Title: Research%20Ethics
1Research Ethics
- Philosophy 2803
- Lecture VI
- Feb. 19, 2003
2Research Ethics
- Medical research shares some issues with medical
practice, but also raises some distinct issues - Our focus will be on issues surrounding research
on human subjects - Brief history of research ethics
- Discussion of present day standards
- Some Issues in Research Ethics
3Some History
- Early codes of medical ethics tended to treat
research as part of overall code of medical
ethics - Today, treated as a distinct area
- Thomas Percival
- 1803 - first code of medical ethics to include
requirements concerning research? - The use of experimental techniques on patients
should be scrupulously and conscientiously
governed by sound reason and undertaken only
after consulting with other physicians - No mention of seeking the consent of the subject
4Paternalistic Research Ethics
- It is our duty and our right to perform an
experiment on a man whenever it can save his
life, cure him or gain him some personal benefit.
So, among the experiments that might be tried
on man, those that can only harm are forbidden.
Those that are innocent are permissible, and
those that may do good are obligatory. - 1865 - Claude Bernard, an influential French
physiologist, - the founder of experimental medicine?
- Remember discussion of models for relationships
with patients. Paternalism is historically
5William Beaumont - Research Ethics Pioneer?
- Some credit Beaumont with the oldest code
specifically focussed on human experimentation
(1833) - 5. The voluntary consent of the subject is
necessary - 6. The experiment is to be discontinued when it
causes distress to the subject - 7. The project must be abandoned when the subject
becomes dissatisfied. - Some dispute about whether code actually existed.
6Policy vs. Practice
- Ironically, some of the earliest and clearest
pronouncements on the importance of consent in
medical research are to be found in earlly 20th
century Germany - A 1931 directive from the German Reich Minister
of the Interior forbids innovative therapy
unless the subject or his legal representative
has unambiguously consented to the procedure in
the light of relevant information provided in
7The Nuremberg Code
- The modern era in research ethics begins with the
Nuremberg Code (1947) - Produced as part of the Doctors Trial, part of
the post W.W.II war crimes tribunal - Response to research atrocities
- Deliberate infection with malaria, smallpox,
cholera - Sexual sterilization experiments
- Cold temperature experiments
8From the Nuremberg Code
- The voluntary consent of the human subject is
absolutely essential. - This means that the person involved should have
legal capacity to give consent should be so
situated as to be able to exercise free power of
choice and should have sufficient knowledge and
comprehension of the elements of the subject
matter involve as to enable him to make an
understanding and enlightened decision. This
latter element requires that before the
acceptance of an affirmative decision by the
experimental subject there should be known to him
the nature, duration and purpose of the
experiment the methods and means by which it is
to be conducted all inconveniences and hazards
reasonably to be expected and the effects upon
his health or person which may possibly come from
his participation in the experiment.
9Not the End of Atrocities
- Unfortunately, as already noted policy is one
thing and practice another - Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment (1932-1972)
- CIA funded LSD Experiments in Montreal (1950s
10The Helsinki Declarations
- 1964 World Medical Associations Declaration of
Helsinki replaces the Nuremberg Code - Less stringent on consent, allows for proxy
consent - Since revised in 1975, 1983, 1989, 1996 and 2000
- See pp. 261-264 for 1996 version
11Halushka v. U. of Saskatchewan(1965 Sask.
Court of Appeal)
- Student paid 50 to participate in anesthetic
drug trial - Told a catheter (i.e., tube) would be inserted
into his left arm - Not told the catheter would be advanced into his
heart - Suffered cardiac arrest, residual injuries
- Court duty owed by researchers is at least as
great as, if not greater than, the duty owed by
the ordinary physician or surgeon (p. 260) - U. of Saskatchewan held liable
- Few Canadian cases on research ethics, this case
established Canadian standard
12Present Day
- Many codes and policies (e.g., CMA), but no
comprehensive legislation - Tri-Council Policy Statement on the Ethical
Conduct of Research Involving Human Subjects
(1998) is most important policy - Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR)
- Natural Sciences Engineering Research Council
(NSERC) - Social Sciences Humanities Research Council
(SSHRC) - Reading on pp. 244-251 is a draft version of this
13Tri-Council Policy Statement
- Sets out requirements for research ethics review
- Research Ethics Board (REB)
- Sets standards on
- Informed Consent (or Proxy Consent)
- Privacy Confidentiality
- Conflict of Interest
- Inclusiveness
- Human Genetic Research
- New Reproductive Technologies
14Local REBs
- MUN Human Investigations Committee (HIC)
- Health related research
- MUN Interdisciplinary Committee on Ethics in
Human Research (ICEHR) - All other human subjects research
- Soon (?) The Provincial Health Research Ethics
Board - Would be a first in Canada
- Prompted by some research horror stories in NL
15Case 1 Dr. A
- Dr. A. is approached by a drug company about
participating in a clinical trial of a new
anti-psychotic drug. - If he accepts, he will, as usual, hospitalize any
new psychotic patients he encounters - Then, patients will be randomly assigned
treatment with either the new drug or a placebo
(i.e., a sugar pill) - Informed consent will be obtained for each
patient (by proxy, if necessary) - Adapted from Weijer et al, 1997 Bioethics for
Clinicians 10. Research Ethics. CMAJ, pp.
16Case 2 Dr. B
- Dr. B is a family practitioner whose practice
specializes in patients infected with HIV - Parasol, a pharmaceutical company, writes to Dr.
B requesting that he provide them with the names
of patients that might be eligible for enrollment
into clinical trials of their new HIV drug. - Parasol will pay Dr. B 100 for each name he
provides. - Adapted from Weijer et al, 1997 Bioethics for
Clinicians 10. Research Ethics. CMAJ, pp. 1153
17Case 3 Dr. C
- Dr. C approaches the management of a seniors
home about possibly enrolling some of the homes
residents in a clinical drug trial. - It is hoped the drug will reduce the progression
of Alzheimers disease. - Dr. C wishes to enroll patients in the middle
stages of Alzheimers, i.e., suffering some
impairment, but not a complete lack of mental
capacity - The management of the home refuse to even
consider the possibility, claiming this research
will inevitably exploit the residents.
18Issues Raised by the Cases Consent
- Consent becomes even more important in research
ethics than in clinical practice - This is because, unlike treatment, research often
cannot be justified on grounds of beneficence
towards the patient - Distinction between therapeutic research and
non-therapeutic research important - Creates problems when dealing with incompetent
19Issues Raised by the Cases Consent
- Dr. A - Consent is not enough
- Harm to patients by being on placebo if effective
treatment is already available - Importance of non-maleficence, particularly in
the absence of full autonomy - A recent development in research ethics
- At one time, placebo trials were often required
20Issues Conflict of Interest
- Currently a hot issue, e.g.,
- Dr. B
- Physicians sent to conferences in Aruba by drug
companies - Per patient fees for enrolling patients in
clinical trials - Are these things acceptable?
- What if Dr. B told his patients about the fee?
21Issues Conflict of Interest
- Remember many kinds of conflict of interest
- Fame
- Publishable results
- Tenure
- Medical breakthroughs to benefit society,
- Commercial breakthroughs
- At a minimum, disclosure of a conflict is morally
22Issues Confidentiality
- Confidentiality
- Dr. B - Referral without consent
- Autonomy Non-maleficence both support
confidentiality - Under what conditions may information about
patients/research subjects be released? - In clinical practice, very limited exceptions
- Concern with public safety may override
confidentiality (E.g., communicable disease,
threat to others)
23Issues Confidentiality in Research
- Clash between confidentiality need to share
data - Requires efforts to protect at least disclosure
of level of confidentiality - Problem of anonymizing data
- Removing name is not always enough
- E.g., study on a outport community that describes
a male subject with 3 children a rare heart
condition - Genetic research raises some particular problems
- Information is about families, not individuals
- Duty/right to inform relatives of risks we
24Issues Research involving Incompetent Subjects
- Dr. A, Dr. C Is it permissible to conduct
experiments on incompetent people even with proxy
consent? - Distinction between therapeutic non-therapeutic
research - Therapeutic aims at benefiting the
patient/subject - Non-therapeutic may aim at benefiting people with
same condition as the subject, but not this
subject - Can appeal to beneficence to justify therapeutic
research - With non-therapeutic research, no autonomy and no
25Issues Research involving Incompetent Subjects
- Must not forget need to develop treatments for
incompetent patients (Dr. A, Dr. C) - General approach is that minimal risk is OK if
- Substitute decision maker gives OK
- Research cannot be done on competent patients
- Subject does not dissent (ideally, gives assent)
- Research is related to childhood conditions/
appropriate mental condition (see pp. 268-270) - Beneficence to group