Title: Earth%20Observations:%20The%20View%20from%20Scripps
1Earth ObservationsThe View from Scripps
- Charles F. Kennel
- Director
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography
- University of California, San Diego
- January 2005
2Humans have transformed the earth in the last 50
City Lights from Space
Water, ozone, global air pollution, climate
change, ecosystems
3(No Transcript)
4Earth System Science
- In addition to dealing with eons past, earth
science has a new focus on the geological here
and now- predict the next hundred years. - We are creating an interdisciplinary panorama of
the earth as it is today and as it will be
tomorrow. - We are taking into account the human activities
that influence earths systems - Earth system science can now make useful
forecasts in fields beyond weather - The entire enterprise requires an earth observing
system of global scale
5Global Earth Observing System
- Human Architecture
- Multi-Sensor Networks
- Cyber-Infrastructure
- Decision-Support Systems
6Human ArchitectureInternational Framework
- Global Change Research Act of 1990
- Calls for global measurements, establishing
worldwide observations necessary to understand
the physical, chemical, and biological processes
responsible for changes in the Earth system on
all relevant spatial and time scales, as well as
documentation of global change, including the
development of mechanisms for recording changes
that will actually occur in the Earth system over
the coming decades. - International Global Observing Strategy
- (OSTP, July 17, 1995)
- The Global Observing System would be an
internationally coordinated system of mutually
funded experimental and operational space-based
and in situ data acquisition, archive, and
distribution systems and programs for earth
observations and environmental monitoring.
7Human Architecture - 2
- G-8 Summit, Evian France, June 2, 2003
- We will focus our efforts on three areas that
present great opportunities for progress
close co-ordination of our respective global
observation strategies for the next ten years
identify new observations to minimize data gaps
... - Declaration of the Earth Observation Summit
- We, the participants in this Earth Observation
Summit held in Washington, DC, on July 31, 2003
Affirm the need for timely, quality, long-term,
global information as a basis for sound decision
making. - Ministers at the Earth Observation Summit III in
Brussels, February 2005, endodrsed the 10-Year
Implementation Plan.
855 GEO members as of March 2005
- Algeria
- Argentina
- Australia
- Belgium
- Belize
- Brazil
- Cameroon
- Canada
- Chile
- China
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Egypt
- European Commission
- Finland
- France
Netherlands New Zealand Niger Nigeria Norway Portu
gal Republic of the Congo Republic of
Korea Russian Federation Slovak Federation South
Africa Spain Sudan Sweden Switzerland Thailand T
unisia Ukraine United Kingdom United
States Uzbekistan
Germany Greece Guinea-Bissau Honduras India Indone
sia Iran Ireland Israel Italy Japan Kazakhstan Lux
embourg Malaysia Mali Mexico Morocco Nepal
940 NGO Participants as of March 2005
- African Association of Remote Sensing of the
Environment - Asia-Pacific Network for Global Change Research
- Association for the Development of Environmental
Information (ADIE) - Central American Commission for the Environment
and Development (SICA/CCAD) - Committee on Earth Observation Satellites (CEOS)
- EuroGeoSurveys
- European Centre for Medium-Range Weather
Forecasts (ECMWF) - European Environmental Agency (EEA)
- European Space Agency (ESA)
- European Organization for the Exploitation of
Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) - European Sea Level Service
- Federation of Digital Broad-Band Seismograph
Networks (FDSN) - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United
Nations (FAO) - Global Climate Observing System (GCOS)
Global Ocean Observing System (GOOS) Global
Terrestrial Observing System (GTOS) Institute of
Electrical and Electronic Engineers
(IEEE) Integrated Global Observing Strategy
Partnership (IGOS-P) Intergovernmental
Oceanographic Commission (IOC) International
Association of Geodesy (IAG) International
Association of Geodesy (IAG) International
Council for Science (ICSU) International Council
on Systems Engineering International
Geosphere-Biosphere Program (IGBP) International
Group of Funding Agencies for Global Change
Research (IGFA )International Institute for Space
Law (IISL) International Society for
Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
International Steering Committee for Global
Mapping? (ISCGM) International Strategy for
Disaster Reduction (ISDR) Open Geospatial
Consortium Partnership for Observation of the
Global Ocean (POGO) The Network of European
Meteorological Services/Composite Observing
System (EUMETNET/EUCOS) United Nations Convention
on Biodiversity (UNCBD) United Nations
Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change (UNFCCC) United Nations Institute
for Training and Research United Nations Office
for Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA) World Climate
Research Programme (WCRP) World Meteorological
Organization (WMO)
10Human Architecture - Summary
- The human architecture is developing, starting
with government organizations representing
producers of observing systems - International framework for coordination is being
developed - Main participants are national governments
supporting scientific programs - Limited decision-support activities to date
- Participation of users at all levels will
eventually be required
11Multi-Sensor NetworksToday
- Remotely sensed and in situ
- Spacecraft, aircraft, ships, moorings, floats,
- Radars, lidars, physical, chemical and
biological sensors - Oceans, atmosphere, land, ice
- Global to regional to local
12NSF Ocean Observatory Networks
13NOAA/DOD/NASA National Polar Orbiting Operational
Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) EUMETSAT/N
OAA Metop
14Multi-Sensor NetworksTomorrow
- Todays sensors and platforms require substantial
infrastructure for power and communications - Eventually, there will be hundreds of millions of
nano-sensors on cell-phones
- Information management and architecture
16The InternetAn Evolutionary Tale
- Phase 1 Early Internet (1970s)
- Big servers and small number of clients
- Government funded and controlled
- Phase 2 (late 1980s)
- Distributed international network of largely
scientific users - Phase 3 Internet today
- Hundreds of millions of users
- Peer-to-peer
- No centralized control
- Use of a few powerful standards
17Similar path for GEO?
- Phase 1 government operated networks between
major installations - Phase 2 distributed high-performance research
network being established now - Phase 3 work on miniaturization of sensors and
distributed (Grid) computing evolving to massive
numbers of individual nodes
18Growing Fiber Infrastructure - Future Backbone
for GEO?From Shared Internet to Dedicated
19Beyond Indicators to Decision-Support Tools
- If we connect GEO to effective decision support
systems, then it will become a principal tool for
achieving sustainability on a global scale.
Photo credit Global Spatial Data Infrastructure
Photo credit New York Times
20Global Observations are needed for Global and
Local Decisions
- GEO Societal Benefit Areas
- Disasters
- Health
- Energy
- Climate
- Water
- Weather
- Ecosystems
- Agriculture/Desertification
- Biodiversity
- Local Issues (examples)
- Health and safety from severe natural events
- Risk management
- Infrastructure planning
- Facility design, landscaping, maintenance
- Travel and recreation
- Emergency preparedness
21Climate variations affect energy supply and
demand and therefore decisions
El Nino North
Pacific Oscillation (NPO)
22Decision support examples
Fisheries Productivity How to manage coastal
resources Warming Waters Identified as Cause of
Marine Life Depletions off California
Offshore Hydrocarbon Exploration Where to invest
Illustration Free air gravity anomaly map of the
Gulf of Mexico produced using ERS data (Courtesy
Satellite Observing Systems)
23Evolving Role of the Science Community
Originating science, creating models,
developing observing technologies Designing
observing strategies and systems
Transferring designs, technologies, models, and
tested systems to the public and private
sectors Partnering in the governance and
management of long-term observing and decision
support systems Infusing new objectives and
technologies into on-going systems Linking new
capabilities to new users
Research community is becoming more
multi-disciplinary and service-oriented
24Human Architecture Needs to Evolve
- For the full array of environmental information
- Phase 1 Government agencies in charge
- E.g., weather satellites, global weather models
- Phase 2 Large sophisticated scientific and
technology users engaged - Regional forecast centers tied to universities
looking at climate as well as weather - Phase 3 Broad user base with information
products tailored to their needs and presented in
their language - Wide network of commercial value-added industries
providing local forecasts for specific clients
(frost warnings for citrus growers snow
forecasts for ski resorts beach conditions, etc.)
25New Management Concepts
- System of systems
- Multi-sector consortia
- Standards
- Interoperability
- Open communication
- Evolving, adaptive
- Education and outreach
26Center for Earth Observations and Applications
UCSDs Contribution to GEOSS
- Vision to establish international leadership
in education, research, technology development,
observation, and information management for Earth
observations. - Headed by SIO/John Orcutt
- UCSD may be unique in its ability to work
end-to-end on all aspects of global observing.
27CEOA Mission
- To develop, deploy, operate, and use observing
platforms and sensors for the land, oceans, and
atmosphere - To collect and integrate observational data from
a global network of multidisciplinary sources - To develop technologies and decision-support
tools that promote a balance between the natural
environment and human activities - To participate in GEOSS
28CEOA Approach Internal Venture Capital Group
- Promote major interdisciplinary scientific and
technical programs that cross Division,
Department, and School boundaries - Substantially increase funding available for
interdisciplinary programs - Assist teams in writing major proposals
providing matching funds. If necessary, assist
when needed in program operation. Assist in
hiring where needed. - Provide a coherent and comprehensive interface to
the external community on behalf of the extensive
UCSD capabilities and programs.
29The Grand Convergence
- The convergence of earth science and information
technology will lead to continuous awareness of
earths systems and their interactions with human
activities. - We will use continuous awareness to manage our
resources and environment, and our response to
disasters - Continuous awareness will promote integrated
responses to emerging global environmental
- As civilization becomes increasingly global and
technologically sophisticated, our need for a
global observing capability will grow.
We are beginning an endeavor that will evolve
over the entire 21st century and endure as long
as we have an advanced civilization.