Title: Quantifying Landscape Pattern
1Quantifying Landscape Pattern
2Changes in forest cover, Cadiz Township,
Wisconsin (Curtis 1956)
3Landscapes over time
1972 1984 1991
4Analysis of Model Outputs
1 ha clearings
30 ha clearings
5Western boundary, Yellowstone National Park
(Turner et al. Fig 5-2)
6Why quantify pattern?
- Investigate pattern ltgt process
- Landscape monitoring
- Comparison across landscapes
- Compare and contrast management strategies
- Sampling and experimental design
7Classification and Pattern
Turner et al. 5-5
8Gustafson (1998)
9Metrics of landscape composition categorical maps
- Number of classes (richness, S)
- Proportion of area occupied by class i (pi)
- Diversity (evenness)
- SHEI (-?pi ln (pi) ) / ln (S)
- Dominance
- D (ln(S) ?pi ln(pi)) / ln(S)
10Measures of spatial configuration
- Adjacency (cell-based)
- Contagion and Interspersion (cell-based)
- Perimeter-area (patch)
- Connectivity (patch)
- Proximity (patch)
- Patch size distribution (e.g., area-weighted
patch size)
- C 1 ??? Pij ln (Pij)
- 2 ln (S)
- P probability that 2 randomly chosen adjacent
cells are the same cover type - S of cover types
- Patch cohesion (Schumaker 96)
- A four-part measure by Bogaert et al. 2000.
Wildlife Society Bulletin 28875-881. - habitat loss, isolation, increased perimeter
length,increase in patch number
- Fractals objects or patterns that have
non-integer dimensions - self-similarity pattern at coarse scales is
repeated at finer and finer scales - scale-dependence
14Fractal curves
N steps r scale ratio D log N/log r
D ln 4/ln 3 1.2618
D ln 5/ln 3 1.4650
15Fractal Patches
A (kP)d d ln(A) / (ln(P) ln(k)) kP AD D
A area P perimeter D fractal dimension K
16Fractal dimensions of (D) of forest patches near
Natchez Mississippi as a function of patch
size. ( Turner fig 5.11)
17Box analysis of fractal dimension of lattices
18Procedure for box analysis
- map is superimposed with a grid gt the grain
size. Boxes which contain class of interest (in
any small amount) are counted. - The process is repeated with different box sizes
until 1-2 orders of magnitude in box size has
been explored (say boxes of size 1 to 100). - the logarithm of the number of occupied boxes of
each length is regressed against the logarithm of
box length. - The slope of the regression is the exponent in
the power law - N(L) kL-Db
x 32,1
Box size
The slope of the line is the fractal dimension of
the lattice as estimated by the box counting
20Converting box counts to areas
- A(L) kL2-Db
- assuming self-similarity at scales below the
grain size, the scaling relation for area could
be used to estimate the area of a feature at
sub-grain scales - k lacunarity used to estimate N(L) for box
size L
21Multiple metrics
22Which metrics?
- types, contagion, fractal dimension, mean patch
perimeter-area ratio, relative patch area
(Riiters et al. 1995) - Patch shape and edge contrast, patch density,
patch size (McGarigal and Marks (1995) - types, proportion of each type, spatial
arrangement of patches, patch shape, contrast
between neighboring patches (Li and Reynolds 1994)
23Pattern in continuous variables and point
- Trend surface analysis
- Spatial autocorrelation
- Semivariance
- 1-d and 2-d spectral analysis
- wavelets
24Morans I, Gearys CTwo general measures of
spatial autocorrelation
- wij - weight at distance d, that is, wij1 if
point j is within distance class d from point i,
else wij0 - z's are deviations (i.e., ziyi-ymean for
variable y), - W is the sum of all the weights.
- The summation is done for all i not equal to j
25Random landscape
Continuous gradient
Repeating pattern
- N point (location) pairs
- f1i value of variable at location 1
- f2i value of variable at location 2
27Gustafson (1998)
28Variograms and correlograms
29Example application of landscape pattern metrics
- G. Darrel Jenerette 2001. Analysis and simulation
of land-use change in the central Arizona
Phoenix region, USA. Landscape Ecology 16(7)
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