Title: Class 1
1Business Collect Experiments from last time
talk about them did they show surface or
structural similarity?? Computer Environment
Readiness hand out new sheet. Were they
What Will Be On The Test Key Concepts see end
of chapter though we didnt talk about all of
these. Can Computers Think? Problems Problem
Spaces Hobbits Orcs, Tower of Hanoi, Take
the last card, Logic Problems, Water
Bottles. Problems may have Surface OR Structural
- New Business
- Talk about key concepts
- Do some simple logic problems
2- FROM LAST TIME - Luchins Water Jar Problem
- Try this problem on 5 of your friends.
- Start in a quiet place get their full
attention. - Give them problems 2 6 in that order.
- How do they do problems 7 8?
- How do they do 9 cant use regular formula?
- How do they do 10 11 the formula used in 2
6 or a simpler way?
Whats your hypothesis? What do you expect
people to do?
Hand in a report that discusses how your subjects
did when faced with surface and structural
3- How To Become An Expert
- Practice the 10-year rule.
- What is the place of talent in becoming an
expert? - What about IQ?
- Chess players are often used as subjects of study
why? - What makes good problem solvers?
- Working Memory
- In text, they discussed the parts of brain used
for working memory. - Do tower of London
- Do tower of London while performing background
4- Review of Logic Problems
- Do Some more logic problems - Those on the
handout from last time - Flower Children
- Its Puzzling
- Hand Out
- Sheet for Flower Children
- Its Puzzling
- Birthday Presents
- Musical Chairs