Soccer, Mens
Tennis, Varsity Rowing - Lisa Moser Learning Specialist ALL Sports
- Tina Davia Office Manager
- Mentors/GAs Sally Burnett, Lacey Latimer,
Falisha Finke, Anne Kizer - Student Assistant Danielle Traylor
5Athletics Administration Support Staff
Keith Tribble Athletics Director David
Chambers Executive Associate AD, Sports
Administrator for the Football, Mens and Womens
Golf, Softball and Sports Conditioning
programs. David Hansen - Sr. Associate AD for
Internal Affairs, Sports Administrator for Mens
Basketball, Baseball, Mens Womens Soccer and
Facilities programs. Jessica Reo - Sr.
Associate AD/Senior Womens Administrator, Sports
Administrator for Womens Basketball, Volleyball,
Cross Country/Track, Rowing, Mens and Womens
Tennis programs. Joe Hornstein - Associate AD
for Support Services, Sports Administrator for
Spirit Program. Consuelo Stebbins NCAA Faculty
Athletic Representative Marcus Sedberry
Knights PRIDE Program
6 Summer 2009 Calendar
- Residence Halls Open June 27 (Sat -
11am) - Classes Begin June 29
- Drop Deadline July 1
- Add Deadline July 2
- Grade Forgiveness Deadline July 17
- Withdrawal Deadline July 17
- Classes End Aug. 7
- Final Exams Given during last class
meeting - Residence Halls Close Aug. 8
- Summer Holiday
- Independence Day July 3rd ASSA Closed
7 Fall 2009 Calendar
- Residence Halls Open Aug. 21
- Classes Begin Aug. 24
- Drop Deadline Aug. 27
- Add Deadline Aug. 28
- Grade Forgiveness Deadline Oct. 16
- Withdrawal Deadline Oct. 16
- Classes End Dec. 7
- Final Exams Dec. 8-14
- Residence Halls Close Dec. 15
- Fall Holidays ASSA CLOSED
- Labor Day
Monday, September 7th - Veterans Day
Wednesday, November 11th - Thanksgiving November 26-28
8Review from Advising Presentation
- UCF Creed 5 tenets
- Average Fall semester GPA of a first-year student
- Guess the average GPA of student-athletes at UCF
- Student-Athlete Stats
- Academic Probation/AERC
- Grade Forgiveness
- Why should you meet w/your ASSA academic advisor?
9Knights E-mail
- As a UCF student, you are responsible for
activating and maintaining your - Knights Email account. Every UCF student must
register for and maintain - a Knights Email account at www.knightsemail.ucf.ed
u. - Students should check this on a daily basis to
avoid missing critical information from the
university. - Each UCF student MUST also have an up to-date
emergency email address and cell phone number in
case of crisis on campus. - This information can be found and updated at
MyUCF through the Student Service Center. - What is MyUCF??
10ASSAKnights Tutoring and Mentoring Program
- Tutoring One on one and small group sessions
- - Walk-ins Appointments available
- - Supplemental Instruction
- - Writing Center Math Lab
- Mentoring Students will be paired with a
graduate assistant or an advisor to meet weekly
at ASSA.
- Wireless Computer Lab
- 15 Desktop computers
- Free printing
- Wireless high speed internet access for personal
laptops - Study tables
- Use of the Lab
- All student-athletes must have a valid ID in
order to sign in and out of the lab - No cell phone use allowed
- No food or drinks except bottled water
- Do not remove or tamper with any hardware or
software installed on the computers - Respect others using the lab, QUIET ENVIORNMENT!
- No Inappropriate use of computers
- Laptop Computers
- Available to student-athletes traveling for
competition - Available to athletes who are unable to access a
lab on campus due to injury
12Being a Successful Student-Athlete.What does it
- Classroom Etiquette
- Sit up front
- No hats
- Be on time
- No cell phones
- Appropriate Dress
- Get to know your professors
- Progress Reports
- Travel Letters
- Office Hours, Email, Phone
13Being a Successful Student-Athlete.What does it
- SLS 1501 Strategies for Student Success
- Freshman are encouraged to take this course that
develops life-skills needed to adjust to college - Manage Your Time Stay Organized
- Mandatory use of Student Planner to map out and
track your daily activities - Important to have a good balance between work and
rest - Having Good Study Habits
- Read your assignments thoroughly
- Complete all homework, Work Ahead
- Getting Extra Help When Needed
- Tutoring, Mentoring, Writing Center,
- Math Lab, SARC
14Being a Successful Student.What does it take?
- Being Able to Manage Stress
- Getting Enough of Sleep
- Eating Properly Eating Properly
- Eat breakfast, steer clear of junk food/fast food
- If you need advice, a nutritionist is available
free of charge
15UCF degree requirements
- UCF Majors 120 - 128 hours.
- UCF Minors 18 24 hours. Student-athletes may
obtain a minor only if the student has room for
free electives. - General Education Program 36 hours. These
requirements vary by degree. Please see your
advising guide page 20. - Gordon Rule 6 hours of Math and 6 hours of
English completed with a minimum grade of C-. - CLASP College Level Academic Skills Program
- The last 30 out of 36 hours need to be taken HERE
at UCF.
16UCF Grading System Course Levels
- D 1.25
- D 1.00
- D- 0.75
- F 0.00
- NC No Credit
- I Incomplete
- W Withdrawn
- A 4.00
- A- 3.75
- B 3.25
- B 3.00
- B- 2.75
- C 2.25
- C 2.00
- C- 1.75
- 1000 - 2000 level courses are the general courses
you will take. - 3000 - 4000 level courses are more advanced
courses, which often need pre-requisite classes.
17 UCF Academic Policies
- Students can make adjustments to their schedule
with no penalty, if done before the deadline. If
completed during the drop/swap and add periods,
the changes will not be recorded on the students
academic record. - You will be able to add classes through Thursday,
July 2nd. - You will only be able to drop classes until
Wednesday, July 1st. After this date it becomes
a withdrawal.
- Students can forgive up to two UCF courses only.
It may not be used for the same course twice. The
second course grade will be calculated into your
GPA. The deadline to apply for grade
forgiveness is the withdrawal deadline of the
semester in which you are repeating the course.
- CLASP College Level Academic Skills Program
- The CLASP requirement can be completed through
the following criteria - Standardized tests SAT Math or Verbal of 500
or higher - ACT Math 21 or higher, English 21 or
higher, Reading 22 or higher. - UCF Courses a 2.5 GPA or higher in ENC 1101/ENC
1102 and in 2 math courses.
18ASSA UCFAA Policies
Course Selection Policy Student-athletes MUST
seek approval from an ASSA advisor on each course
selected in each term. It is imperative that
student-athletes only take courses that are
degree applicable.
Class Attendance Policy Student-athletes are
expected to attend all classes unless excused for
athletic competition or a documented illness from
the Athletic Training Staff.
Course Withdrawal Policy Student-athletes MUST
seek approval from an ASSA advisor and head coach
prior to withdrawing from any course.
Student-athletes MUST be registered for a
full-time course load in order to practice or
Course Failure Policy If a student-athlete
receives a tuition scholarship and fails a
course, the athletic department may consider the
student-athlete responsible for refunding the
cost of the course, or a fine in lieu of the full
cost of the course.
19ASSA UCFAA Policies
UCF UCFAA Academic Dishonesty Policies
- University Policy - Plagiarism and Cheating of
any kind on an examination, quiz, or assignment
will result at least in an F for that
assignment (and may, depending on the severity of
the case, lead to an F for the entire course). - UCFAA Policy - Student-athletes are to inform the
academic advisor within 24 hours if he/she is
accused of plagiarism in a course.
Academic Appointment Policy Student-athletes are
expected to attend all scheduled academic
appointments (e.g., advising, tutoring, study
hall, mentoring, etc.), to be on time, and
prepared with all appropriate books, note books,
computer files, DAILY PLANNER and other necessary
studying supplies. Student-athletes are to learn
to manage their time effectively and communicate
with their academic advisor as necessary and are
not to miss academic appointments including any
due to travel. Student-athletes are not to miss
academic appointments for practice, community
service, fund raising or other athletic related
activities without prior approval of the Director
of ASSA.
20ASSA UCFAA Policies
UCFAA Online Networking Policy Student-athletes
are precluded from having pictures or statements
that could be deemed inappropriate as determined
by UCF or the UCFAA. Examples include but are not
limited to
Visable/identifiable alcohol and other drugs
(AODs) and paraphernalia Sexually provocative
and explicit photographs Vulgar/obscene
language Comments that ridicule, mock or
criticize any person or groups of
people. Comments that reveal the mental or
physical condition(s) and or well being of
teammates or other UCF student-athletes.
21Things to Know
- Get Acquainted With Your Surroundings
- Competition On Off The Field
- Be Responsible!
- Be Accountable!
- Ask questions Be Alert
- Plan Ahead
22NCAA Rules RegulationsWhat do you need to do
to stay ELIGIBLE?
- 24 HOUR RULE You must earn 24 semester hours
during the upcoming year. - Only 6 hours of remedial courses can apply to
your 24 - No more than 6 summer hours can count toward
your 24 - 18 HOUR RULE You must earn 18 hours between the
Fall 2009 and Spring 2010 semesters. - 6 HOUR RULE You must earn at least 6 hours of
degree applicable courses to be eligible to
compete in the subsequent semester. - Progress Toward Degree 40/60/80
24 Key Numbers
- 2.0 GPA
- 12 Hours per semester
- 18 Hours by end of Fall 09 Spring 10
- 24 Hours by the end of Summer 2010
- 40/60/80
- 120
Once a Knight, Always a Knight!