Title: Frank Waxman, Ph'D'
1Frank Waxman, Ph.D. INBRE PI 655 Research
Parkway Suite 200 Oklahoma City, OK
73104 fwaxman_at_osrhe.edu 405.225.9459
INBRE Regional Meeting Kansas City, MO May 5, 2005
Cores and Facilities Bioinformatics Core
(OUHSC) Microarray Facility (OMRF) MRI Facility
(OMRF) OU Norman Bioinformatics/Microarray
Satellite Facility OSU Bioinformatics/Microarray
Satellite Facility TU Bioinformatics/Microarray
Satellite Facility
Undergraduate Institution Activities Research
Projects Statewide Undergraduate Research
Day Coordinator for Grant Writing External
Funding Assistance Multi-campus Bioinformatics
Education Specialist Undergraduate Summer
Research Program Collaborative Research
Grants Faculty Mini Grants Equipment and Faculty
Recruitment Fund Research Opportunity Awards
Outreach Core Bioinformatics Faculty Position
(OCCC) Science Faculty Position (Comanche Nation
College) Summer Research Internships
3INBRE Participating Institutions
The University of Tulsa
Oklahoma State University
Langston University
Northeastern State University
Southwestern Oklahoma State University
Cameron University
Southeastern Oklahoma State University
Comanche Nation College
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center
Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation
University of Oklahoma
University of Central Oklahoma
Oklahoma City Community College
Redlands Community College
4Research Core Focus
Carla Guthridge (Cameron) Analysis of icIL-1Ra1
and NAG Interactions Sonya Williams
(LU) Estrogen Regulates Cytokine Expression in
the Cerebellum Arden Aspedon (SWOSU) Osmoadaptatio
n in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Wei Chen
(UCO) Immunological and Photophysical
Interactions for Cancers Nancy Paiva
(SEOSU) Biosynthesis of Isoflavonoid and
Flavonoid Nutrients Jason Johnson
(SWOSU) Allosterism in E. Coli Carbomoyl
Phosphate Synthetase Lurdes Queimado (OUHSC) The
Role of MMS19 in DNA Repair and
Transcription Rheal Towner (OMRF) Antioxidant
Inhibition of Gliomas MRI/MRS Evaluation William
McShan (OUHSC) Regulation of Mismatch Repair in
Streptococcus pyogenes Karen Wendel
(OUHSC) Differences in Vaginal Ecology Associated
with BV
Grants are funded at 75,000 - 80,000 per year
(direct costs) The second cohort of research
grants will commence at the 2.5 year mark of the
5New Personnel
- INBRE Project Coordinator
- Coordinator for Grant Writing and External
Funding Technical Assistance - Bioinformatics Education Specialist
- Faculty member for new Bioinformatics Program at
Oklahoma City Community College - Life Science Faculty member at Comanche Nation
6Equipment and Faculty Recruitment Fund
- Equipment funds will be be provided for each of
the six undergraduate institutions - Additional funds will be used exclusively for
recruiting new faculty at the six primary
undergraduate campuses - Faculty recruitment funds may be requested for
equipment, supplies, summer salary or personnel
depending on the needs of new faculty recruits - One or more COBRE PIs and/or lead institution
Vice Presidents for Research will review
proposals and make recommendations - Remaining unused monies will be redistributed
near the end of each grant year
Equipment Fund Year 1 22,500 to all 6 campuses
campus for lab equipment Years 2-3 10,000 to
original 3 BRIN institutions 22,500 to 3 new
INBRE institutions Year 4-5 10,000 to all 6
Faculty Recruitment Years 2-3 37,500 Year 4-5
7Bioinformatics Education Programs
Bioinformatics Program at Oklahoma City Community
College This program will complement the
Biotechnology program currently in place at OCCC
and has been approved by the State Regents.
INBRE funding will provide a faculty member at
100 the first year, tapering to 25 by the fifth
year, at which time OCCC will cover the full cost
of maintaining the program.
Charlotte Mulvihill OCCC Biotechnology Program
M.S. Ph.D. Program in Bioinformatics University
of Oklahoma, Norman http//www.ou.edu/cas/zoology/
8Collaborative Research Grants
The goal of Collaborative Research Grants is to
foster research collaborations between faculty at
the comprehensive campuses and their faculty
counterparts at the undergraduate colleges.
- Projects selected by peer review to select the
most worthy science and to help faculty develop
their grant writing skills - Two 50,000 grants awarded annually
- PI must be located at one of the INBRE
undergraduate campuses with collaboration with
one or more faculty at a comprehensive university - Major portion of the budget will be allocated to
the undergraduate institution
9INBRE Faculty Mini-Grants
This program carried forward from the BRIN
provides small one-year seed grants to faculty at
the undergraduate institutions.
- During the INBRE, up to three awards each year
will be awarded for a maximum of 20,000 each. - Projects selected by peer review.
- It is expected that INBRE support for mini-grants
will provide a foundation for faculty to submit
proposals for the second cohort of major INBRE
research projects and for applications through
the regular NIH grant programs.
10INBRE Undergraduate Summer Research Program
The INBRE Summer Program strengthens existing
ties between undergraduate and graduate
institutions, promotes collaborative research
efforts between faculty and directs most
promising undergraduates to graduate programs in
- Students from the INBRE undergraduate
institutions are paired with a faculty mentor and
provided the opportunity to conduct a research
project. Both students and mentors make
application for program participation and are
selected by peer review. - INBRE support for collaborative research grants
will provide additional opportunity for student
researchers. - The program concludes with a poster presentation
and abstract of the research project.
Award 4,000 Summer Employment 1,500
Laboratory Supplies  500 Incidental Expenses
11Research Opportunity Awards
Research Opportunity Awards will provide a
solution for faculty at undergraduate campuses
who often lose contact with recent developments
in their scientific disciplines due to extensive
teaching loads.
- Faculty members will spend a summer working in an
active research laboratory at one of the
comprehensive, Ph.D. degree granting campuses - Three awards will be funded at 10,000 each
12Biomedical Research Internships
The target institutions for the Outreach Core are
Oklahoma two-year colleges. Two-year colleges
play an important role in science and math
literacy, first impressions for declared science
majors and recruitment of new science majors.
- Outreach Core network of two-year colleges will
identify and recruit students for internships and
the INBRE network will provide the mentors and
sites. - Biotech boot camp will be piloted to provide a
two-week pre-internship to include equipment
instruction - INBRE Undergraduate Biomedical Research
Conference will be held each year where interns
can prepare, display and present a poster of
their research project. - A transfer scholarship for the best poster will
be awarded. - One URM intern per year will be sent to the
national SACNAS conference, along with a URM
faculty member.
Year 1 6 students Year 2 9 students Year 3
12 students Year 4 and 5 15 students
Award 4,000 student award 1,500 laboratory
supplies 500 incidental expences
13Biomedical Research Externships
Professional development for two-year faculty
will be offered through Biomedical Research
Externships and other means with a goal to update
life science knowledge and skills as related to
biomedical research.
- Two-year faculty will spend an entire summer
doing research in one of the INBRE laboratories. - Community college analog of the Research
Opportunity Award program
14Statewide Undergraduate Research Day
- Annual showcase event to highlight research at
Oklahomas undergraduate institutions - Event is held at the University of Central
Oklahoma - INBRE will provide partial funding for the event
- Faculty and students at 11 regional state
universities in Oklahoma are invited to
participate - In recent years, special guests have included
federal agency program directors, Oklahoma State
Legislators and Nobel Laureates
University of Central Oklahoma Northeastern State
University Northwestern Oklahoma State
University Southeastern Oklahoma State
University Southwestern Oklahoma State
University Langston University Cameron
University Oklahoma Panhandle State
University University of Science and Arts of
Oklahoma East Central University Rogers State
- New Initiative Inaugural Conference held
November 12, Norman OK - Featured Oklahoma and invited guest speakers
- Vender displays
- Well attended
16Genomics/Proteomics/Bioinformatics Discussion
- A monthly forum begun under the BRIN
- Address issues of microarray data analysis and
the statistical design of microarray experiments
17INBRE Mentoring Plan
- Each project has an assigned mentor who is an
experienced biomedical scientist - Annual presentation to External Advisory Board
- Annual presentation to Steering Committee
- In situ visits by PI _at_ Four Month Intervals
18INBRE Program Evaluation Plan
- Steering Committee twice annually
- External Advisory Committee twice annually
- External Project Evaluation Theresa Smith
- AAAS annually
19INBRE 01 Year Progress
- New Positions All Filled Faculty Positions at
Oklahoma City Community College at Comanche
Nation College, Coordinator for Grant Writing and
External Funding Technical Assistance,
Multi-Campus Bioinformatics Specialist - Held Three Steering Committee Two External
Advisory Committee Meetings AAAS Site Visit - Summer Undergraduate Research Program 20
students selected (from 83 applicants) and
matched with mentors (36 mentor volunteers) - Summer Program for Community Colleges 6
students selected from 8 applicants (3 mentors
from biotech)
20INBRE 01 Year Progress
- Collaborative Grants Three funded from 4
applications - Mini-Grants Three funded from 10 applications
- Research Opportunity Awards Three selected
- Community College ROAs One selected
- Equipment Grants and Recruitment Funds to
Undergraduate Campuses in Place
21Frank Waxman, Ph.D., PI (0.5 FTE) Dawn Scott,
Admin. Coordinator (0.9 FTE) Sasha Smith, Staff
Assistant (0.7 FTE) Ladonna Cox (0.3 FTE) Lisa
Asch (0.1 FTE)
- 655 Research Parkway, Suite 200
- Oklahoma City, OK 73104
- 405.225.9459
- Fax 405.225.9230