The Indian Retail Sector

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The Indian Retail Sector


India is rated the fifth most attractive emerging retail market: a ... based high-end fashion retailer Saks Fifth Avenue has tied up with realty major ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Indian Retail Sector

The Indian Retail Sector
  • Lakshmi Narayanaswamy (203/43)
  • Mudit Sharma (222/43)

Industry Evolution
  • Traditionally retailing in India can be traced to
  • The emergence of the neighborhood Kirana stores
    catering to the convenience of the consumers
  • Era of government support for rural retail
    Indigenous franchise model of store chains run by
    Khadi Village Industries Commission
  • 1980s experienced slow change as India began to
    open up economy.
  • Textiles sector with companies like Bombay
    Dyeing, Raymond's, S Kumar's and Grasim first
    saw the emergence of retail chains
  • Later Titan successfully created an organized
    retailing concept and established a series of
    showrooms for its premium watches
  • The latter half of the 1990s saw a fresh wave of
    entrants with a shift from Manufactures to Pure
  • For e.g. Food World, Subhiksha and Nilgiris in
    food and FMCG Planet M and Music World in music
    Crossword and Fountainhead in books.
  • Post 1995 onwards saw an emergence of shopping
  • mainly in urban areas, with facilities like car
  • targeted to provide a complete destination
    experience for all segments of society
  • Emergence of hyper and super markets trying to
    provide customer with 3 Vs - Value, Variety and
  • Expanding target consumer segment The Sachet
    revolution - example of reaching to the bottom of
    the pyramid.
  • At year end of 2000 the size of the Indian
    organized retail industry is estimated at Rs.
    13,000 crore

Retailing formats in India
  • Malls
  • The largest form of organized retailing today.
    Located mainly in metro cities, in proximity to
    urban outskirts. Ranges from 60,000 sq ft to
    7,00,000 sq ft and above. They lend an ideal
    shopping experience with an amalgamation of
    product, service and entertainment, all under a
    common roof.Examples include Shoppers Stop,
    Piramyd, Pantaloon.
  • Department Stores
  • Departmental Stores are expected to take over
    the apparel business from exclusive brand
    showrooms. Among these, the biggest success is K
    Raheja's Shoppers Stop, which started in Mumbai
    and now has more than seven large stores (over
    30,000 sq. ft) across India and even has its own
    in store brand for clothes called Stop!.
  • Specialty Stores
  • Chains such as the Bangalore based Kids Kemp,
    the Mumbai books retailer Crossword, RPG's Music
    World and the Times Group's music chain Planet M,
    are focusing on specific market segments and have
    established themselves strongly in their sectors.
  • Hypermarts/Supermarkets
  • Large self service outlets, catering to varied
    shopper needs are termed as Supermarkets. These
    are located in or near residential high streets.
    These stores today contribute to 30 of all food
    grocery organized retail sales. Super Markets
    can further be classified in to mini supermarkets
    typically 1,000 sq ft to 2,000 sq ft and large
    supermarkets ranging from of 3,500 sq ft to 5,000
    sq ft. having a strong focus on food grocery
    and personal sales.
  • Discount Stores
  • As the name suggests, discount stores or factory
    outlets, offer discounts on the MRP through
    selling in bulk reaching economies of scale or
    excess stock left over at the season. The product
    category can range from a variety of perishable/
    non perishable goods
  • Convenience Stores
  • These are relatively small stores 400-2,000 sq.
    feet located near residential areas. They stock a
    limited range of high-turnover convenience
    products and are usually open for extended
    periods during the day, seven days a week. Prices
    are slightly higher due to the convenience
  • Department Stores
  • Large stores ranging from 20000-50000 sq. ft,
    catering to a variety of consumer needs. Further
    classified into localized departments such as
    clothing, toys, home, groceries, etc.
  • MBOs
  • Multi Brand outlets, also known as Category
    Killers, offer several brands across a single
  • category. These usually do well in busy market
    places and Metros.

Retailing formats in India
Indias number of Domestic grocery chains and
Early Foreign Entrants
Recent Trends
Retail Sales in India
  • Retailing in India is witnessing a huge revamping
    exercise as can be seen in the graph
  • India is rated the fifth most attractive emerging
    retail market a potential goldmine.
  • Estimated to be US 200 billion, of which
    organized retailing (i.e. modern trade) makes up
    3 percent or US 6.4 billion
  • As per a report by KPMG the annual growth of
    department stores is estimated at 24
  • Ranked second in a Global Retail Development
    Index of 30 developing countries drawn up by AT

Recent Trends contd.
Traditionally three factors have plagued the
retail industry
Recent changes
Experimentation with formats Retailing in India
is still evolving and the sector is witnessing a
series of experiments across the country with new
formats being tested out. Ex. Quasi-mall,
sub-urban discount stores, Cash and carry
etc. Store design Biggest challenge for
organised retailing to create a customer-pull
environment that increases the amount of impulse
shopping. Research shows that the chances of
senses dictating sales are upto 10-15. Retail
chains like MusicWorld, Baristas, Piramyd and
Globus are laying major emphasis investing
heavily in store design. Emergence of discount
stores They are expected to spearhead the
organised retailing revolution. Stores trying to
emulate the model of Wal-Mart. Ex. Big Bazaar,
Bombay Bazaar, RPGs. Unorganized retailing is
getting organized To meet the challenges of
organized retailing such as large cineplexes, and
malls, which are backed by the corporate house
such as 'Ansals' and 'PVR the unorganized sector
is getting organized. 25 stores in Delhi under
the banner of Provision mart are joining hands to
combine monthly buying. Bombay Bazaar and
Efoodmart formed which are aggregations of
Unorganized Vast majority of the twelve million
stores are small "father and son"
outlets Fragmented Mostly small individually
owned businesses, average size of outlet equals
50 s.q. ft. Though India has the highest number
of retail outlets per capita in the world, the
retail space per capita at 2 s.q. ft per person
is amongst the lowest. Rural bias Nearly two
thirds of the stores are located in rural areas.
Rural retail industry has typically two forms
"Haats" and Melas". Haats are the weekly markets
serve groups of 10-50 villages and sell
day-to-day necessities. Melas are larger in size
and more sophisticated in terms of the goods sold
(like TVs)
Recent Trends contd.
  • Multiple drivers leading to a consumption boom
  • Favorable demographics
  • Growth in income
  • Increasing population of women
  • Raising aspirations Value added goods sales
  • Food and apparel retailing key drivers of growth
  • Organized retailing in India has been largely an
    urban phenomenon with affluent classes and
    growing number of double-income households.
  • More successful in cities in the south and west
    of India. Reasons range from differences in
    consumer buying behavior to cost of real estate
    and taxation laws.
  • Rural markets emerging as a huge opportunity for
    retailers reflected in the share of the rural
    market across most categories of consumption
  • ITC is experimenting with retailing through its
    e-Choupal and Choupal Sagar rural hypermarkets.
  • HLL is using its Project Shakti initiative
    leveraging women self-help groups to explore
    the rural market.
  • Mahamaza is leveraging technology and network
    marketing concepts to act as an aggregator and
    serve the rural markets.
  • IT is a tool that has been used by retailers
    ranging from to eBay to radically
    change buying behavior across the globe.
  • e-tailing slowly making its presence felt.
  • Companies using their own web portal or tie-sups
    with horizontal players like and to offer products on the web.

Major Retailers
Leading Retailers
  • Indias top retailers are largely lifestyle,
    clothing and apparel stores
  • This is followed by grocery stores
  • Following the past trends and business models in
    the west retail giants such as Pantaloon,
    Shoppers Stop and Lifestyle are likely to target
    metros and small cities almost doubling their
    current number of stores
  • These Walmart wannabes have the economy of scale
    to be low medium cost retailers pocketing narrow

India vs. World
  • Indian retail is fragmented with over 12 million
    outlets operating in the country. This is in
    comparison to 0.9 million outlets in USA,
    catering to more than 13 times of the total
    retail market size as compared to India
  • India has the highest number of outlets per
    capita in the world - widely spread retail
    network but with the lowest per capita retail
    space (_at_ 2 sq. ft. per person)
  • Annual turnover of Wal-Mart (Sales in 2001 were
    219 billion) is higher than the size of Indian
    retail industry. Almost 100 times more than the
    turnover of HLL (India's largest FMCG company).
  • Wal-Mart - over 4,800 stores (over 47 million
    square meters) where as none of India's large
    format store (Shoppers' Stop, Westside,
    Lifestyle) can compare.
  • The sales per hour of 22 million are
    incomparable to any retailer in the world. Number
    of employees in Wal-Mart are about 1.3 million
    where as the entire Indian retail industry
    employs about three million people.
  • One-day sales record at Wal-Mart (11/23/01) 1.25
    billion - roughly two third of HLL's annual
  • Developed economies like the U.S. employ between
    10 and 11 percent of their workforce in retailing
    (against 7 percent employed in India today).
  • 60 of retailers in India feel that the multiple
    format approach will be successful here whereas
    in US 34 of the fastest-growing 50 retailers have
    just one format
  • Inventory turns ratio measures efficiency of
    operations. The U.S. retail sector has an average
    inventory turns ratio of about 18. Many Indian
    retailers KPMG surveyed have inventory turns
    levels between 4 and 10.
  • Global best-practice retailers can achieve more
    than 95 percent availability of all SKUs on the
    retail shelves (translating into a stock-out
    level of less than 5 ).The stock-out levels
    among Indian retailers surveyed ranged from 5 to
    15 percent.

Future direction Positives
  • AT Kearney has estimated Indias total retail
    market at US 202.6 billion which is expected to
    grow at a compounded 30 per cent over the next
    five years.
  • With the organised retail segment growing at the
    rate of 25-30 per cent per annum, revenues from
    the sector are expected to triple from the
    current US 7.7 billion to US 24 billion by
  • The share of modern retail is likely to grow from
    its current 2 per cent to 15-20 percent over the
    next decade
  • Over next two years India will see several Indian
    retail businesses attaining a critical mass as
    growth in the industry picks up momentum driven
    by two key factors
  • Availability of quality real estate and mall
    management practices
  • Consumer preference for shopping in new
  • Wal-Mart huge plans for India. Moving a senior
    official from its headquarters in Bentonville,
    Arkansas, to head its market research and
    business development functions pertaining to its
    retail plans in India.
  • New York-based high-end fashion retailer Saks
    Fifth Avenue has tied up with realty major DLF
    Properties to set up shop in a mall in New Delhi.
  • Tommy Hilfiger, retailer of apparels, expects to
    open one store each in Delhi, Ahmedabad, Lucknow
    and Bangalore in the next four months.

Future direction Concerns
  • 68 million square feet of mall space is expected
    to be available by end of 2007, which might lead
    to over-capacity of malls
  • Lack of differentiation among the malls that are
    coming up. One option may be to look at
  • Poor inventory turns and stock availability
    measures - retailers clearly need to augment
    their operations.
  • Operations of retailers and suppliers are not
    integrated. Efficient replenishment practices
    practiced in the Indian auto and auto-component
    industry can be leveraged to implement efficient
    supply chain management techniques.
  • Supplier maturity, in terms of adherence to
    delivery schedules and delivering the quantity
    ordered, is an issue
  • Sales tax laws - lead to retailers having
    state-level procurement and storage leads to
    Indian retailers having higher inventories. VAT
    has helped alleviate this a bit.
  • Increased adoption of IT and shrinkage management
    will be a critical area.
  • Supply chain and customer relations followed by
    merchandising, facilities management and vendor
    development are areas which have significant gaps
    and proactive training is a key imperative for
    overcoming these.

  • AT Kearny
  • Forrester Research 2006
  • KPMG-FICCI Report
  • http//
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