Title: Emstar Interfaces and Services
1Emstar Interfaces and Services
- Keep asking yourselves these questions throughout
the presentation - Why should I learn Emstar? What can Em do for
me? - What are important features?
- Intro services
- Running Example
- Devices Servers Clients
- Packet Devices / Clients
- Link Devices / Clients
- Status Devices / Clients
- Command Devices / Clients
- Sensor Devices / Clients
- Timers
- Debugging
- Design Pitfalls
4Interfaces/Services Make Life Easier
- Protocol Design (e.g. communication,
time-synchronization, etc) - Code Refactoring
- Certain needs and usage patterns have emerged
over time, Em codifies these - Debugging
- Enables modular design standardized code gt
readable code - Device files provide command-line visibility into
running code
5Running Example
- Centralized server collects temperature
information - Various clients with different needs query the
Client 1 Wants continuous readings
Client 3 Wants readings above 40C
Client 2 Wants average temp returned every 2
6Services Required to Get Data
- What services are required to process the data
and get it from the motes to the clients?
7Services Required to Get Data
- What services are required to process the data
and get it from the motes to the clients? - Communication
- Routing
- ?
- ?
- Time Synchronization
- Data storage Query mechanisms
8Services Required to Get Data
- What services are required to process the data
and get it from the motes to the clients? - Communication
- Routing
- Creating/maintaining neighbor lists
- Estimating link-qualities
- Time Synchronization
- Data storage Query mechanisms
- What is Blocking vs Polling vs Event Notification
Client 1 Makes a request
Client 1 gets what they were requesting, and
Process calls a function in another
thread/process - Req process Client 1 -
Function call Clients request -
Thread containing func Person serving
Client 1 waits around while request is being
Function-call returns to requesting process,
and that process continues execution
Requesting process is blocked while waiting for
function to return
Client 2 gets what they were requesting, and
Client 2 Makes a request
Client 2 periodically returns to see if request
is satisfied
During one status-check func call, the serving
process indicates it is done and the client
Requesting process continues execution and
periodically calls a status-check function
to find out if request is satisfied
Client 3 does something else, and leaves a phone
to be called when request is done.
Client 3 Makes a request
Client 3 returns upon receiving phone call
Requesting process continues execution and
specifies a Call-back function to be called by
serving process when the request is complete.
Clients call-back function is called, and the
client is given the data in this function.
12Devices as Interfaces
- Work on event notification (though blocking
functionality also provided by function calls
ending in _s) - Server-Client model
- Server exports a device(s)
- Client queries device for data and/or writes
commands - Services in Emstar provided through device-file
interface - Device implementation handles client and request
queues - Devices can be accessed by
- Command-line (either using cat or bin/echocat)
- Client libraries (all devices provide a client
library for program access)
13Status Device
- No message queueing
- Provides current status (binary / printable)
- Getting status
- Status-Device process exports a device file
- Status-Clients process opens this device file
- Status-Client reads from fd
- Status-Device process is informed of read and
sends data (ascii / binary) to Status-Client
through FUSD - Status-Device notifies clients when new updates
are available (i.e. fd is readable) gt goto
Step 3 - Binary vs Printable call-backs
- Demo (command device, status device)
- obj.i686-linux/libdev/examples/simple_status
14Status Devices
- Server
- Fill opts struct register device
- Open cb called if specified, used to track
client-related state - Write cb called if specified, command is
processed - Notify() client when data is ready
- Provide data in binary/printable
- Client
- Fill opts struct call open()
- (Optional) Write string to device
- Read device when notified
15Packet Device
- Provides message queuing so clients do not lose
information - Useful for exchanging packets between modules
- Getting packets
- Packet-Device process exports a device file
- Packet-Clients process opens this device file
- Clients can add filters to specify packets they
are interested in - 3. Packet-Device process is informed of read
and sends data (ascii / binary) to Packet-Client
through FUSD - .
- Printable gt un-parse
- Demo (Status gt Debug, Usage)
- obj.i686-linux/libdev/examples/simple_pd
16Packet Devices
- Server
- Fill opts struct call New()
- Open cb called if specified, used to track
client-related state - Enqueue cb called if specified, command is
processed - Send cb called (MUST BE IMPLEMENTED) -gt calls
pd_receive() - Pd_receive sends data to clients
- Provide data in binary/printable (unparse cb if
- Client
- Fill opts struct call open()
- Write packet to device
- Read device when notified
17Link Devices
- Built on top of Packet-Device
- Link servers (or providers) fill out lp_opts_t
struct and call lp_register() - Link-Clients
- Use the link-server to send packets onto the link
(setup by the link-server) - Specify filter to only receive certain packet
types - Skeletons/samples/read_packets.c
- Devices automatically created by lp_register()
- /dev/nodeltidgt/link/ltlink-namegt/command
- /dev/nodeltidgt/link/ltlink-namegt/data
- /dev/nodeltidgt/link/ltlink-namegt/status
18Link Devices
- Client
- Fill opts struct, set filter to specify types of
packets to receive, call open() - Call lu_send() to send a packet
- Receive cb (MUST BE SPECIFIED) is called with
packets that match filter
- Server
- Fill opts struct call New()
- Open cb called if specified, used to track
client-related state - Filter cb (called by pd_enqueue) called if
specified, packet is accepted/not accepted - Send cb called (MUST BE IMPLEMENTED), sends data
to clients - Provide data in binary/printable (unparse cb if
19Running Example Continued
- Use neighbor service to build routing trees
- Emstar provides neighbors-app service
- Sends beacons to estimate link-quality
- Records neighbors and link-qualities
- Exports various status, packet, link-devices to
export information - Use sensor device to store/process data and
record timestamps
20Neighbors Demo
- Run in obj.i686-linux
- emrun/emsim ../link/examples/neighbors.sim 5
- Link Devices (command, status, data)
- gt /dev/sim/group2/node001/link/ls0 udp0
- Status Device
- Get current information
- e.g. cat /dev/sim/group2/node001/link/ls0/status
- Get neighbor lists
- e.g. cat /dev/sim/group2/node001/link/ls0/neighbor
s - Linkdump utility to get data
- bin/linkdump G ltSIM_GROUPgt N ltnode-idgt
-r U udp0 OR ls0) - Command Device
- Cat device to get commands gt
- e.g. cat /dev/sim/group2/node001/link/ls0/command
- Write commands to device using echo gt
- e.g. gt echo active0 gt /dev/sim/group2/node001/l
ink/ls0/command - What happens when we cat /dev/sim/group2/node001/
link/ls0/data ?
21Sensor Device
- Stores data in a ring-buffer
- Fixed Variable length samples
- Stores timestamps using timehist utility
- Integrated with timesync
- Isochronous Non-isochronous interface
- Provides easy access utilities using
sensor-client interface - E.g. aggregates, streams data
22Sensor Device Demo
- Run in obj.i686-linux
- emrun/emrun ../libdev/examples/sdev_example_clien
t.run - Launches sensor-device server sample-client
- Automatically creates two devices
- /dev/sensors/ltsensor-device-namegt
- /dev/sensors/ltsensor-device-namegt_request_status
Debugging - Cat device to get usage
- e.g. cat /dev/sensors/ltsensor-device-namegt
- Samples accessed using start sample-number
count - E.g. get previous 10 samples
- bin/echocat w /dev/sensors/root_sdev
relativestart-10count10 - E.g. stream samples starting from the first
sample - bin/echocat w /dev/sensors/root_sdev
23Pitfalls Myths in Designing for WSN
- Myth 1 We want to minimize transmission at all
costs - Hard vs Soft state
- Soft-state is simple and recovers from
errors/loss with additional overhead/latency - Couple extra header bytes can contribute to
- better utilization of packets/data aggregation
- protocol more resilient to loss (i.e. providing
application framing data w/ each packet) - Myth 2 Sensing is free
- Sensors consume significant amounts of power and
cannot be ignored when calculating energy budgets - Pitfall 1 Ignoring topology changes
- Never assume a network will come up
instantaneously! - Always think about how node failures, partial
failures, and new nodes joining a network will
affect an algorithm or protocol. Not always
something that we can tack on later - Pitfall 2 Ignoring connectivity issues
- Dont send important information only once,
always assume a packet will be dropped and design
your algorithm accordingly - Dont assume disc model
- Consider non-deterministic, spotty wireless
connectivity - Dont assume links are symmetric
24Making Debugging Life Easier Using Emstar
- Debugging utilities (obj.i686-linux/bin)
- Echocat use to read/write status, packet or
sensor-devices - Linkdump use to get dump of link-devices
- Using device files for added visibility
- Status files like /dev/ls0/status or
/dev/ls0/neighbors provides updated variable
status - Debugging simulations using gdb (DEMO)
- Run gdb
- Get PID for process
- cat /dev/fusd/status
- Attach to running process in gdb gt gdbgt attach
ltPIDgt - Set Breakpoints gt gdbgt b ltfunc_namegt
- TinyOS (see app.c for func-names)
- (gdb) b ltFileName-no-extensiongtltInterfacegtltFun
c-Namegt - Continue process gt gdbgt continue
gint g_timer_add (uint interval,
g_timer_handler_cb_t function, gpointer data,
g_event_opts_t opts, g_event_t
ref) libdev/include/glib_dev.h ---------------
------- int main() sde_ctx_t sde
g_timer_add(2000, sde_write, sde, NULL, NULL)
static int sde_write(void data, int intrv,
g_event_t event) sde_ctx_t sde
(sde_ctx_t ) data return EVENT_RENEW libde
- Hopefully you can start to answer these
questions - Why should I learn Emstar? What can Em do for
me? - What are important features?
- Please do not hesitate to ask questions!!
- Nithya Ramanathan nithya at cs.ucla.edu