Title: Stackless Python in EVE
1Stackless Python in EVE
- Kristján Valur Jónsson
- kristjan_at_ccpgames.com
- CCP Games inc.
- MMORPG Space game
- Client / server
- Single shard massive server
- 120.000 active players, gt24.000 concurrent users
- World concurrency record on a shard
- Relies on Stackless Python
3The Tranquility cluster
- 400 GHz CPU / 200 Gb RAM
- 2 Routers (CISCO Alteon)
- 14 Proxy servers (IBM Blade)
- 55 Sol servers (IBM x335)
- 2 DB servers (clustered, IBM Brick x445)
- FastT600 Fiber, 56 x FC 15k disks, DS4300
3EXP700 - Windows 2000, MS SQL Server
- Currently being upgraded
- AMD x64
4EVE Architecture
- COM-like basic architecture
- Python tighly integrated at an early stage
- Home-grown wrapping of BLUE objects
5Stackless Python
- Tasklets
- Threads of execution. Not OS threads
- Lightweight
- No pre-emption
- Channels
- Tasklet rendezvous point
- Data passing
- Scheduling
- Synchronization
- No C stack
- Python stack in linked frame objects
- Tasklet switching by swapping frame chain
- Compromise
- stackless where possible.
- C stack whisked away if necessary
8Channel semantics
- Send on a channel with no receiver blocks
tasklet. - Send on a channel with a (blocked) receiver,
suspends tasklet and runs receiver immediately.
Sender runs again in due course. - Symmetric wrt. Send and Receive.
- balance, can have a queue of readers or
writers. - Conceptually similar to Unix pipes
9Channel semantics, cont.
- Scheduling semantics are precise
- A blocked tasklet is run immediately
- Usable as a building block
- semaphores
- mutex
- critical section
- condition variables
10Stackless in EVE
- BLUE foundation robust, but cumbersome
- Stackless Python Python and so much more
- EVE is inconceivable without Stackless
- Everyone is a programmer
11The main loop
- Establish stackless context
int WinMain(...) PyObject myApp new
EveApp() PyObject r PyStackless_CallMethod_Mai
n(MyApp, WinMain, 0) return
PyInt_AsLong( r )
12The main loop cont.
PyObject EveAppWinMain(PyObject self,
PyObject args) PyOS-gtExecFile("script/sys/
autoexec.py") MSG msg
while(PeekMessage(msg, 0, 0, 0,
PM_REMOVE)) TranslateMessage(msg) DispatchMes
sage(msg) for (TickIt i
mTickers.begin( i ! mTickers.end()
i) i-gtmCb-gtOnTick(mTime, (void)taskname)
- Regular Windows message loop
- Runs in Stackless context
- The Main Tasklet
import blue def Startup() import service
srvMng service.ServiceManager() run
"dataconfig", "godma", ui",
srvMng.Run(run) Start up the client in a
tasklet! if CheckDXVersion() import blue
blue.pyos.CreateTasklet(Startup, (), )
- Tickers are BLUE modules
- Trinity (the renderer)
- Netclient
- DB (on the server)
- Audio
- PyOS (special python services)
15The PyOS tick
- Runs fresh tasklets
- (sleepers awoken elsewhere)
Tick() mSynchro-gtTick() PyObject
watchdogResult do watchdogResult
PyStackless_RunWatchdog(20000000) if
(!watchdogResult) PyFlushError("PumpPythonWatc
hdog") Py_XDECREF(watchdogresult) while
- Synchro
- Provides Thread-like tasklet utilities
- Sleep(ms)
- Yield()
- BeNice()
17blue.pyos.synchro cont.
- Sleep A python script makes the call
blue.pyos.Sleep(200) - C code runs
- Main tasklet check
- sleeper New Sleeper()mSleepers.insert(sleeper)
PyObject r PyChannel_Receive(sleeper-gtmChanne
l) - Another tasklet runs
18blue.pyos.synchro, ctd.
- Main tasklet in windows loop enters PyOSTick()
- mSleepers are examined for all that are due we
do - mSleepers.remove(sleeper)PyChannel_Send(sleeper
s.mChannel, Py_NONE) - Main tasklet is suspended (but runnable), sleeper
19Points to note
- A tasklet goes to sleep by calling
PyChannel_Receive() on a channel which has no
pending sender. - It will sleep there (block) until someone sends
- Typically the main tasklet does this, doing
PyChannel_Send() on a channel with a reader - Ergo The main tasklet may not block
20Socket Receive
- Use Windows asynchronous file API
- Provide a synchronous python API. A python
script calls Read(). - Tasklet may be blocked for a long time, (many
frames) other tasklets continue running. - Do this using channels.
21Receive, cont.
- Python script runsfoo, bar socket.Read()
- C code executes the request
- Request r new Request(this)WSAReceive(mSocke
t, )mServe-gtinsert( r )PyChannel_Receive(r-gtm
Channel) - Tasklet is suspended
22Receive, cont.
- Socket server is ticked from main loop
- For all requests that are marked completed, it
transfers the data to the sleeping tasklets - PyObject r PyString_FromStringAndSize(req-gtmDa
ta, req-gtmDataLen)PyChannel_Send(req-gtmChannel,
r)Py_DECREF(data)delete req - The sleeping tasklet wakes up, main tasklet is
suspended (but runnable)
23Receive completed
24Main Tasklet
- The one running the windows loop
- Can be suspended, allowing other tasklets to run
- Can be blocked, as long as there is another
tasklet to unblock it (dangerous) - Is responsible for waking up Sleepers, Yielders,
IO tasklets, etc. therefore cannot be one of them - Is flagged as non-blockable (stackless.get_current
().block_trap True)
25Channel magic
- Channels perform the stackless context switch.
- If there is a C stack in the call chain, it will
magically swap the stacks. - Your entire C stack (with C and python
invocations) is whisked away and stored, to be
replaced with a new one. - This allows stackless to simulate cooperative
26Co-operative multitasking
- Context is switched only at known points.
- In Stakcless, this is channel.send() and
channel.receive() - Also synchro.Yield(), synchro.Sleep(), BeNice(),
socket and DB ops, etc. - No unexpected context switches
- Almost no race conditions
- Program like you are single-threaded
- Very few exceptions.
- This extends to C state too!
- Tasklets are cheap
- Used liberally to reduce perceived lag
- UI events forked out to tasklets
- A click can have heavy consequences.
- Heavy logic
- DB Access
- Networks access
- special rendering tasks forked out to tasklets.
- controlling an audio track
- tasklet it out
- Use blue.pyos.synchro.BeNice() in large loops
28Example UI Event
- Main tasklet receives window messages such as
WM_CLICK - Trinity invokes handler on UI elements or global
handler - Handler tasklets out any action to allow main
thread to continue immediately.
def OnGlobalUp(self, args) if not self or
self.destroyed return mo
eve.triapp.uilib.mouseOver if mo in
self.children uthread.new(mo._OnClick)
class Action(xtriui.QuickDeco) def
_OnClick(self, args) pass
29Thats all
- For more info
- http//www.ccpgames.com
- http//www.eve-online.com
- http//www.stackless.com
- kristjan_at_ccpgames.com