Title: CIHRs 13 Institutes
1(No Transcript)
2 CIHRs 13 Institutes
3Four Research Pillars of CIHR
- Biomedical
- Clinical
- Health services and health systems
- Health of populations, societal and cultural
dimensions of health, and environmental
influences on health
4CIHR Budget 2005-2006
5Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health and
6CIHR-INMHA a Canadian Experiment
- Virtual institute aimed to promoting
- interdisciplinary approaches to the study of
neuroscience, mental health, addictions and the
sensory systems - integration of neuroscience (including vision,
hearing, communication, pain, etc.), mental
health and addiction research - Unique model in the world
- Quirion (2002) A Canadian experiment INMHA. How
to link up the brain via a virtual institute.
TINS 25 268-270
7Institute Advisory Board 2004-2005
- Dr. Anthony Phillips (Chair)
- Dr. Kathryn Bennett
- Dr. Serge Brochu
- Dr. Yves de Koninck
- Ms. Judy Hills
- Dr. Judy Illes
- Mrs. Mary Jardine
- Dr. Alain Lesage (vice-chair)
- Dr. Ravi Menon
- Dr. Freda Miller
- Dr. Marlene Reimer
- Dr. Patrice Roy
- Dr. Michael Salter
- Dr. Eric Single
- Dr. Martin Steinbach
- Dr. Jane Stewart
- Dr. Donald Weaver
- Dr. Douglas Zochodne
- University of British Columbia, Vancouver BC
- McMaster University, Hamilton ON
- Université de Montréal, Montreal (Quebec)
- Université Laval, Quebec City (Québec)
- Public Representative, Toronto ON
- Stanford University, Palo Alto CA
- Public Representative, Toronte ON
- Université de Montréal, Montréal QC
- University of Western Ontario, London ON
- University of Toronto, Toronto ON
- University of Manitoba, Winnipeg MB
- Pfizer Canada, Montréal QC
- University of Toronto, Toronto ON
- University of Toronto, Toronto ON
- York University, Toronto ON
- Concordia University, Montréal QC
- Dalhousie University, Halifax NS
- University of Calgary, Calgary AB
8INMHA IAB Focus Groups
- Ethics and Law
- Government Affairs and Networking
- Industry and biotechnology
- International Affairs
- Performance Evaluation and Budget
- Training and Education
- Voluntary Sector and Professional Organizations
- Clinical Research
9INMHA Vision
- The Institute of Neurosciences, Mental Health
and Addiction believes that innovative, ethically
responsible research will lead to better health
for all Canadians. -
10INMHA Mission
- The mission of the INMHA is
- to foster excellence in innovative, ethically
responsible research that increases our knowledge
of the functioning and disorders of the brain and
the mind, the spinal cord, the sensory and motor
systems, and mental health, mental illness and
all forms of addictions. - To foster cutting-edge research that incorporate
the four pillars of CIHR biomedical, clinical,
health services and health systems, and
population health - to translate this new knowledge into improved
health outcomes and quality of life for all
11INMHA Values
- Commits to the support of excellence, scientific
integrity and ethics in research that meets the
highest international standards - Cultivates an understanding of the diversity of
the disciplines covered by the INMHA mandate in
order to expand beyond traditional approaches to
research - Affirms the importance of research and knowledge
translation as means of making a difference in
the lives of people who are experiencing or who
are at risk for the disorders and illnesses of
concern to the INMHA
12INMHA Values
- Respects ethical, transparent and effective
governance and management processes that
establish the INMHAs credibility and strengthen
its organizational capacity - Acknowledges its accountability to the Governing
Council of the CIHR, the Government of Canada and
Canadians for the accomplishment of its mission.
13INMHA Strategic Goals
- To accomplish its mission, the INMHA will
- Promote and support excellence in peer-reviewed,
internationally recognized and ethically
responsible research in the domains of the
Institute, including co-occurrence with other
health problems and co-morbidity - Encourage trans-disciplinary research in order to
facilitate knowledge transfer aimed at developing
and improving health care treatments and
services - Ensure the training and support of the next
generation of Canadian scientists in all aspects
of neurosciences, mental health, and addiction by
promoting and sustaining the development of
trans-disciplinary programs of research and
14INMHA Strategic Goals
- To accomplish its mission, the INMHA will
- Work with non governmental and volunteer health
organizations, municipal governments and other
interested stakeholders to reduce the
discrimination and prejudices associated with
neurological and sensory disorders, mental
illnesses and addictions - Promote the visibility and mandate of the INMHA
and its contribution through effective
communication with all sectors of civil society
15INMHA Strategic Goals
- To accomplish its mission, the INMHA will
- Work with the Government of Canada, provincial
and territorial governments, members of the
scientific community, non governmental and
volunteer health organizations, foundations and
all Canadians to ensure that sufficient human and
financial resources, consistent with the burden
of disease of the disorders covered by the INMHA,
are made available to the Institute in order to
enable it to achieve its goals. - Interact with all stakeholders to identify
research priorities, establish partnerships and
undertake collaborative activities.
16Approaches Used to DevelopINMHA First Strategic
- Visits to universities and research centres
across the country (gt30) - Two NGO meetings
- http//www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/8586.html
- International visits
- NIH, WHO, PAHO, etc.
- Prioritization by IAB and Scientific Director
- 2001-2005 Strategic Plan
17Outcomes of consultations
18INMHA Strategic Priority One
- To foster and develop a capacity for innovation
in research in neurosciences, mental health and
addiction - Training
- Strategic Initiatives
- Early Life Events and First episodes in brain
disorders - Co-occurrence of brain disorders with other
health problems and co-morbidity - Regenerative Medicine and Nanonmedicine
- Nicotine addiction and tobacco abuse
- Emerging areas and unique opportunities
- Research in bioethics
19INMHA Strategic Priority Two
- To pursue and sustain collaborative partnership
- The INMHA will
- Collaborate with the Strategic Partnerships and
Alliances and the Industry Program Branches of
CIHR in identifying and developing potential
partnerships - Develop sustainable partnerships with other
Institutes and with governmental organizations at
the national and international levels as well as
with NGOs and VHOs - Collaborate and partner with NGOs and VHOs in
effort aimed at advancing - Advocacy, information dissemination, knowledge
translation, training, leverage funding,
surveillance, community support
20INMHA Strategic Priority Three
- To promote linkage and exchange through
structured efferts aimed at knowledge translation - The INMHA has defined the following strategies
- Collaborate with CIHR in developing a framework
for contributing to public policies and programs
that will help create an environment conducive to
the development of the CIHR and its institutes - Engage in structured, individual activities that
promote linkage and exchange - Develop a comprehensive stakeholder knowledge
translation strategy
21INMHA Strategic Priority Four
- To insure INMHAs presence on the international
stage -
- The INMHA will help Canadian scientists by
promoting and developing joint research and
training initiatives with institutes in other
countries. This strategy will enable the INMHA
to - Develop and pursue collaborations international
research projects and funding - Promote and establish trainee exchange programs
at the international level.
22INMHA Strategic Priority Five
- To establish an effective organizational and
operational structure - The INMHAs organizational structure and
operational processes must support the efforts
and endeavours of the Institute, and ensure its
accountability to CIHR and its stakeholders.
Three components of the strategy have been
identified - Implement an effective governance, accountability
and management structure and process - Develop and sustain structured communication
efforts aimed at informing and gaining an
understanding of the health and research issues
related to INMHAs domains - Develop a framework for gathering, maintaining
and accessing relevant and reliable health and
research information in the fields of interest to
the INMHA.
23INMHA Institute Support Grant
- 1 million/year since 2001
- Staff salaries
- Conference, symposia and workshops
- Annual Meeting
- Annual reports and brochures
- Web site (www.thebrain.mcgill.ca)
- IAB expenditures
- Travel
- Office rental
- Supplies
- International Activities
- Partnership Development
24INMHA Strategic Initiative Budget
25INMHA Strategic Initiative Budget 2004-2005
26Some INMHA initiatives (2002-2005)
- Brain Star Award
- Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research
- Bridging Operating Grants
- Priority announcement
- New Emerging Team Program
- Strategic Initiatives
- Inter-institute partnerships
- International Collaborations
- Workshops and scientific meetings
27INMHA Strategic Priority One
- Training Grants and
- Salary Support
28Brain Star Program
- To recognize the excellence of research done by
trainees in all fields covered by our Institute - 1,000 per award
- Awarded every 2 weeks
- Based on a research article recently published as
first author in a high impact journal - Cross-pillar is a plus
- Brain Star of the year since 2003
- For more details
- www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/8585.html
29Recent Brain Star Awardees
- McMaster (Dalhousie) Hippocampal volume in early
onset of depression - (2004) BMC Medicine 2Â 2
- Cotrell (Queens) Prokiceticin 2 modulates the
excitability of subfornical organ neurons
(2004) J Neurosci. 242375 - Thompson (Toronto) Variant of the Orexin2/hcrt2
receptor gene identified in patients with
excessive daytime sleepiness and patients with
Tourettes syndrom comorbidity (2004) AM. J.
Med. Genet. 129 B(1)69-75 - Nicholls (UBC) Assessing risk of violence among
male and female civil psychiatric patients
The HCR-20, PCLSV, and VSC (2004) Behav. Sci
Law 22 127-158 - Kogan (McGill) Differential impact of the FMR1
gene on visual processing in fragile X
syndrome - (2004) Brain 127 591-601
30Brain Star of the year
- 2003 Michelle Aarts and Yitao Liu
- Aarts M., Liu Y., Bessoh S., Arundine M., Gurd
J., Wang Y.T., Salter M. (2002) Brain damage by
perturbing NMDA receptor PSD-95 protein
interactions Science 298846-850. - 2004 Jeffrey Coull
- Coull J., Boudreau D., Bachand K. Prescott S.A.,
Nault F., De Koninck P.Y. (2003) Transynaptic
shift in anion gradient in spinal lamina I
neurons as a mechanism of neuropathic pain.
Nature 424938-942
31Strategic Training Initiativein Health Research
- First competition 2001
- CIHR central and Institutes supported
- 51 teams funded
- 8 of them related to INMHA
- 300K per year for 6 years
- Cross-pillars and multi-centres favoured
32Strategic Training Initiativein Health Research
- First Competition 2001-2002
- Teams related to INMHA
- Cameron (Waterloo) Tobacco Research
- De Koninck (Laval) Neurophysics Setting new
frontiers in neurosciences with material
sciences and photonics - Fenster (UWO) Vascular and cerebrovascular
transdisciplinary training program - Houry (Toronto) Protein folding. Principles and
diseases - McGrath (Dalhousie) Pain in child health
- Reithmeier (Toronto) Structural biology of
membrane proteins linked to disease - Salter (Toronto) Pain research. From molecules to
community - Vincent (UBC) Neurobiology and behaviour
33Strategic Training Initiativein Health Research
- Second competition 2002
- Funded by each Institute
- INMHA received 15 LOI
- With internal and external (FRSQ, NAAR) partners
INMHA is associated to 10 successful applications - Funding for six years started in April 2003
34Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research
Second Competition 2001-2002
- Antel (McGill) Integrated Training Program in
basic and clinical aspects of
neuroinflammation - Chaudhuri (McGill) McGill integrative
neurobehavioral training program focus on
regenerative medicine and early life events - Fombonne (McGill) Training program in autism
research - Goldner (UBC) Building capacity in mental health
and addiction services and policy research - Holden (Queens) Transdisciplinary
inter-institute training program in autism
spectrum disorders - Kirmayer (McGill) Culture and mental health
services - Meaney (McGill) Genes, environment and health
training program - Mishara (UQAM) Formation interdisciplinaire en
recherche sur le suicide et sa prévention - Selby (Toronto) Tobacco use in special
populations - Wilson (York) CIHR strategic training program in
vision research
35STIHR WORKSHOP Nov. 28-29, 2005
- A STIHR Workshop will be held on Nov. 28-29, 2005
in Montreal, for all training program grants
related to INMHA
36INMHA Salary Awards - Spring and Fall 2002
- Doctoral Research Award (11)
- Post-doctoral Fellowship (8)
- Senior Research Fellowship (1)
- New Investigators (2)
- Clinician Scientists (2)
- Senior Investigator (1)
37INMHA Doctoral Research Award
- Alain (Montréal) Les processus C-REM induits par
stimulations vibratoires pendant le sommeil
NREM - Arudine (Toronto) Cellular and molecular
mechanisms of secondary neurotrauma - Beauchamps Étude des résultats des traitements
psycho- - (McGill) sociaux auprès des jeunes présentant
un premier épisode de schizophrénie - Bédard (Toronto) Application of virtual reality
technology in assessing cognitive function in
children with ADHD - Brouillette (McGill) Action neuroprotectrice de
lIGF-1 Rôles des akt kinases et régulation
génomique - Caraiscos (Toronto) Enhancement glycine receptor
function by insulin receptor-mediated pathways
38INMHA Doctoral Research Award
- Ghasemlou Characterization of trkA and p75
neurotrophin (Queens)
receptor function in sympatetic and sensory
axonal growth - Lefebvre (Dalhousie) Use of event-related brain
potentials and standardized
neuropsychological stimuli in the
understanding and assessment of working
memory abilities in patient following brain
injury - Ohayon (Toronto) Recurrent neural network models
of kindling - Sharif (McGill) Differential contribution of the
nervous system to inflammation and joint
destruction in an animal model of
monoarthritis - Thibeault (Laval) Rôle de la réponse immune dans
le système nerveux central
39INMHA Fellowships
- Henriques Kinesthetic guidance of limb
movements (Minneapolis) Kinesthetic spatial
perception and its role in action - Moller (Toronto) Screening for neurocognitive
impairment and road safety in sleep disorders
using the virtualized environment of a
computerized driving simulator - Powell (Dalhousie) Effects of fetal neurons and
stem cell derived neurons on pre- and
post-synaptic gene expression in striatum
and substantia nigra - Rose (Valencia) Effect of acute brain liver
failure on cerebral function Brain
metabolism and signal transduction pathways - Van der Werf Cortical oscillations in the
healthy and disordered (McGill) brain Studies
with transcranial stimulation
40INMHA Senior Research Fellowships
- Marotta (York) Hemispatial neglect A
multidisciplinary investigation of the
effect on visual perception and visually
guided action
41INMHA New Investigators
- Joober (McGill) Genetics of schizophrenia From
animal models to human studies - Yan (Calgary) Neural mechanisms of
learning-induced auditory plasticity Role of
cortical acetylcholine and corticofugal
42INMHA Clinician scientists
- Daskalakis A study of cortical inhibition and
(Toronto) plasticity in schizophrenia using
transcranial magnetic stimulation - Dupré (McGill) Clinical and genetic study of a
new form of recessive cerebellar ataxia
frequently encountered in the Beauce
region (Québec) and the surrounding area
43INMHA Senior Investigator
- Szatmari (McMaster) Understanding developmental
trajectories in autism
44INMHA Strategic Priority One
- Grant Funding and
- Strategic Initiatives
45INMHA First Two Initiatives
- Karpati et al. (McGill University)
- Gene Therapy for Neurological Disorders
- (ICR, IHDCYH, IMHA, Neuroscience Canada, Muscular
Dystrophy of Canada) - CAHR (IAPH/INMHA Special Project)
- Kirmayer et al. (McGill University)
- National Network for Aboriginal Mental Health
46Research in emerging areas
- Institute-specific initiatives
- New Emerging Team (NET)
- 3 to 6 independent investigators
- senior and junior investigators
- Collaborative multidisciplinary research
- Up to 300,000 per year for five years
47Research in emerging areas
- NET Research Themes for 2001-2002
- Discrimination and stigma
- Understanding the placebo effect
- Neurodevelopment and early life events
- Computational neurosciences and artificial
48Neurodevelopment and early life events
- Brien (Queens) Fetal alcohol syndrome,
oxidative stress and innovative therapies - Honer (UBC) Interactions of development, early
life experience, and genetic predisposition
in schizophrenia - Paus (McGill) Long-term consequences prenatal
exposure to maternal cigarette smoking on
brain structure, function and mental health
in adolescence Role of genes and
environment in brain development - Robaey (Montréal) Inattention, impulsiveness and
restlessness in childhood Heritability,
genetics, neuropsychology and
psychophysiology (KIDNET)
49Computational neurosciences and artificial
- Kalaska Learning task decomposition in
- (U de Montréal) large-scale biological and
artificial neural networks - McIntosh Development of integrative
- (U of Toronto) computational neuroscience
program to understand human mental
50Research in emerging areas
- NET Research Themes for 2002-2003
- Discrimination and stigma (Re-issued)
- Understanding the placebo effect (Re-issued)
- Post-traumatic stress syndrome
- Comorbidity and co-occurrence
- Regenerative Medicine - Neurosciences
51Post traumatic stress disorder
- Asmundon Understanding Risks Factors,
- (U of Regina) Co-morbidity, and Global
Health Issues in PTSD - Coupland  STRESS Stress, Trauma
- (U of Alberta) and Recovery Early Stage
52Understanding the Placebo Effect
- Lavigne Comprendre leffet placebo Ã
- (U de Montréal) partir détudes expérimentales
et cliniques sur le sommeil et la douleur
impliquant des états de vigilance altérés
53Regenerative Medicine _ Neuroscience
- Weaver
- (UWO)
- In partnership with
- Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
- Spinal Cord Injury Discovery and development of
rescue and repair strategies.
54Research in emerging areas
- NET Research Themes for 2003-2004
- Neuroethics
- Downie (Dalhousie University)
- Neuroimaging ethics From theory to practice
- Suicide Prevention targeted to Aboriginal People
(with IAPH) - Andersson (CIET, Ottawa) Aboriginal Community
Youth Resilience Network (ACYRN) Community-led
research and resources to prevent youth suicide - Turecki (McGill U.) Understanding and acting on
Aboriginal suicide A new multidisciplinary
research team
55Research in emerging areas
- NET Research Themes for Dec. 2004
- Neuroethics (re-issued)
- Suicide prevention targeted to Aboriginal People
(re-issued) - Mental Health in the Work Place (with IPPH)
- For June 2005
- Mental Health in the Work Place
56Research in emerging areas
- Analysis of the Canadian Health Survey on Mental
Health and Well-Being (Health Services and
Policy Research, Gender and Health as well as
Statistics Canada, Ontario Problem Gambling
Research Centre and Northern Health Research
Initiative) - Caron (McGill U) Le soutien social, la santé
mentale et le bien-être des populations pauvres
au Canada - Cole (McGill U) Health services use by Canadian
seniors with major depression - Cox (U of Manitoba) Two population-based mental
health studies using the CCHS (cycle 1.2) social
phobia and problem gambling - DArcy (U of Saskatchewan) A mental health
divide? Rural-urban and intra-rural differences
in mental health services
57Research in emerging areas
- Analysis of the Canadian Health Survey on Mental
Health and Well-Being (2) - Dewa (U of Toronto) Psychiatric disorders,
chronic physical conditions, workplace stress and
disability in the Canadian working population - Fournier (U de Montréal) Troubles anxieux chez
les jeunes de 15 à 24 - ans évolution, déterminants et recours aux
services - Lesage (U de Montréal) Utilization of services
for mental health reasons- - cross provincial differences in rates and
determinants - Newman and Thompson (U of Alberta) Prevalence and
correlates of pathological gambling - Patten et al. (U of Calgary) Descriptive
epidemiology of major depression in the Canadian
population - Roman (U of Toronto) Gender issues in depression
and anxiety for Canadians less than 65 years of
58Research in emerging areas
- Analysis of the Canadian Health Survey on Mental
Health and Well-Being (3) - Rush (U of Toronto) Concurrent substance use and
mental disorders in Canada prevalence and impact
on service utilization - Sareen (U of Manitoba) Correlates of mental
health services utilization and emotional
well-being Analysis of the CCHS survey cycle 1.2 - Stewart et al. (U of Toronto) The relation
between work-related factors and mental health in
Canada men and women - Streiner and Cairney (U of Toronto) Psychiatric
disorders, associated risk factors and mental
health services use among adults aged 55 and
older in Canada - Tempier (McGill U) General practice and mental
health care a Canadian-Australian comparative
59Research in emerging areas
- Analysis of the Canadian Health Survey on Mental
Health and Well-Being (4) - Waraich and Streiner (UBC) Validation of
administrative cases of major depressive disorder
using CCHS 1.2 data - Zumbo (UBC) Bias in self-reported health services
utilization in the CCHS on mental health and
well-being Influences of age, gender, personal
characteristics and patterns of care
60Research in emerging areas
- In partnership with IHSPR
- Vingilis (UWO) Marrying knowledge generation with
knowledge diffusion and utilization The
consortium for applied research and evaluation in
mental health - In partnership with IHSPR
- Kisely (Dalhousie U) Measuring quality in mental
health services across Nova Scotia evaluation of
a demonstration site - Dewa (U Toronto-CAMH) Examining the effectiveness
of a collaborative care model for individuals
with severe mental illness - In partnership with IGH
- Violence, Gender and Health across the lifespan
- Pepler (York U) Preventing violence in the lives
of girls and women A focus on relationships - McMillan (McMaster U) Health impacts of violence
across the lifespan. A multidisciplinary approach.
61Research in emerging areas
- In partnership with the Fogarty Centre of the NIH
- Stigma and Global Health
- C. Benoit (University of Victoria)
- Joint RFA to be re-issued in 2006
62INMHA Bridging Funds
- One-year operating grants for highly-rated
proposals - Priority Announcements
- March 2002 Competition (13 projects funded)
- September 2002 Competition (3 projects funded)
- March 2003 Competition (1 project funded)
- September 2003 (3 projects funded)
- March 2004 (3 projects funded)
- September 2004 (5 projects funded)
- March 2005 (6 projects funded)
- Majority successful in obtaining CIHR/NIH
operating grants in subsequent competition (70)
63INMHA Bridging Funds March 2002
- Bartha (UWO) Monitoring metabolism and tissue
magnetic susceptibility during acute focal
cerebral ischemia - Brown (UWO) In vivo and in vitro studies of
EphA3 and EphA4 signaling - Carlen (Toronto) Synaptic mitochondria
Physiology and pathophysiology - Cuello (McGill) Studies on the plasticity of CNS
cholinergic neurons - Fehlings (Toronto) Apoptosis after spinal cord
injury The role of Fas, p75NTR, and NF-kappaB - Franklin (McGill) Sex steroids and depression as
modulators of pain sensitivity (with IMHA) - Gianoulakis (McGill) Alcoholism, central opioid
activity and stress responses as a function
of family history and gender
64INMHA Bridging Funds March 2002
- Mishra (McMaster U) Role of catecholamine
regulated proteins (CRPs) in schizophrenia - OCraven Understanding the neural mechanisms of
visual - (U of Toronto) cognition fMRI studies of human
extrastriate cortex - Peters (UWO) Procedures for image-guided
neurosurgery in the deep brain - Prat (U de Montréal) Functional analysis of the
metalloendopeptidase NRDc - Rossi (UBC) A model for regulated delivery of
neuropeptides to the CNS through microglia
mediated gene therapy - Sullivan (Montréal) Cerebral laterality,
prefrontal cortex and stress
65INMHA Bridging Funds September 2002
- Gratton, Meaney (McGill) Early experience and the
development of the corticolimbic dopamine
system - Niles (McMaster) Neurotrophine induction and
neuroprotection by melatotin in
Parkinsons disease - Vaucher (Montreal) Modulation cholinergique du
cortex visuel du rat
66INMHA Bridging Fund March 2003
- Antel (McGill) Cellular immune injury of human
oligodendrocytes -
67INMHA Bridging Fund September 2003
- Kerouac (Memorial U.) Regulation of orexin
(hypocretin) neurons by monoaminergic and
cholinergic systems - Létourneau Support for women who experienced
symptoms - (U of Alberta) of postpartum depression
- Zhang (U of Toronto) Cellular mechanisms of
hippocampal sharp wave and associated fast
68INMHA Bridging Funds March 2004
- Sarret (U de Sherbrooke) Régulation des
récepteurs de la neurotensine Implication
dans le contrôle de la douleur - Karim (McGill U) Towards an understanding of
reconsolidation - Joanisse (UWO) The brain bases of speech
perception Imaging studies of normal adults
and developmentally impaired children
69INMHA Bridging Funds September 2004
- Fouad (U of Alberta) Combining axonal growth
promoting treatments with rehabilitative
training - Magoski (Queenss U) The role of calcium channel
in controlling neuronal excitability - Morshead (U of Toronto) Examining the function
and regulation of adult mammalian neural stem
cells -
- Soja (UBC) State-dependent control of spinal
interneurons - Zadra (U of Montreal) Precipitating factors and
psycho- physiological correlates of adult
70Bridging Funds March 2005
- Allen (U. of Alberta) In-vivo magnetic resonance
spectroscopic quantification of brain
metabolites - Chahine (U. of Laval) Modulation of nav1.7 and
nav1.8 two peripheral nerve Na channels by
local anesthetics and auxiliary
beta-subunits - Mishra (McMaster U) Role of synapsin II in
schizophrenia and its regulation by typical
and atypical antipsychotic drugs - Poulter (U. Carleton) GABA-A receptor plasticity
in response to experimental epilepsy - Ross (U. of Alberta) In vivo exploration of brain
connectivity in temporal lobe epilepsy - Duquette (U. of Montreal) Further exploration of
the mechanisms underlying motor dysfunction
in antipsychotic drug-treated monkeys
71INMHA Four Major Strategic Initiatives
- Nicotine Addiction and Tobacco Abuse
- Co-occurrence of brain disorders with other
health problems and comorbidity - Early Life Events and First Episodes of Brain
Disorders - Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
721st Major Strategic Initiative
- Nicotine addiction and tobacco abuse
- National Summit, Ottawa, April 2002
- Report on CTCRI Web site (www.ctcri.ca)
- RFA Advancing the science to reduce tobacco
abuse and nicotine addiction June 2003 - Partners
- National Cancer Institute, Canadian Cancer
Society, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Health
Canada, Canadian Lung Association, Association
pulmonaire du Québec - Funding in 2004
731st Major Strategic Initiative
- Nicotine addiction and tobacco abuse
- Two teams supported for 5 years by INMHA and many
other partners (June 2004) - P. Clarke (McGill U.)
- Nicotine addiction Behavioral and brain
mechanisms from rodents to humans - P.W. McDonald (U. of Waterloo)
- A Pan-canadian Resource Network for Tobacco
Control Research, Policy and Practice
741st Major Strategic Initiative
- Nicotine addiction and tobacco abuse
- Re-issued in December 2004
- RFA on Research in Addiction with CTCRI, CCSA,
OPGRC and other partners - http//www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/25700.html
- Tobacco Abuse and Nicotine Addiction (re-issued)
and Community based research grants with CTCRI - www.ctcri.ca
- Funding starts in 2006
752nd Major Strategic Initiative
- Co-occurrence of brain disorders with other
health problems - NET Program May 2002
- Consultation Workshop on September 22-23, 2005,
in Ottawa to plan development of a RFA with
partners in June 2006
763rd Major Strategic Initiative
- Early Life Events and
- First episodes in Brain Disorders
- In partnership with IHDCYH
- Steering Committee, Halifax, October 2002
- Workshop, Montréal, February 9-10, 2004
- Report on the Web, Spring 2004
- RFA in mid-December 2004
- www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/25650.html
- Funding for team grants to be announced in 2006
774th Major Strategic Initiative
- Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
- (1 of 4 CIHR Large Strategic Initiatives)
- stem cells, nanomedicine, gene therapy, tissue
engineering, rehabilitation - Brain and spinal cord repair
- IHRT on Gene therapy (Karpati, McGill U.)
- NET on Spinal Cord Injury (Weaver, UWO)
- Vision and hearing losses
- Partners
- Canadian Genetic Diseases Network, Canadian
Stroke Network, Juvenile Diabetes Research
Foundation International, Heart and Stroke
Foundation, NSERC, NRC, Neuroscience Canada,
Stem Cell Network, Canada Space Agency, etc - Nanomedicine Workshop, Feb. 2003
- Annual Meeting - Nanomedicine, Feb. 2004 and
March 2005 - RFA in June 2003, re-issued in June 2004 and June
2005 - For details www.regenerativemedicine.ca
784th Major Strategic Initiative
- Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
- 1st competition
- New Discoveries High Risk Grant (with IG)
- Jefferies (UBC) Delivery of therapeutics proteins
across the blood-brain barrier - Invention, Tools and Devices
- Kirby (Dalhousie) Rear anti-tip devices for
manual wheelchairs Effect of new vs
conventional design on performance, user
satisfaction and social participation - Scott (Queens) KINARM - A robotic tool for
objective assessment of upper limb motor
function - De Koninck Novel microprobes for combined
optical and - (U. Laval) electrical recording in vivo
794th Major Strategic Initiative
- Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
- 5 year Team Grants 1st competitition
- W. Chan (U of Toronto) Quantum dot-based
biomolecular imaging - M. Fehlings (U of Toronto) Regenerative medicine
strategies for spinal cord injury repair
Integration of stem cell biology, nanotechnology,
bioengineering approaches and neurosurgical
application - A. Daar (U of Toronto) Regenerative Medicine
Ethical, Environmental, Economic, Legal and
Social Issues Network - S. Rivest (Université Laval) Engineered bone
marrow stem cells (BMSCs) for treatment of CNS
injuries and diseases - I. Brunette (U de Montréal) Femtosecond Laser
Assisted Corneal Posterior Lamellar
Transplantation with Endothelial Enhancement
Technological Developement and Socioeconomic
Impact - W. Stanford (U of Toronto) Stem cell fate
analysis and manipulation - J. Galipeau (McGill U) Cardiovascular and
respiratory stem cell plasticity CARE project.
- Y. de Koninck (Université Laval) Nanotools for
804th Major Strategic Initiative
- Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
Innovative Approaches in Health Research - RFA re-issued in June 2004 and June 2005
- Team Grants
- New Discoveries High Risks Seed Grants
- Funding starts in 2006 and 2007
- www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/22842.html
81INMHA Strategic Priorities Two and Four
- Partnership and
- International Visibility
82Inter-Institute Partnerships
- Include most if not all CIHR Institutes, for
example - Analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey
on Mental Health and Well-Being (IHSPR, IGH and
Statistics Canada, Ontario Problem Gambling
Research Centre and Northern Health Research
Initiative) - Gene Therapy (ICR, IHDCYH, IMHA and NeuroScience
Canada and Muscular Dystrophy Association of
Canada) - Training Program in Aboriginal Mental Health
(IAPH) - Alcoholism and Gender (Gender and Health)
- Outreach Initiative for NGOs (IGH)
- Strategic Training Initiative in Health Research
(most institutes) - One-year Bridging Funds
- Large Strategic Initiatives
83National Partnerships
- EJLB-CIHR Michael Smith Chair in Neurosciences
and Mental Health with the Royal Society of
Canada and EJLB Foundation - (Min Zhuo, University of Toronto)
- Barbara Turnbull Award with Barbara Turnbull
Foundation for Spinal Cord Research and
NeuroScience Canada - (50,000 added to the top grant in spinal cord
research) - David Kaplan, U of Toronto, 2002
- Mohammad Sawan, École polytechnique, Montréal,
2003 - David Bennett, U of Alberta, 2004
- Canadian Tobacco Control Research Initiative /NCI
- RFA Advancing the Science to Reduce Tobacco
Abuse and Nicotine Addiction
84National Partnerships
- Ontario Neurotrauma Foundation
- NET Program on Regenerative Medicine /
Neurosciences (Weaver, UWO) - Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
- Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec
- Joint Funding for 6 Strategic Training Initiative
Grants - McGill University and UQAM
- Canadian Medical Association
- Physician Mental Health and Well-Being Grants
- Brewster (U of Toronto) Development of a guide
for common indicators fo Canadian Physician
Health Programs - Maranda (U Laval) The psychodynamics of the work
of physicians A well-being and mental health
85National Partnerships
- Neurobiology of Psychiatric Disorders and
Addictions Grants Programs (to be repeated in
2005) - Canadian Psychiatric Research Foundation and
Astra Zeneca (with CIHR/RxD) - Boksa (McGill University)
- Maternal infection during pregnancy as a risk
factor for schizophrenia - Li (University of Saskatchewan)
- A neuroprotective mechanism of atypical
antipsychotics in haloperidol-induced
neurotoxicity - Phillips (University of British Columbia)
- Biochemical and behavioural characterization of
an animal model of schizophrenia induced by
sensitization to amphetamine - Van Tol (University of Toronto)
- Identification of psychosis susceptibility genes
using C. elegans
86National Partnerships
- Astra Zeneca Canada / Royal University Hospital
Foundation --U. of Saskatchewan / Schizophrenia
Society of Saskatchewan - Chair on Schizophrenia
- Ontario Problem Gambling Research Centre
- Eric Single Studentship
- Analysis of Canadian Community Health Survey on
Mental Health and Well-Being - Workshop on Problem Gambling
- RFA on Research in Addiction
- Canadian Centre for Substance Abuse (CCSA)
- Alcohol and Illicit Drugs Forum
- Joint RFA on Research in Addictions
- Eric Single Studentship
- Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
87National Partnerships
- Health Canada
- Nicotine Addiction and Tobacco Abuse
- Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
- Workshops
- Suicide Research in Canada
- Alcohol and Illicits Drugs
- Statistics Canada
- Analysis of the Canadian Community Health Survey
on Mental Health and Well-Being
88National Partnerships
- Schizophrenia Society of Canada
- Co-sponsor of New Investigator Award
- NeuroScience Canada
- Barbara Turnbull Award for Spinal Cord Research
- National Brain Repair Program
- F. Miller (U of Toronto) Novel Appproach to CNS
white matter repais - M. Salter (U of Toronto) Transforming research
on chronic pain in Canada - Y.T. Wang (UBC) Novel therapeutic strategies to
repair brain abnormalities in psychiatric
89National Partnerships
- Vascular Health and Dementia Research Grant
Program (to be repeated in 2005) - IA, CIHR-RxD, Heart and Stroke Foundation of
Canada, Alzheimer Society of Canada and Pfizer
Canada - G. Boulay (Université de Sherbrooke)
- Intracellular calcium signaling and vascular
dementia - P. Carlen (University of Toronto)
- Alzheimer's Disease, Aging and the Ischemic
Synapse - D. Corbett (Memorial University of Newfoundland)
- Exercise, aging and cognitive impairment
- W. Zhang (National Research Council of Canada)
- Neurovascular Unit in Alzheimer's Disease and
Cerebral Amyloid Angiopathy
90National Partnerships
- Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
- RFA on Nicotine Addiction and Tobacco Abuse
- RFA on Regenerative Medicine and Nanomedicine
- Stem Cell and Stroke Networks of Excellence
- Miller (U of Toronto)
- Weiss (U of Calgary)
91International Partnerships
- Japan-Canada Post-doctoral Fellow Exchange
Program - 3 Japanese post-docs
- Program terminated and replaced by
- JSPS-CIHR Joint Health Research Program
- New joint funding program with Japan Society for
the Promotion of Science - INMHA lead CIHR Institute
- First joint competition September 2003
- One joint grant funded
- Michael Salter, U. of Toronto
- Re-issued in September 2004
- 6 grants funded
92International Collaborations
- NIH Institutes and NIH Fogarty International
Center - (see NIH Web Site at www.fic.nih.gov) to be
repeated in 2005 - Stigma and Global Health
- joint RFA in 2002
- C. Benoit (University of Victoria)
- Joint RFA to be re-issued in 2005
- Tobacco
- Brain Disorders in the Developing World
- joint RFA in 2002 to be repeated in 2005
- Workshop on Manual Therapies in Bethesda,
Maryland, on June 9-10, 2005 with IMHA - RFA, Identifiying Autism Susceptibility Genes,
and Fragile X Susceptibility Genes
93International Collaborations
- NIH Institutes and NIH Fogarty International
Center - RFA on Identifying Autism Susceptibility Genes
with many partners including - NIH NIMH, NINDS, NICHDS, NIEHS, NIDCD
- National Alliance for Autism Research
- Health Research Board of Ireland
- Southwest Autism Research and Resource Center
- Cure Autism Now
- Similar on Fragile X
- Discussion Nanomedicine
94International Collaborations
- INMHA-IBRO Neurosciences Schools
- Partnership with International Brain Research
Organization to particularly support neuroscience
schools in developing countries - African Advanced Neuroscience School
- September 2003
- Two Schools in 2004
- Morocco and Argentina
- Two Schools in 2005
- Kenya and Argentina
- For more details www.ibro.org
95International Collaborations
- National Alliance for Autism Research (U.S.)
- Co-sponsor of two CIHR Strategic Training
Programs in Autism Research - Eric Fombonne, McGill University
- Jeannette Holden, Queens University
- Partner in a RFA on Identifying Autism
Susceptibility Genes with NIH, CIHR and many
96International Collaborations
- Canada-Finland-China Collaborative Program in
Neuroscience - Joint Program with the Academy of Finland
- MOU signed in Finland, Mar. 2005
- Many grant applications received
97International Collaborations
- National Alliance for Schizophrenia and
Depression (NARSAD) (U.S.) - Joint Young Investigator Awards 2004
- Viau (UBC)
- Misener (University of Toronto)
- Dozois (UWO)
- Savard (Laval)
- Debruille (McGill)
- Repeated in 2005
- Meeting with NARSAD, Schizophrenia Society of
Canada and Canadian Psychiatric Research
Foundation (Toronto, Sept. 2005)
98International Collaborations
- Mental Health and Addictions in the Developing
World - WHO Centre in Gender and Mental Health (with IGH)
99International Collaborations
- Mexico
- Memorandum of Understanding Signature in Ottawa
on October 25, 2002 - Institute of Neurology and Institute of
Psychiatry - China
- Discussions under way with National Science
100INMHA Strategic Priority Three
101Knowledge Translation
- Cunningham Modeling parent preferences for
translating - (McMaster U) scientific knowledge regarding
children with inter- nalizing and externalizing
mental health problems - Forchuk (UWO) Integrating an evidence-based
intervention in clinical practice - Manske Understanding and testing KT strategies
in - (U of Waterloo) tobacco control evaluation at
national, provincial and local levels - McVey Evaluation of a Web-based program
designed to - (U of Toronto) evaluate the dissemination of
best practice - models in the primary prevention of disorder
eating - Varnhagen Strategies for critically appraising
childrens health - (U of Alberta) web resources
102Knowledge Translation
- In partnership with IHSPR
- Kisely (Dalhousie U) Measuring quality in mental
health services across Nova Scotia evaluation of
a demonstration site - Dewa (U Toronto-CAMH) Examining the
effectiveness of a collaborative care model for
individuals with severe mental illness
103Other KT Initiatives
- Neuroscience Schools in developing countries
sponsored in collaboration with IBRO (2 Schools
per year) - September 1-7, 2004 Cape Town, South Africa
- September 13-30, 2004 Cordoba, Argentina
- Topics in Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience
- March 19-27, 2005Â Â Â Â Â Rabat, Morocco
- "Hormones and Brain
- Nov. 19Â Â - Dec. 6, 2005Â Â Â Â Buenos Aires,
Argentina - Receptors, Channels, and Synapses
104Other KT Initiatives
- Outreach Initiative 2004
- Program aimed to help NGO with communication and
dissemination of information to target audience - First edition in collaboration with IGH
- Autism Society of Canada
- Partners seeking solutions with seniors and
Creative Retirement Manitoba - Canadian Alliance on Mental Illness and Mental
Health - Canadian Mental Health Association, Ontario
105Other KT Initiative
- Outreach Initiative 2005
- Autism Society of Ontario
- Canadian Coalition for Seniors Mental Health
- Center of Neurosciences Studies (Queens
University) - Brain Awareness Week
- INMHA sponsors BAW in Montreal,
Saskatoon,Toronto, British Columbia, and Halifax
106Other KT Initiatives
- Web site The Brain from top to bottom
- Link available on INMHA web page
- www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca/e/8602.html
- Web site designed to popularize scientific
information about the brain and human behaviors
and aimed at all public - Organized by topics and levels of explanation
- Approximately 700 visitors/day
107INMHA Strategic Priority Five
- Effective Organizational and Operational Structure
108INMHA Organizational andOperational Structure
- Frequent IAB meeting with summaries on the Web
- IAB organized in Focus Groups
- Annual Meeting with all stakeholders
- Quaterly Newsletter
- Two staff dedicated to National and International
Partnerships - Direct involvement in many CIHR committees and
working groups
109Recent and Upcoming Events
- Comorbidity and co-occurrence consultation
workshop Sept 22-23, 2005 - First Performance Evaluation Report (Fall 2005)
- Fourth Annual Meeting, Vancouver, October 2005
- INMHA-STIHR Workshop in Montreal, Nov. 2005, with
NAAR and FRSQ - Second Strategic Plan to be developed in
2005-2006 in collaboration with partners
110How to get in touch with us?
- Astrid Eberhart, Assistant Director, Partnerships
/ International - aeberhart_at_cihr-irsc.gc.ca
- Barbara Beckett, Assistant Director
- bbeckett_at_cihr-irsc.gc.ca
- Asimina Xidous, Project Officer
- axidous_at_cihr-irsc.gc.ca
- Eric Marcotte, Lead Lead
- Regenerative Medicine
- eric.marcotte_at_regenerativemedicine.ca
- Montreal Office
- Rémi Quirion, Scientific Director
- remi.quirion_at_douglas.mcgill.ca
- Richard Brière, Assistant Director
- richard.briere_at_douglas.mcgill.ca
- Ramia Jabr, Executive Manager
- ramia.jabr_at_douglas.mcgill.ca
- Rocio Benalcazar,
- Administratrive Assistant
- rocio.benalcazar_at_douglas.mcgill.ca
111Visit us at...
www.cihr-irsc.gc.ca and read the Brain Brief,
INMHA newsletter www.thebrain.mcgill.ca and read
about the brain from top to bottom