Title: AWGA%20Junior%20Girls
1AWGA Junior GirlsState TournamentJuly 8 and
9, 2008Hot Springs Country ClubMajestic
CourseNorma Hartney, Chairwoman
2Banquet Tuesday, July 8, 2008 6 p.m. Ballroom
of Hot Springs Country Club
3Medalist Trophy Taylor Fisher lowest score after
first day of play 72 even par Marilyn
Lenggenhager presenting trophy and medal.
DUMAS TEAM TROPHY for lowest score by two
players from the same home course Blessings
Country Club Anna Grace Lavy and Olivia Lavy
4Nine Hole Division 4th place Katy Burris
Nine Hole Division 5th place Hannah Baakalekas
Nine Hole Division 3rd place Kirsten Garner
5Nine Hole Division 2nd place Taylor Loeb
Nine Hole Division 1st place Stephanie Leake
6Nine Hole Division - Winners
718 Holes 1st Flight 2nd place Shelby
Daniels (sorry for poor quality)
18 Holes 1st Flight 1st place Katy Stracener
18 Holes 1st Flight 3rd place Candice Catlett
(not pictured)
8Championship Flight 2nd place Summar Roachell
Championship Flight 3rd place Olivia Lavy
9Championship Flight 1st place Taylor Fisher Shot
a 72 71 For a two day total of 143 Norma
Hartney presenting the Championship Trophy
10Championship Flight Winners
11Final Scores 2008 AWGA Jr Girls TournamentHot
Springs Country ClubJuly 8 9, 2008
- 18 Holes
- Championship Flight
- Fisher, Taylor 72 71 143
- Roachell, Summar 76 72 148
- Lavy, Olivia 81 78 159 Eagle on 12
- Burris, Courtney 85 83 168
- Bowen, Amy 87 83 170
- Croom, Libby 87 85 172
- Webb, Katie 86 87 173
- Tefteller, Clara 85 93 178
- Lavy, Anna Grace 88 W/D -----
- 1st Flight
- Stracener, Katy 91 86 177
- Daniels, Shelby 90 88 178
- Catlett, Candice 91 91 182
- Parks, Lindsay 91 92 183
- Thrift, Christine 94 90 184
- Grubb, Grace 95 89 184