Title: This is ultimately set by limiting factors:
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2Carrying Capacity
CARRYING CAPACITY (K) - The population density
where births and deaths are equal and population
size is constant.
This is ultimately set by limiting
factors shortages of resources (food, space,
water), extreme conditions (cold temperature),
physiological disruptions (predation, disease).
3Density-dependent Population Regulation
--case were birth rate and/or death rate varies
with population density.
4Density-dependent Population Regulation
5Density-dependent Population Regulation
Intraspecific competition - competition among
members of a population. Interference
competition - direct interactions among
individuals where one individual prevents
another from gaining access to a resource.
6Interference competition Territoriality
7Interference competition Territoriality
Numbers of breeding females on island
Density-dependent reproduction in a population of
song sparrows on Mandarte Island, BC, Canada
(from Arcese Smith 1988). Squares denote data
for each year from 1975-1986. Notice how
reproduction increased in 1985 for pairs where
food was provided.
8Interference competition Display and Fighting
9Density-dependent Population Regulation
Intraspecific competition - competition among
members of a population. Interference
competition - direct interactions among
individuals where one individual prevents
another from gaining access to a
resource. Exploitation competition -
individuals consume a resource making it less
available to other individuals
10SELF THINNING - process where by some plants out
compete others leading to more and more biomass
being concentrated in fewer and fewer
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(per individual) of birth and/or death do not
vary with population density.
E.g., fire, flood, volcano, etc.
14DISCUSSION QUESTIONS What are possible examples
of density-independent factors regulating
ungulates in YNP? How might density-independent
and density-dependent factors interact to
influence populations of ungulates in YNP?
15CASE STUDY - GYE ELK Coughenour, M. B., F. J.
Singer. 1996. Elk Population Processes in the
Yellowstone National Park Under the Policy of
Natural Regulation. Ecological Applications 6,
no. 2 573-93.
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18Wintering Ranges of Elk in the GYE
19Regression between precipitation and winter
mortality rates of elk calves. (Cougenhour and
Singer 1997).
K is usually a moving target, so a population
stays within a range of variation. 2. Density
independent factors may keep population size
below K, and cause variation in population
size. 3. Time lags and density dependent
controls may cause population cycles.