Title: The House Edge:
1Chapter 20
- The House Edge
- Expected Values
2Thought Question 1
How much would you be willing to pay for a ticket
to a contest in which there was a 1 chance that
you would win 500 and a 99 chance you would win
nothing? Explain your answer.
3The Main Point...
Long-Term Gains, Losses and Expectations
- While we cannot predict individual outcomes, we
can predict what happens (on average) in the long
4Long-Term Gains, Losses and Expectations
- Tickets to a school fund-raiser event sell for
1. - One ticket will be randomly chosen, the ticket
owner receives 500. - They expect to sell 1,000 tickets. Your ticket
has a 1/1000 probability of winning. - Two outcomes
- You win 500, net gain is 499.
- You do not win, net gain is -1.
5Expected Value
- Your expected gain (expected value) is
(499)(0.001) (-1)(0.999) -0.50. - long term, you lose an average of 0.50 each time
(conceptually) you enter such a contest. - Hey, the school needs to make a profit!
6Make a Decision, Which Do You Choose?
(1) A gift of 240, guaranteed. (2) A 25 chance
to win 1,000 and a 75 of getting nothing.
- First alternative EV240, no variation.
- Second alternative EV(1000)(0.25)
(0)(0.75) 250 - Make a Decision
7Make a Decision, Which Do You Choose?
(1) A gift of 240, guaranteed. EV240 (2) A
25 chance to win 1,000 and a 75 of getting
nothing. EV250
- If choosing for ONE trial
- option (2) will maximize potential gain (1000)
- option (2) will minimize potential gain (0)
- option (1) guarantees a gain
- If choosing for MANY (500?) trials
- option (2) will maximize expected gain(will make
more money in the long run)
8Make a Decision, Which Do You Choose?
(1) A sure loss of 740. (2) A 75 chance to lose
1,000 and a 25 to lose nothing.
- First alternative EV740, no variation.
- Second alternative EV(1000)(0.75)
(0)(0.25) 750 - Make a Decision
9Make a Decision, Which Do You Choose?
(1) A sure loss of 740. EV740 (2) A 75
chance to lose 1,000 and a 25 to lose nothing.
- If choosing for ONE trial
- option (2) will minimize potential loss (0)
- option (2) will maximize potential loss (1000)
- option (1) guarantees a loss
- If choosing for MANY (500?) trials
- option (1) will minimize expected loss (will
lose less money in the long run)
10The Law of Large Numbers
- The actual average (mean) outcome of many
independent trials gets closer to the expected
value as more trials are made. - the higher the variability of the trials, the
larger the sample needed - expected values can be calculated by simulating
many repetitions and finding the average of all
of the outcomes
11The Law of Large NumbersGambling
- The house in a gambling operation is not
gambling at all - the games are defined so that the gambler has a
negative expected gain per play - each play is independent of previous plays, so
the law of large numbers guarantees that the
average winnings of a large number of customers
will be close the the (negative) expected value - State lottos have extremely variable outcomes
also use pari-mutuel system for (fixed) payoffs - law of large numbers does not apply
12Key Concepts
- Long-run Relative Frequency Interpretation of
Probability - Probability can be used to make accurate
predictions about long-run averages and events. - Law of Large Numbers