Title: AxiUm Training
1 AxiUm Training University of Kentucky College
of Dentistry Student Dentist Training
Module August 2007
2What will you be using Axium for?
Viewing your schedule Searching patient
information Adding treatment using CDT
procedure codes Approving treatment Completin
g treatment
3To start Axium, double click (left) the Axium
Axium is a Windows application
All clicks are left clicks, unless otherwise
4Logon Id your email prefix and password
5Axium - Student Desktop
7Select Personal Planner
83. Click Search
2. Change to appropriate date range
1. Click on Appointment tab
9The appointment date for this patient in the
Sophomore Early Clinic is 9/13/2002. Note the
patient chart is 109498.
Patient appointments for the date range requested
will display
10Select Scheduler
11Select Weekly Tab
12Weekly schedule appears
13These allow you to move forward and back in your
16Search by patient name, chart number, phone, etc.
Click on name or chart number bar to identify
17Double click on name or right click and select.
18Patient now in active tab
Patients name must appear in this area to
utilize any of the Axium modules
19Rolodex Information
20Click folder to access patient card
21Chart Location
Patient Appointments
23Adding Treatment
- Most of the time, you will have treatment planned
your patient and all procedures will have been
added into the patients record by the financial
counselor. - Treatment will have to be added for recall
appointments and preliminary treatment.
24 To add treatment click on Electronic
Health Record
25Electronic Health Record (Dental Chart) opens
26Electronic Health Record displays perio
charting and In Progress treatment.
27Tx History tab shows all treatment Provided for
Adjust time frame here
28To add treatment, use In Progress or Tx History
tab. Click on green plus tab (create a new
29Highlight Dental txs and select Full List tab to
access CDT treatment codes.
30Highlight Diagnostics and double click on
Periodic oral evaluation.
31Details screen opens up Add DMD as Trx Location
32Add the attending faculty
33Select Add Planned Tx
34Procedure is added as unapproved
planned Treatment (blue)
35Select Preventive and Dental Prophylaxis
36Double Click on D1110 Prophylaxis, Adult
37Select Trx Location And Attending and Plan the
38Treatment is planned but unapproved. Open Check
Out Patient screen to approve
39Faculty member uses swipe card to approve
planned treatment
40Treatment now appears in black as approved
planned treatment
42After you complete treatment, enter Axium and
bring up your patient again.
43Select the Electronic Health Record
44In the In Progress tab, the Procedures are
located in Pending Treatments. Double click to
45Edit Planned Treatment Window opens. Fill in Trx
Location, Attending and completed. Select OK to
close window.
46Repeat with Adult Prophy
47Pop-up reminder lets you know 6 month recall has
been entered. Click OK. The status of the
procedures is Completed (but unapproved) in blue.
48Click on patients chart number To open Check Out
Patient window. Faculty member swipes to complete.
49Procedures are now completed/billed and are in
Todays Activities.
50V. Miscellaneous
51To make your patient active, open Scheduler, put
the cursor on the Appointment, and right click.
52Highlight Select Patient, Left click and
patient Becomes active.
53The Electronic Health Record can be opened to
complete treatment.