Title: 100W CW CO2 laser
1100W CW CO2 laser
15KV, 200mA DC Power supply
Laser discharge tube
2Typical laser beam spot at 60W
3100W CO2 laser 2
100W CO2 laser 1
4Typical 0-15KV, 200mA DC power supply
5CO2 laser
Typical LHPG setup
Focusing mirrors
Sample rod pushing mechanism
Pulling mechanism
He-Ne laser for alignment
Sample rod
6Typical fiber growth/LAP
7Typical fiber growth/MHBA
8Typical fiber growth /LiNbO3
Initial growth
Feed rod
Final fiber
9LAP/as grown
KDPLAP/as grown
Rd6GLAP/as grown
LiNbO3 /as grown
NdYAG/as grown
10Typical laser sintering setup
Variable power attenuator
CO2 laser
11 laser sintering of CeYAG
Sample being irradiated
Before After
12fluorescence setup
803nm diode laser
D2 lamp
13Thermoluminescence of CeYAG prepared by laser
sintering studies done at BARC results received
14Vacuum furnace, 1600oC, 10-6 torr
151200oC furnaces air/gas
16Facility for the polishing of crystalline fibers
17Facility for chemical synthesis-I
18Facility for chemical synthesis-II