Title: Dinosaurs
Today we were supposed to take on the Otahuhu
T-Rexs. Unfortunately due to a lack of numbers
they forfeited the game. That didnt stop us
Otahuhu T-Rexs 7 Vs Manurewa AFC 7
Dinosaurs Otahuhu Seaview Park 30-05-09 9am
2The Outcome Dinosaurs Win by default
Due to a lack of players Otahuhu forfeited the
game. We were not stopped. We had a field. We
had 10 players and so we played a game. 5 aside
for each team. We had them divided into Shirts
and Jumpers and our final score was 5 all. We
missed Jason today as he was unwell.
3We had goalies. Josh and Kiana first half and
Josh and Calem second half. They all did a great
Its fun watching them tracking the ball and
diving on it to prevent the other team from
scoring. We have some dedicated goalies.
4Our Warm Up Twice around the Coach And their Off
5Some Action Shots
Jayden Attacks
Some tricky footwork
Jubilation A Goal
6Go Team Loving the team support and
skills. Check us out
They were on fire
7Player of the Day was not awarded as no official
team game played. Thank you to Sandra and Jeff
for the Snakes Kids and Coach LOVED THEM Our
Fairest Player Certificates went to Jordan
Stewart, Joshua Mills Kiana Maylon This week
again we had a parent pick two kids who they
thought had some outstanding on the field for the
MAGIC MOMENTS. Jeffrey Leaton selected Ethan
Jury for his running and Bradley Wingfield for
his tackling Keep an eye out parents it may be
your turn to choose next week!!!
cheer our coach on along with all the other
Manurewa coaches.
Watch and we might learn a few tricks
9Please do not forget each week we have
prize-giving located at the Clubrooms each
Saturday. Registration at 2.30, prize giving at
We are practising at Hillpark School every
Wednesday at 4.45. Any questions please phone
Simon or Kirsten
Please when you get the chance to visit the
dinosaurs blog and post your thoughts http//nzdin
osaurs.spaces.live.com There is also a shared
calendar of games/practices http//cid-f2b7fd19331